The Hangover 2


This type of good comedy should be made more frequently . I expect more in 2010.

Yeah. I agree. They should make more of this type of comedy.

Just finished watching it tonight...again! I even found it funnier this time, don't even know why, but I did. I hope they don't censor the 2nd, for the kiddies to watch and a bigger market! That will just put people off side.

Sorry Harmonica.......I got to stay here.
I would watch another in this series unconditionally; actually only 1 condition: that Zach Galifianakis must trip over a chicken in every future movie.
Under-the-radar Movie Awesomeness.

I actually found the scenes between Stu & his bitchy girlfriend to be hilarious, among many others. And the reference to her beating him up and so forth...priceless.

Disclaimer: I do not promote any sought of violence upon their significant other, but it's a comedy,'s a comedy.

That's the risk though, if they can outshine the first one. This better be good.

That's the risk though, if they can outshine the first one. This better be good.
That's always the risk, though with a good script and retaining the actors (who believe in the project) it should go well.

this is really too good news and now I m excited what the story will be this time...Hangover was damn good...

I really liked this movie, i can wait to see the second movie next year

they should all go on a lads holiday abroad or there girl friends all go away and leave them to have party at home i dunno

lol I actually have guy friends who watched the hangover in theatre 4 times! If the 2nd one is in 3D, can you just imagine the drunken 3D beer goggle effect?!!

Definitely a must see imo.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Mel Gibson will no loner have a cameo in the film.

That sucks. Apparently some cast and crew had objections to it. I think there was a bit in the new with Galifianakis mentioning something about being upset with having to work with some people, whom he did not name.

Weird to me, I would have loved to see Gibson in the film. Let's not forget that Tyson is no angel, the man has been convicted of rape for crying out loud.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I am so sick and tired of Mel Gibson hate. Kudos to Jodie Foster for putting in a good word for him -- I read something where she was happy for his involvement with The Hangover 2.

Oh, well. I NEVER understood all the Hangover love anyway. It wasn't that funny. Frankly, I'm disappointed in people for giving it mad props. It's terribly overrated.

Just another reviewer
I'm not looking forward for this movie. 3-D? I mean come on, amiright? The first one was not that great. A stoner movie at best. Not that funny, and totally over hyped. The only person I liked was zach galifianakis, mostly his acting in Tim & Eric.

Heres a link to the story about Mel Gibson being kicked out of The Hangover 2.

Here is what Zack said about it:
“But a movie you’re acting in, you don’t have a lot of control — you just show up and vomit your lines out. I’m not the boss. I’m in a deep protest right now with a movie I’m working on, up in arms about something. But I can’t get the guys to [listen] … I’m not making any leeway.” Galifianakis cut Aukerman off with an abrupt warning sound as the host began to mention the film’s title, but after Aukerman pressed, “I know you’re filming The Hhhhhhhh … ” Galifianakis admitted, “It has something to do with a movie I’m working on, yeah. I’ll tell you about it later. It’s very frustrating.”
More on that later...

King of Couch Potatoes
I'll definitely watch a sequel. I'm just not entirely sure about this. I'm just wondering where they'll go with this. These types of movies don't really lend well to sequels. But I do like Phillips, so I'll be eager to see what he has up his sleeve.