Batman vs Superman, who should win??


Batman vs Superman, who should win??
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They are the 2 biggest DC superheroes, if not the biggest. They both have multiple TV shows and movies. So now that the Batman vs Superman movie is coming out, who do you think should win?

I say Batman, hes cooler, his first two movies were better, his animated TV show is better, and i think hes smart enough to beat superman in a fight, just give him time.
"Who comes at 12:00 on a Sunday night to rent Butch Cassady and the Sundance Kid?"
-Hollywood Video rental guy to me

Dude, there's a whole thread devoted to this movie and subject: HERE. I'm sure you know this, as you've got four replies there. So what's this thread for exactly? An excuse for a poll?
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

The Future Ed Wood
unless he gets hold of some kryptonite?
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The Future Ed Wood
yes but would he be willing to sacrifice human life. i believe you its just that im trying to get a good disscusion going. they will obviously end up as friends at the end though

The Future Ed Wood
well since i have no money i cant. so tell us how he holds his own

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Superman would pound Batman into paste. He's SUPERman, not slightly-better-than-average-man...
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson

Originally posted by Monkeypunch
Superman would pound Batman into paste. He's SUPERman, not slightly-better-than-average-man...

couldn't put it better myself mate
Behold Their Coming Back

Superman winZz.

Superman, even though Batman is probably cooler, Superman would just have to freeze his butt with his breath and than break him into 100 pieces OR he could burn him with his laser eyes, the possilities are endless, Batman is just too human and has no real "powers" to beat Superman or Clark Kent.

Yeah, Batman is weak compared to Superman. It's kind of stupid that their even making a movie out of such a ridiculous story line!!!
I spent eight years trying to reach him, and another seven trying to keep him locked, because I knew that was living behind that boy's eyes was purly and simply evil.

-Dr. Loomis- Halloween

Originally posted by Holden Pike
Dude, there's a whole thread devoted to this movie and subject: HERE. I'm sure you know this, as you've got four replies there. So what's this thread for exactly? An excuse for a poll?

Batman would use Reagan's Star Wars defense system by modifying the frequency of the lasers to the same frequency of kryptonite and blast Supes from all angles with Krypto-rays. He'd be too weak to fly out of orbit or throw anything at the satellites. Then he would kick his lily white arse.

Or else since he's rich he would use his own satellites.

Originally posted by sunfrog
Batman would use Reagan's Star Wars defense system by modifying the frequency of the lasers to the same frequency of kryptonite and blast Supes from all angles with Krypto-rays. He'd be too weak to fly out of orbit or throw anything at the satellites. Then he would kick his lily white arse.

Or else since he's rich he would use his own satellites.
yes he would, superman has nothing like that. You see theres so many ways batman could beat him, while superman, would think of nothing but beating batman up, which of course batman could get by.