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Along Came Polly


Ben Stiller, Jennifer Aniston, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Debra Messing View All


John Hamburg (Director), John Hamburg (Writer) View All

Release: Jan. 16th, 2004
Runtime: 1 hour, 30 minutes
Reuben Feffer is a guy who's spent his entire life playing it safe. Polly Prince is irresistible as a free-spirit who lives for the thrill of the moment. When these two comically mismatched souls collide, Reuben's world is turned upside down, as he makes an uproarious attempt to change his life from middle-of-the-road to totally-out-there.
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Oscar-nominated producer, screenwriter, production and costume designer Polly Platt has died. She was seventy-two, succumbing to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, better known as Lou Gehrig's Disease...

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Reviewed by

In a role that appears to have been written for Jack Black, Hoffman garners big belly laughs every time he appears on the screen, from a rehearsal for "Jesus Christ Superstar" to a silly two on two basketball game, to a last minute substitution for Rueben at a very important business meeting, Hoffma....
