Most Overrated Classic/Acclaimed Movies


S'mores has a "'" in it. How's that for debate?

I'm not going to name any because someone started a thread like this in another forum that I chum around in and I called it the thread that would make me facepalm over and over again.

Plus, you can't properly call it overrated because that word I think implies that you are right and the acclaim is wrong
. The thread really should be about classic films that you don't get or don't resonate with you. I think it's kind of arrogant to claim that a highly acclaimed film is overrated.

Debate that!
I'm always right.

I rarely enjoy "critically acclaimed" movies. I almost always find the rip-off or imitation to be far better. I'll name just a few:

Citizen Kane
Gone With the Wind
Easy Rider
The Dark Knight
The Conversation
A Clockwork Orange
The Godfather

This is why I've seen so few of the movies listed on this site's movie lists. I'd sooner avoid a "classic" like Easy Rider than an unknown like Psych-Out, or The Godfather when I could watch House of Games.

So many ellipses, is butchering the written word a hobby of yours?

Anyway, So. Many. Facepalms.
I really think that you cannot come with some argument that prove that my post is wrong.You can just come with some wannabe smart know,my grammar on English suck,i write English language worse than any man in the world and when i speak that language it sound even more horrible,get used to it...but still my arguments are right,i pretty much explain them,and i am 100 percent sure that you cannot deny any of my arguments when i say my opinion about anything.

I really think that you cannot come with some argument that prove that my post is wrong.You can just come with some wannabe smart know,my grammar on English suck,i write English language worse than any man in the world and when i speak that language it sound even more horrible,get used to it...but still my arguments are right,i pretty much explain them,and i am 100 percent sure that you cannot deny any of my arguments when i say my opinion about anything.
I'm sorry, I was being cruel. Just making bad jokes.

I'm racking my brain to come up with a movie that fits in this thread. I'd say the closest for me is Psycho. The original one. I enjoy Hitchcock, but Psycho isn't one of my favorites. But I still understand the acclaim and think it's deserving. I just don't care for the film that much.

@ Kitsch You win!

How can anyone not like Psycho?????

Anyways, as for Star Wars, I can see the points people are making. I love Star Wars just for being the one that began the whole saga, but I do think its been surpassed by half of the other films in the series and it certainly doesn't hold up as well today as, say, Blade Runner or 2001.
"Puns are the highest form of literature." -Alfred Hitchcock

Space Odyssey is pure art...sci-fi movies without stupid action and ,,thats so awesome,, moments are very rare...every sci-fi movie should be like Space Odyssey...that is no movie for everyone,which do not give you the right to say those called that movie boring and stuff because other people say so,and because user that open this threat called movie Seventh Seal that you like with thous words...that is so childish...from your post i see that you do not have your own opinion about movies,and you cant recognize art...i don't think that about people that say that Space Odyssey is overrated or something,but about people that literally insult that masterpiece like you just did,just because user that open this threat like that movie.
Are you ******* high? I didn't degrade 2001, I found it odd he called well-regarded slow moving films boring when 2001 is one of the slowest films ever. For you to say I don't have my own opinions is foundationless and idiotic, you may as well never post in this thread again for being so stupid.

Fyi, I gave 2001 5/5

Space Odyssey is not a linear film, as that was Kubrick's intention. Space Odyssey is in a series of episodes or vignettes. Therefore you cannot badger the pacing/transition.
If that's the case, then aren't you inappropriately badgering the "repetition" of Rashomon, which is clearly how Kurosawa intended his film (subjective re-tellings of the same story)?

On the other hand, The Seventh Seal is portrayed as a linear film in accordance with the chess game but tries to link episodic events together. It doesn't work like that. You either have a linear film or a non-linear film. Bergman tries to do both, which is detrimental to the transition and pacing.
Why doesn't it work like that? Do you think there's ever a place for a frame narrative (or in the cases of The Seventh Seal and Rashomon, multiple frame narratives)? As a storytelling mode it's been around as long as literature.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I think about a dozen such threads...

Plus - I'm confused. 2001 IS a linear film. Every "vignette" directly relates to the following one.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

How can anyone not like Psycho?????
Isn't that the whole point of this thread?

I don't know, I just don't like it. Of course, I haven't seen it since I was about 15-years-old so maybe I just need to watch it again.

Well, i'm a total Hitchcock whore, so that may be why I find it so hard to believe anyone could dislike Psycho. But if its been several years since you last saw it, then yes, it's definitely worth a rewatch.

[quote=bouncingbrick;753393]I'm sorry, I was being cruel. Just making bad jokes.

Man,i was not offended,so i find this post really know,this is a threat about overrated movie,and talking about grammar is a serious off topic,so that why i sad that....just that,everything is cool....

I'm sorry, I was being cruel. Just making bad jokes.

I'm racking my brain to come up with a movie that fits in this thread. I'd say the closest for me is Psycho. The original one. I enjoy Hitchcock, but Psycho isn't one of my favorites. But I still understand the acclaim and think it's deserving. I just don't care for the film that much.

@ Kitsch You win!
Man,i was not offended,so i find this post really know,this is a threat about overrated movie,and talking about grammar is a serious off topic,so that why i sad that....just that,everything is cool....

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"Loves them? They need them, like they need the air."

Are you ******* high? I didn't degrade 2001, I found it odd he called well-regarded slow moving films boring when 2001 is one of the slowest films ever. For you to say I don't have my own opinions is foundationless and idiotic, you may as well never post in this thread again for being so stupid.

Fyi, I gave 2001 5/5
Yeah,but you could explain that without asking me am i high and calling me stupid,and i have a feeling that you cried while writing that post or you was very pissed off and frustrated...maybe,your parents should teach you how to communicate with other people that you don't know in time,now its too late...but,that is your personal culture,i don't care,your should also learn that someone that like one or few slow movies does not mean that he must find other slow movies cant compare space sci-fi with movie where a guy play chess and and seek answers about existence and stuff(i have not watch it,i think its like that)...just because someone like some movie that doesn't mean that he must like every movie with same characteristic,especially if it is just one lets say negative characteristic (slow plot) the same.

Yeah,but you could explain that without asking me am i high and calling me stupid,
I disagree.
and i have a feeling that you cried while writing that post or you was very pissed off and frustrated...maybe,your parents should teach you how to communicate with other people that you don't know in time,now its too late...but,that is your personal culture,i don't care,your problem...
ha..ha, no sorry I didn't cry, but it was understandably irritated as you clearly had no idea what you were talking about while in tandem assumed something about my character. Your grasp of the situation (and the English language) is insulting. Yes grammar is important, it's our communication, ideas are expressed through it.
you should also learn that someone that like one or few slow movies does not mean that he must find other slow movies cant compare space sci-fi with movie where a guy play chess and and seek answers about existence and stuff(i have not watch it,i think its like that)...just because someone like some movie that doesn't mean that he must like every movie with same characteristic,especially if it is just one lets say negative characteristic (slow plot) the same.
Genres don't define movies for one. Secondly, I didn't say he had to like every slow movie ever made. My point was that most of his reasons for disliking it are rather bizarre considering the obvious love for 2001, a film which, despite what you think (even though you haven't seen it, so I don't know why you're here), shares similarities with the ones he dislikes. It's called "double standard" and "misconstruing the time".

i disagree. Ha..ha, no sorry i didn't cry, but it was understandably irritated as you clearly had no idea what you were talking about while in tandem assumed something about my character. Your grasp of the situation (and the english language) is insulting. Yes grammar is important, it's our communication, ideas are expressed through it.
Genres don't define movies for one. Secondly, i didn't say he had to like every slow movie ever made. My point was that most of his reasons for disliking it are rather bizarre considering the obvious love for 2001, a film which, despite what you think (even though you haven't seen it, so i don't know why you're here), shares similarities with the ones he dislikes. It's called "double standard" and "misconstruing the time".

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You have How High in your top ten. Everything you say is therefore invalid.

(not to mention the fact that you haven't even seen any of the films mentioned in this thread lol)

Titanic. that was just a badly told and badly modernized Romeo and Juliet in a sinking boat.
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