The Baker's Dozen Movie Game Thread


13 Favorite Films of 1983

1. Return of the Jedi
2. The Dead Zone
3. Flashdance
4. Monty Python's Meaning of Life
5. Terms of Endearment
6. The King of Comedy
7. The Right Stuff
8. The Man with Two Brains
9. Fanny & Alexander

"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

13 Favorite Films of 1983

1. Return of the Jedi
2. The Dead Zone
3. Flashdance
4. Monty Python's Meaning of Life
5. Terms of Endearment
6. The King of Comedy
7. The Right Stuff
8. The Man with Two Brains
9. Fanny & Alexander
10. the big chill
John Bender: Well, Brian, this is a very nutritious lunch. All the food groups are represented. Did your mom marry Mr. Rogers?
Brian Johnson: Uh, no. Mr. Johnson.

-The Breakfast Club

13 Favorite Films of 1983

1. Return of the Jedi
2. The Dead Zone
3. Flashdance
4. Monty Python's Meaning of Life
5. Terms of Endearment
6. The King of Comedy
7. The Right Stuff
8. The Man with Two Brains
9. Fanny & Alexander
10. The Big Chill
11. Krull
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Welcome to the human race...
13 Favorite Films of 1983

1. Return of the Jedi
2. The Dead Zone
3. Flashdance
4. Monty Python's Meaning of Life
5. Terms of Endearment
6. The King of Comedy
7. The Right Stuff
8. The Man with Two Brains
9. Fanny & Alexander
10. The Big Chill
11. Krull
12. Scarface
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

13 Favourite Films of 1983

1. Return of the Jedi
2. The Dead Zone
3. Flashdance
4. Monty Python's Meaning of Life
5. Terms of Endearment
6. The King of Comedy
7. The Right Stuff
8. The Man with Two Brains
9. Fanny & Alexander
10. The Big Chill
11. Krull
12. Scarface
13. Christine

13 Favourite films from 1984

1. Ghostbusters

13 Favourite films from 1984

1. Ghostbusters
2. Gremlins

13 Favourite films from 1984
1. Ghostbusters
2. Gremlins
3. A Nightmare on Elm St.
4. Footloose

13 Favourite films from 1984
1. Ghostbusters
2. Gremlins
3. A Nightmare on Elm St.
4. Footloose
5. Belvery Hills Cop
Vice, Virtue. It's best not to be too moral. You cheat yourself out of too much *life*. Aim above morality. If you apply that to life, then you're bound to live life fully.
-Ruth Gordon, Harold and Maude

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
13 Favourite films from 1984
1. Ghostbusters
2. Gremlins
3. A Nightmare on Elm St.
4. Footloose
5. Belvery Hills Cop
6. This is Spinal Tap
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

13 Favourite films from 1984

1. Ghostbusters
2. Gremlins
3. A Nightmare on Elm St.
4. Footloose
5. Belvery Hills Cop
6. This is Spinal Tap
7. Nineteen Eighty-Four

13 Favourite films from 1984

1. Ghostbusters
2. Gremlins
3. A Nightmare on Elm St.
4. Footloose
5. Belvery Hills Cop
6. This is Spinal Tap
7. Nineteen Eighty-Four
8. The Terminator
DVD Collection


28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
13 Favourite films from 1984

1. Ghostbusters
2. Gremlins
3. A Nightmare on Elm St.
4. Footloose
5. Belvery Hills Cop
6. This is Spinal Tap
7. Nineteen Eighty-Four
8. The Terminator

9. Amadeus

13 Favourite films from 1984

1. Ghostbusters
2. Gremlins
3. A Nightmare on Elm St.
4. Footloose
5. Belvery Hills Cop
6. This is Spinal Tap
7. Nineteen Eighty-Four
8. The Terminator
9. Amadeus
10. The Last Starfighter

13 Favourite films from 1984

1. Ghostbusters
2. Gremlins
3. A Nightmare on Elm St.
4. Footloose
5. Belvery Hills Cop
6. This is Spinal Tap
7. Nineteen Eighty-Four
8. The Terminator
9. Amadeus
10. The Last Starfighter
11. Sixteen Candles

“The gladdest moment in human life, methinks, is a departure into unknown lands.” – Sir Richard Burton

13 Favourite films from 1984

1. Ghostbusters
2. Gremlins
3. A Nightmare on Elm St.
4. Footloose
5. Beverly Hills Cop
6. This is Spinal Tap
7. Nineteen Eighty-Four
8. The Terminator
9. Amadeus
10. The Last Starfighter
11. Sixteen Candles
12. Tightrope

No, I was in the wrong damn year.

13 Favourite films from 1984

1. Ghostbusters
2. Gremlins
3. A Nightmare on Elm St.
4. Footloose
5. Beverly Hills Cop
6. This is Spinal Tap
7. Nineteen Eighty-Four
8. The Terminator
9. Amadeus
10. The Last Starfighter
11. Sixteen Candles
12. Tightrope
13. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom

13 Favourite films from 1985

1. The Goonies

13 Favourite films from 1985

1. The Goonies