What was the last movie you saw at the theaters?


The Last Exorcism is the last movie i have watched in theater. Its a horror movie and i enjoyed pretty much watching this movie.

Just saw The Expendables! Great film!
same here

inception, and it ws great.

The last Airbender
I'm quite pleased with this movie I liked the series a lot!!!
one cannot live without the other...
Ive tried and realized, theres something about you, something about your ways.... mwah


Inception...was AWESOME-O

People Need To Re-Read **** Twice on Here
pirahanas 3d., stupid me had really high expectations for it. and i was dis-appointed. it was good though.

"There's No F***ing Ice Cream In Your F***ing Future"

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Went to see the Other Guys today. Will Ferrell & Mark Wahlberg were hilarious and so was Michael Keaton as Captain Gene.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

Inception for the second time. I loved it.

im most likely finally seeing The Aviator later today. so i was wondering what was the last movie you all saw in the movie Theater. before this it was Coach Carter
WOW honestly I cant even remember the last time I went to the theater, thats pretty bad huh? i watch all my movies for free online or using my moms netflix password lol