What was the last movie you saw at the theaters?


Fantastic 4

Funny I watched first the Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer before that
Great Movie! the last movie I saw was I now pronounce you chuck and larry..Saw it at the theater this weekend and OMG was it a riot!

A system of cells interlinked


I liked it to an extent, but I've seen it before when it was called....



So, why did you go see it at all? You knew the premise going in, right? Also, what is this slew of other films you are referring to? There isn't a whole ton of films that follow this formula. At least not any of exceptional quality... NO film takes the angle that Sunshine does, tackling the philosophical questions it does in the way that it does. Also, who cares if the story has been told (which it hasn't, btw). I mean, why not just read The Odyssey over and over again?

The idea that a story can only be told once is silly, and is no argument on the quality of anything, as far as I am concerned.

Meanwhile, I don't buy the idea that the sci-fi genre has a ton of films that follow this model. Please, list this tremendous list we are inundated with.

Let's see what i can come up with...

Armageddon - This is the film that most closely fits what you are talking about, but it's TERRIBLE, poorly directed, poorly written garbage, so it has absolutely no bearing on whether of not Sunshine is a good film. Well, except that Sunshine is the antithesis of 'geddon, in that it does everything right, while 'geddon does everything wrong. No comparison.

Alien series? Nope - No saving the earth here.
Star Wars? Nope, it's fantasy anyway, not science fiction, and Earth doesn't exist.
Contact? Nope
12 Monkeys? Nope
Blade Runner? Nope
Star Trek? The fourth film sort of fits the bill, but alas, Star Trek isn't true science fiction, it's fantasy, and is nothing like Sunshine.
2001:A Space Odyssey? Nope
Solaris? Nope

The Fifth Element - Sort of fits the bill, with a BIG stretch, and, again, plays NOTHING like Sunshine. Love the flick, tho!

OK, I just ran this concept by a couple people at work and we brainstormed for a while to get another title:

Deep Impact - This fits the concept, but its quality is not anywhere near Sunshine, IMO.

So, I can't think of many films like Sunshine, and I can't think of ANY that come close in quality.

IMO, Sunshine is one of the best true science-fiction films to come out in recent years. Bravo!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

i just saw rescue dawn, it was pretty good any others who saw it?

The Simpsons. Fantastic. Before that, Live Free or Die Hard.

Both films give me hope for humanity.

Sci-Fi-Guy's Avatar
Beware The Probe!
I don't want to get into a debate over this movie here (this isn't even the right section for it), you seemed to really like it more than I did but I was only stating my own opinion on the flick.
But since you asked...

So, why did you go see it at all? You knew the premise going in, right?
I still enjoyed it but from the reviews I was expecting better.
I actually really like alot of those straight-to DVD sci-fi movies no one ever hears of as well as those Sc-Fi channel movie-of-the-week ones but I do know they are by no means great movies.
It doesn't stop me from renting them and enjoying them somewhat (I mean, seriously... Armegeddon is one of my top 10 favorite movies ).

Meanwhile, I don't buy the idea that the sci-fi genre has a ton of films that follow this model. Please, list this tremendous list we are inundated with.

Let's see what i can come up with...

Armageddon - This is the film that most closely fits what you are talking about, but it's TERRIBLE, poorly directed, poorly written garbage, so it has absolutely no bearing on whether of not Sunshine is a good film. Well, except that Sunshine is the antithesis of 'geddon, in that it does everything right, while 'geddon does everything wrong. No comparison.

Alien series? Nope - No saving the earth here.
Star Wars? Nope, it's fantasy anyway, not science fiction, and Earth doesn't exist.
Contact? Nope
12 Monkeys? Nope
Blade Runner? Nope
Star Trek? The fourth film sort of fits the bill, but alas, Star Trek isn't true science fiction, it's fantasy, and is nothing like Sunshine.
2001:A Space Odyssey? Nope
Solaris? Nope

The Fifth Element - Sort of fits the bill, with a BIG stretch, and, again, plays NOTHING like Sunshine. Love the flick, tho!

Deep Impact - This fits the concept, but its quality is not anywhere near Sunshine, IMO. .

I'd even rank Disney's Black Hole and 2001 in there as movies I was reminded of.
Most people I've heard talk about the movie have likened it to Event Horizon, Mission to Mars, or The Core.

The story is obviously different than other movies of this type, I only meant that it reminded me of alot of other movies in it's predictable style of plot:
- They need to save the world
- They set out on a long space mission
- Complications arise and people die
- More complications arise and more people die
- The world is - or isn't saved

I really have no problem with this style of sci-fi formula and I'll still watch other movies that I know fall into that category.
From the raving positive reviews I was just hoping Sunshine was going to be different is all.
I would have watched it on DVD had I known.

IMO, Sunshine is one of the best true science-fiction films to come out in recent years. Bravo!
My only problems here is they didn't explain why a middle-aged star with 5 billion years of life left suddenly started to burn out in the next half a century.

Being a sci-fi freak, I'm even willing to accept their vague explaination of the cascading effect their 'solar-cure' would have to jumpstart the sun and how we convienently came up with such improbable technology when we needed it most in the next 40 years.

Also, since they were trying to be realistic in their scientific approach here... where the hell did they get artificial gravity?
The ship should have at least had rotating sections to explain this I think. It would have brought more realism to the whole thing.

WARNING: "Sunshine plot details" spoilers below
I was also wondering why, when Capa found the mutant intruder who slashes at him with a scalpal, he didn't alert the others about his presence.
He just ran and let solar-man go on a slasher-movie rampage.
Was there not a comm system set up on this ship? Shouldn't he have been able to call out a general intruder alert to the others?

I also didn't get why Searl just went off to flame himself right after opening the airlock for the others.
Didn't they say there was a lifetime supply of food and air from the garden? The mutant survived for 7 years there.
They just didn't have fuel.
I mean he didn't even have time to get bored to death here, he just went straight to the sun-room and flamed himself on purpose.

The ending felt like a cop-out to me but I'm hoping the DVD might have an alternate ending of some kind.
Maybe even some deleted scenes explaining some of the inconsistancies I've mentioned.
Fear the Probe!

theater: No Reservations
dvd: Unhitched

i saw the simpsons movie.... i couldnt miss it ! and it was a great moment !!

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i want to see that

but i wait to see it with my sister and two cousins

A system of cells interlinked
WARNING: "Sunshine plot details" spoilers below
I was also wondering why, when Capa found the mutant intruder who slashes at him with a scalpal, he didn't alert the others about his presence.
He just ran and let solar-man go on a slasher-movie rampage.
Was there not a comm system set up on this ship? Shouldn't he have been able to call out a general intruder alert to the others?

I also didn't get why Searl just went off to flame himself right after opening the airlock for the others.
Didn't they say there was a lifetime supply of food and air from the garden? The mutant survived for 7 years there.
They just didn't have fuel.
I mean he didn't even have time to get bored to death here, he just went straight to the sun-room and flamed himself on purpose.

The ending felt like a cop-out to me but I'm hoping the DVD might have an alternate ending of some kind.
Maybe even some deleted scenes explaining some of the inconsistancies I've mentioned.
Saw it again yesterday, still love it, even more so now. I will address some of these issues you listed above:

WARNING: "Sunshine" spoilers below
1 - Capa couldn't alert the others until he obtained some sort of communication device. The crew was outfitted with dog tags that had a small head-set/microphone attached to them. You see these in use a few times throughout the film. When Capa is attacked, the scalpel slices the lanyard around Capa's neck and the thing hits the floor. He is cut off from contacting the rest of the crew until Mace attempts to contact him in the airlock using the hard-wired comm-set in the space suit. No flaw there.

An aside about the "slasher movie rampage." Although the sequence is lit and shot very much like a slasher film, there is really no rampage to speak of. He kills exactly one crew member. He cuts Capa when he is discovered, kills Corazon in the oxygen garden, unloads the mainframe from the coolant, and then attempts to go after Cassie when she stumbles upon his location, but she escapes. Over the top? Maybe a little, but Boyle pulled it off, sort of like Raimi pulling off an Evil Dead chain-saw sequence in Spiderman II.

RE: Searle (love the name with SEAR in it) - Why did he immolate himself? Remember the scene where Kaneda is stuck on the shield, with a wave of fire coming at him.

"Kaneda...what do you see??? What do you see???" - Searle

Searle slowly becomes obsessed with the observation room and being enveloped in the light as the film progresses. He explains the allure at the beginning of the film, and you see clues to his growing addiction with chapped lips and peeling skin appearing as the story goes along. I Searle represents some of the deeper philosophy in the film, which is also discussed by Pinbacker when Capa discovers him.

"There will come a moment in time, when there will be only one man, one man, alone with God. Am I that man?"

Searle wanted to see God. He wanted to see beyond. Also, he couldn't have stayed on the Icarus 1 and survived...

"We have had a major event. We are floating free from Icarus one, I repeat, we are floating free. The airlock has been totally destroyed. Wait...****, You have a hull breach, you are venting atmosphere!"

The Icarus 1 was slowly venting, and would have become inhabitable after a few hours. Otherwise the decision about who got the last suit wouldn't have mattered, really. No flaw there. I love this chain of events, and the underlying development in the character of Searle. Great stuff.

On your last point, about the ending. I absolutely love this ending. Ambiguous, inspiring, and haunting. A wonderful show of restraint. Going beyond...touching God...

The film sends chills down my spine just thinking about it.

Also, you list a loose formula about "save the earth films" but then show cover shots of a bunch of films that don't fit the formula. Solaris, Event Horizon, 2001, Silent Running... None of these films are save the earth films. I see similarities in some ways, but that original point I listed in my last post still stands. The Core is a save the Earth film, but they don't go out into space, which is what I thought your complaint was. Red Planet? That one is right out. I saw that as more of a "Our silly Johnny Five dog-bot went nutty, quick call the girl from Deadly Friend!"

I mean sure, the film isn't entirely original in it's trappings, but, really, nothing new under the sun these days...

I think it was Sight and Sound that nailed the review of Sunshine, it's the third act of a an Apocalypse film, almost a revionist piece. It's got the trapping but uses them differently and, obviously, in the end no-one even knows if they've succeeded in their mission. That's not to mention the wonderful blend of the awe of space, in the cinematography and Searle's marvellous character development, along with bold moves not to make any big spectacle other than the necessary, yet still is more than any CGI-fest. Did you expect it to turn to a slasher midway through? I didn't and thought it was a great touch, mixing Alien with 2001. And of course, Pinnbacker brings the a whole interesting philosophy of being the last man alone with God. As for your gripes especially about Searle, i thought his decision was one of the best moments in the film.

I can understand why you were underwhelmed by it, i was also to an extent. It wasn't the obvious art film or make any massively original moves but i found it's strength lied in the subtleness, not drawing attention to what makes it different but let it play in it's own diegesis.

Sci-Fi-Guy's Avatar
Beware The Probe!
Saw the new Harry Potter flick the other day.
Firstly, let me say I had never seen a Potter movie up till about 6-8 months ago when I rented them all to watch in a row.
A friend of mine guarenteed I'd like them so I did what she suggested.
They were awesome. I couldn't believe I never saw them before (thought they'd be Kiddie movies).

Since then I've been waithing for the newest one to come out and well...
Wasn't really worth the wait.
It was...OK. Just dragged out and not near as much action as previous ones had.
Maybe the next one will be better?

I ain't gettin' in no fryer!
I caught a double feature at the drive-in a couple weekends ago. Saw License to Wed and Harry Potter. Wanted to stay and watch Die Hard, but I was falling asleep, so I opted out, but I'm going to go watch it tomorrow night.
"I was walking down the street with my friend and he said, "I hear music", as if there is any other way you can take it in. You're not special, that's how I receive it too. I tried to taste it but it did not work." - Mitch Hedberg

last movie i saw was harry potter, next will be the bourne ultimatum when i get time!
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