Walking Out


vondummpenstein's Avatar
The Fungus Among Us
Are you a movie viewer who can walk out on a film? Do you possess the power to just turn off the DVD and stop the suckage?

I will tell you this about myself. Like everyone here I watch an absolute truckload of movies and I watch them all the time. This of course means that I watch a lot of bad movies. In fact because I tend to watch movies that I am in the mood for, I often pass up on a movie I have heard is, or believe will be good because I'm not at that time feeling like I can really invest myself. In those moods I can make it through the worst of the worst. It is the movies which hold a very pretentious air that want me to invest myself that I have trouble finishing.

For me it is the same with a book. Granted a book already requires a greater investment of time and usually thought, so already books put themselves at a disadvantage for my tastes. I have on several occasions stopped reading a book which was great for the first 350 pages. And maybe only 100 pages remain, but for me when it goes south there is no redemption.

I know many people that do not have the ability to stop the pain. They think oh maybe it will get better or I've made it this far, stopping now would only make it a bigger waste of time. I am not one of these people.

I have the power to stop the suckage. Where do you stand?

I have the suckage to crank the power. I even like STYX.
“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

Is film and literature not about enjoyment and entertainment? If this is missing then sheer rationality would prompt you to question... "Why am I still watching this"… Dear lord Vondummpenstein you speak gospel when you say that there’s a lot of wank films out there, so the secret power is actually in the selection process. Like you said, having an understanding of what you are in the mood for at that particular time is of grave significance as there’s little chance a movie about pretty American teenagers being carved up will hold my attention if I woke up that morning craving a documentary about Russian Art history and vice versa... I mean in all fairness you just know some films are going to be shite. I feel that I’m very astute to my tastes but the killer is the middle of the road ones, or the overly hyped ones. They hurt the most as it’s almost betrayal when they turn out painful because you taken that risk, you stood by your man and they went and cheated on you with a cheap tramp. And if you didn’t get that, that’s because I used a metaphor… but hey life is about risks...

I on the other hand am massively anal and OCD about films or books I have started. If I start, I finish. I don’t really know why this is. I think sucker is the wrong word as opposed to maybe psychotic. There’s normally something I can fixate on that will get me through it (e.g. Christian Bale in rubber *grin* when I go see TDK in a few hours), or I tend to occupy my self if it’s that bad and shave my legs or something while watching it…. Another strategy is little bits over a long time. It took me nearly a fortnight to watch Laurence of Arabia. But the point is I watched it so I feel empowered enough to say with heart and balls to all you guys that I hated that film, and you know why I’m allowed to say that… Because I sat through and watched the whole f***g thing. I remember watching Be Cool and the DVD froze about 15 mins before the end. I was simply enraged. I had to go rent the film the next day just to finish it off. The crazy thing being I hated that movie, no really it sucked big time. But in a kooky kind of way I enjoyed not likening it as it made me rant for several days about the death of Uma Thurman and how fat John Travolta is. The reality is at the end of the day it doesn’t matter, its all just light and colours.

I have been at the cinema and had people walk out of a film which I always find bemusing. The best one was at the showing of the Velvet Goldmine with a very young Batman Bale. The disgruntled movie goer stood up and took it upon himself to declare "you're all a bunch of queers if you stay and watch this crap"... LOL this made the movie for me, I love it now even though I hate it.

If I started, I try to finish. If it's really boring, I cheat and skip to the end.

I stop the suckage. Immediately. I have books/movies I bought that I have never watched. Because, well...they ended up sucking!

That said, I can read the back of a book - any novel, in about 15 minutes, and tell you the entire story. My family hates it, because I do it with the books they are reading, and in 15 minutes can hold an intelligent conversation about the details of the storyline.

Its starting to the be the same way with the first 15 minutes of most movies. They wont even let me guess the storyline anymore, because I'm bullseye at this point. It getting to where I can even guess what will be said next and say it before the actors.

Imagine how boring movies have become for me.

If only I was a betting woman.
something witty goes here......

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I cant ever stop watching films even dvds! I find if you pause/stop a film you loose being in the film(if you get me) There has been one occasion when I walked out of a film it was at or local cinema me my g-friend (who is my wife now) was very drunk and couldnt get what was going on in Evolution so we left stumbelling all the way to the bar in the next building, what a waste of cash!
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
I rarely walk out but I do stop DVD's all the time. I just stopped Rubberface. Ugh.

It was interesting to see Jim Carey when he was so young, that's about all we found interesting in the movie though.

Welcome to the human race...
Is film and literature not about enjoyment and entertainment? If this is missing then sheer rationality would prompt you to question... "Why am I still watching this"… Dear lord Vondummpenstein you speak gospel when you say that there’s a lot of wank films out there, so the secret power is actually in the selection process. Like you said, having an understanding of what you are in the mood for at that particular time is of grave significance as there’s little chance a movie about pretty American teenagers being carved up will hold my attention if I woke up that morning craving a documentary about Russian Art history and vice versa... I mean in all fairness you just know some films are going to be shite. I feel that I’m very astute to my tastes but the killer is the middle of the road ones, or the overly hyped ones. They hurt the most as it’s almost betrayal when they turn out painful because you taken that risk, you stood by your man and they went and cheated on you with a cheap tramp. And if you didn’t get that, that’s because I used a metaphor… but hey life is about risks...
I pretty much concur with this. I'm very specific about what I watch, and know not to try anything that I know I won't have a good chance of liking. As a result, I very rarely get let down by a movie - I think the last movie I was seriously let down by was King of New York, and that was about six months ago.

Also, I never walk out and I almost never stop watching DVDs.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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king_of_movies_316's Avatar
The King of Movies
I just can't walk out on a movie or DVD. I don't go to the cinimas by myself so it doesnt make sense leaving my friends there at the cinema.

With DVDs im like..."well since i have gotten this far it will be even more of a waste if i stop". I wasted like 2 hours with that theory the other day with the movie IT.

I never walk out of a film I have paid to see. Ever. Even if it was Norbit.

DVDs however I will stop if it's uber boring.
I don't have a DVD player, so stopping and/or walking away from a DVD is moot for me.

However, my friend and I walked out in the middle of the RCMH screening of the movie/musical, 1776. It was that boring..and awful, to both of us.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
You keep saying that. That's the best movie about the Revolutionary War that I know of. I'm sorry if it was so bad that you have no desire to find out what you missed. You can always come over to my house and watch it if you like. After all, it is a musucal!
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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The People's Republic of Clogher
The glib answer would be to say "No, I'm too tight" because I don't think I've ever walked out of a movie.

I have, however, walked out on a fair few plays...

Maybe it's because there's not a bar in the foyer of my local cinema?
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Brigette Snaps's Avatar
Fighting the curse
I've never walked out of a movie at the theatre simply due to the money it takes for a ticket and the gas to drive there.

If it's a movie I own, well, I own it for a reason so I already know whether or not I like it.

If it's a rental or just something on TV, I have no qualms about changing the channel/watching something else.

I am burdened with glorious purpose
I have this thing about walking out on a movie. I just won't do it. The closest I ever came was Death Wish (boy, was that a long time ago!). It had the grossest opening scene ever and I was a little teenager at the time... I did stick it out.

Even at home, I want to make it all the way through. Hannibal comes to mind as something I just couldn't take one more minute of. God, that was torture.

I majored in Film (and Media) in college the first time around and English/literature the second time. Since I was studying literature, I had to read so many things that I couldn't give up on, and I'm so glad I did. I would have missed some amazing books and stories! But lately, I can't get through a few books I've started reading. They haven't grabbed me. I think it's just the mood I'm in (summer vacation -- I'm a teacher. maybe I'm just bored lol)

I'm much pickier about books than films. I like to be wowed.

I am half agony, half hope.
I left The Bodyguard. I've seen it since, and it doesn't bother me, but when I first watched it, it was too ridiculous to sit through.
If God had wanted me otherwise, He would have created me otherwise.

Johann von Goethe