
Movie Forums Member
HI all,

So anyone wanna see the new batsuit??.
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Movie Forums Member
HI all,

We've seen the suit, now "marvel" the new batcycle.....
Click image for larger version

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ID:	5820   Click image for larger version

Name:	batpod1.jpg
Views:	251
Size:	18.3 KB
ID:	5821  

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Don't know what to think about the bike......
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Someone needs their fill.
Thanks to, Cillian Murphy will reprise his role as the Scarecrow in the upcoming Batman Begins 2 aka The Dark Knight. It should be interesting having the Joker and Scarecrow in the same film.
This is one of the things that I've been looking forward to the "new" Batman franchise. The ability to bring back the Batman villians because their characters, in any form, are extremely well known.

As for the bike, yeah, I agree with how we all criticized the Batmobile and it carried well through the film. Are there guns on the front AND the back?

A system of cells interlinked
Cool stuff. Looking forward to this.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Hmmm, I saw Heath Ledger's version of Joker and I admit, I can't identify Heath Ledger playing that role.

Hmmm, I saw Heath Ledger's version of Joker and I admit, I can't identify Heath Ledger playing that role.

I'm sure we're all in good hands. I have to believe that Christopher Nolan would not cast Heath Ledger if he felt wasn't capable of portraying a good Joker. I'm no Heath Ledger fan at all, but I must admit that the man deserved all the praise he got for Brokeback Mountain...the film that showed him he had some decent acting skills.

And if my main man Christian Bale is already saying that Heath's done an "amazing and crazy" job with The Joker, then i'm sure we'll be ok.

In regards to Ledger and the other pretty boy all I can say is we'll have to wait and see. We have all had actors suprise us in the past. Jim Carry with his roles in Truman, and Majestic. Tom Hanks in Philidelphia, which I believe was his first movie that wasn't a comedy. Heck, even Will Smith in the Fresh Prince. Everyone thought it would be a joke, but the show is still in syndication, and launched a decent movie carreer for him.

I do like the 'reboot' of the series more than the old movies. I don't think you can really compete with the first Batman. It was before the comic book movie craze hit which made it original. It was also the darkest of the movies which appeals to me much more than Arnold in a Mr. Freeze costume...god that was horrible.

I really liked the first movie of the new series, and as long as they keep the same 'feel' to it I'm sure the new installment will be just as enjoyable.

A system of cells interlinked
Agreed, to some extent, although I much prefer Batman Begins to the now extremely dated looking and misplayed Batman from '89. I think Ledger will do just fine. I notice you didn't mention Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind while listing Carrey's films. That is his best, by far, IMO.

I'm off topic though...

I am looking forward to The Dark Knight, and I think Nolan is more than capable of putting out a great sequel to an excellent first chapter. My only misgivings are for the cat playing Harvey Dent, because he stunk it up in The Black Dahlia...

Anthony Michael Hall to Play Riddler in The Dark Knight

According to the email, the biggest news right now in the world of
anthony michael hall

The Dark Knight, is that Anthony Michael Hall (if not reportedly heard) will be playing "a good guy named Mr. Edward Nygma." On the surface that doesn't mean a whole lot, but if you're at all familiar with the comics then you'll know that Edward Nygma is The Riddler. Could it be that Christopher Nolan is setting up a third film to feature both Two Face and The Riddler, just as Schumacher did for Batman Forever? If this info is correct, it would certainly appear that way.

It's also heard that the private detective Jason Bard also plays a role in the sequel, and that he's introduced when a drug addict (selling the same type of chemicals that gave Scarecrow his powers in Batman Begins) is apprehended (no word yet on who is playing Bard). Now this could go one of two ways -- either it means the Scarecrow himself will once again make an appearance, or the rumors that have suggested he is in the film are confusing the part with the drugs -- meaning Scarecrow is gone, but his chemical mix has stayed to wreak havoc on Gotham City. Interesting stuff; make with it what you will. The Dark Knight (currently filming in Chicago) is set to be released on July 18, 2008.

Source: Cinematical via Mofo Movie Central

Agreed, to some extent, although I much prefer Batman Begins to the now extremely dated looking and misplayed Batman from '89. I think Ledger will do just fine. I notice you didn't mention Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind while listing Carrey's films. That is his best, by far, IMO.

I'm off topic though...

I am looking forward to The Dark Knight, and I think Nolan is more than capable of putting out a great sequel to an excellent first chapter. My only misgivings are for the cat playing Harvey Dent, because he stunk it up in The Black Dahlia...

Agreed, to full extent. I think imagine will blow Nicholson's performance away, specially if his Joker takes place in Nolan's world. I'll never understand how anybody can prefer the previous Batman films over Nolan's vision. But then, to quote the tag line of Blue's a strange world.

Anyways, I would have went with Liev Schreiber as Harvey Dent since he's shown in the past that he is more than exceptional when it comes to playing morally ambiguous characters. Believe it or not, i've never actually seen this Aaron Eckhart 'cat' in a film before. I don't even think i've ever heard him speak. I do know that he turned down the role of Leonard Shelby before, though...

Someone needs their fill.
Could it be that Christopher Nolan is setting up a third film to feature both Two Face and The Riddler, just as Schumacher did for Batman Forever? If this info is correct, it would certainly appear that way.
Certainly hope not, but this is big news indeed!

What I would've hoped for the third film, and for those comic readers out there you should know what I'm talking about, have the third film set up as the "Trial of the Joker."

Registered User
I am interested in seeing how this casting thing will work out.