War of the Worlds

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ZombIe=LoVeR's Avatar
Here's Johnny!
I guess it's between the people who appreciate the film for what it is, and those who destroy it for themselves with their nitpicking and uber-analysing

1) Use your imagination as to how things occur
2) I really HATE people who didnt like the ending - there was no other option, and by cutting it out we have no definititive ending what-so-ever

this film was great easily 4/5 can't wait til DVD

Only thing was the boy should have died, adding slightly more...darkness to the film and been more realistic (that was a BIG explosion)
"I realize that everyone is entitled to their opinion and they have every right to express it, but some people are just stupid."-- OG-

Movie Forums Member
While watching this film I considered two things. First were the comparisons made to independence day. Now independence day was a much better film for a few reasons. First is that it carried a plot involving more than one character, which allowed more viewers to relate. Another thing was that the main character in independence day. who was arguably Will Smith, is a less abnoxious, egcentric character in actuality (well at least at the time). The third major flaw in War of the Worlds were the aliens who just looked goofy, (I expected much more from Spielberg).

Anyways, the ending of the movie was what it was. It may have seemed stupid, but I thought that considering when the book was written (1898). Also there were some holes in the film, such as the aliens being underneath the ground where we live instead of the ocean, but consider that this book was way before its time. I guess Spielberg could have considered changing these, but I think that would have been much worse. I just think hollywood should stick away from these big budget remakes in the first place because they just piss people off every time in some way.

As for Tom Cruise being the main actor, well, it seems to me that Spielberg likes him and thats why he's there. I don't know who else could have heald the role in his place. I feel the role itself did exhibit some intolerable qualities that Tom Cruise represents perfectly . The movie itself had great action and was a lot of fun, it was exactly what Spielberg does, he makes big movies with big effects. I'd give this movie a B simply because it did lack some qualities I would have liked to see, but it did live up to my expectations.

ZombIe=LoVeR's Avatar
Here's Johnny!
Originally Posted by dolarhydecb
While watching this film I considered two things. First were the comparisons made to independence day. Now independence day was a much better film for a few reasons. If you're somewhat retarded First is that it carried a plot involving more than one character, which allowed more viewers to relate. Yeah this point is weird in that it doesn't need more than one main character, there are a few movies that follow one character. Another thing was that the main character in independence day. who was arguably Will Smith, is a less abnoxious, egcentric character in actuality (well at least at the time). Can we please not bring such irrelevant details into the judgement of a movie - i believe this is where your argument fails. Also the fact that you said Independence Day was better (I liked this cause its darker) The third major flaw in War of the Worlds were the aliens who just looked goofy, (I expected much more from Spielberg). Mmmm each to his own opinion, and really this is your only valid point, although my opinion opposes it

Anyways, the ending of the movie was what it was. It may have seemed stupid, but I thought that considering when the book was written (1898). I want someone to give me an ending that fits as well as this one, please, because I know that's impossible. Also there were some holes in the film, such as the aliens being underneath the ground where we live instead of the ocean, but consider that this book was way before its time. I guess Spielberg could have considered changing these, but I think that would have been much worse. I just think hollywood should stick away from these big budget remakes in the first place because they just piss people off every time in some way. Why, didn't piss me off in any way

As for Tom Cruise being the main actor, well, it seems to me that Spielberg likes him and thats why he's there. I don't know who else could have heald the role in his place. I feel the role itself did exhibit some intolerable qualities that Tom Cruise represents perfectly . The movie itself had great action and was a lot of fun, it was exactly what Spielberg does, he makes big movies with big effects. I'd give this movie a B simply because it did lack some qualities I would have liked to see, but it did live up to my expectations. That's cool
I respect everyone's opinion, but I am fed up with such stupid arguments, although in some cases you have a point. Someone said they thought it had a "over-polished budget" - whatever that means. I am just sick of the stupid arguments as to WHY it "sucks" not the fact that people don't like it.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Wow, "War of the War of the Worlds." I'm buyin' popcorn and sitting down right here. I give this thread 4/5 for gratuitous violence and unnecessary misuse of apostrophes.

Movie Forums Member
Originally Posted by ZombIe=LoVeR
I respect everyone's opinion, but I am fed up with such stupid arguments, although in some cases you have a point. Someone said they thought it had a "over-polished budget" - whatever that means. I am just sick of the stupid arguments as to WHY it "sucks" not the fact that people don't like it.
I didn't say it sucked, I said I liked it for what it was, no more no less. Also how is that a "stupid" argument, I was under the impression a stupid argument would be it sucked because... Maybe I'm wrong but, thanks for the insight.

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by ZombIe=LoVeR
I respect everyone's opinion, but I am fed up with such stupid arguments, although in some cases you have a point. Someone said they thought it had a "over-polished budget" - whatever that means. I am just sick of the stupid arguments as to WHY it "sucks" not the fact that people don't like it.
So, don't read them. I didn't see anything stupid about it. This site is for discussing film, which includes people's thoughts on why they did or didn't like a film. So please, if we shouldn't post our thoughts on why we didn't like od did like a film, just what CAN we post? I mean, should each post be strictly analytical wihtout any sort of bias at all? Now that would be stupid. Regardless, thanks for the great input on the film....

“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

chicagofrog's Avatar
history *is* moralizing
Originally Posted by Sedai
Or, one day you will wake up, learn about punctuation, and perhaps learn to spell Spielberg correctly
nonono Sedai, this kid was just getting names mixed up: a director and a movie's title...
We're a generation of men raised by women. I'm wondering if another woman is really the answer we need.

A system of cells interlinked
Oh hey Frog, where ya been? The new season of Battlestar is great so far...Can't wait until you see it, so I have someone to discuss it with!

Originally Posted by Ichiro51
Whoever defends the ending to this movie is a moron. The movie went over budget and the couldn't finish all the film the way they wanted it. I can't say that the plot wasn't good or the special effects weren't great, but Spielberg committed murder to H.G. Wells' great novel.
To correct my earlier post. I don't think that I explained my reasoning. The movie stayed very true to H.G. Wells ending, but the downfall of the Invaders took place in a total span of about 8 minutes. The bacteria killed the Aliens is both the book and movie, but the way it was told in the movie was terrible.

Yo She Bi*ch, lets go.
The below text contains many spoilers!!! Do not view if you have not seen the War of the Worlds movie or read the book!!

I liked this movie. For many reasons. One reason being the ending, most did not like the ending but I found it very logical, I cannot see any other way we could have gave the aliens a fair fight, you know the theory, if they can reach us, they can kill us. Their really wasn't any holes in the story ether. Some might ask, " How come the aliens did not die when they came to set the machines?" The answer is simple, They buried the machines far before such things as the cold virus came into existence, i'm not 100% sure of this, but I do know that the aliens are from mars in the book, and have been around at long enough to put the tripods in the ground before the cold virus and such things existed, so this would be a very logical point of view. I've read the books and their is some differences. One thing being that the aliens are from Mars which recent science has proved to be impossible, this is why they had to change the story around a bit in the movie, and another being that the aliens came in a cylinder shaped pod. I must agree with the first poster, the main thing keeping you at the edge of your seat trough out the entire movie is the special effects and action. The special effects and action keep you from realizing that there is little explanatory material to the movie. I enjoyed this movie, even if it is not as good as the book, it's still worth your time and money. If your one who favors a good story, this is not your best pick. If you wish to know a lot more about the story , I recommend the book.


ZombIe=LoVeR's Avatar
Here's Johnny!
Originally Posted by Ichiro51
To correct my earlier post. I don't think that I explained my reasoning. The movie stayed very true to H.G. Wells ending, but the downfall of the Invaders took place in a total span of about 8 minutes. The bacteria killed the Aliens is both the book and movie, but the way it was told in the movie was terrible.
How was it so terrible

Originally Posted by The_Butcher
...but I do know that the aliens are from mars in the book, and have been around at long enough to put the tripods in the ground before the cold virus and such things existed...
Nothing was ever buried in the novel. They landed, then built their cylinder vessels.
"Today, war is too important to be left to politicians. They have neither the time, the training, nor the inclination for strategic thought. I can no longer sit back and allow Communist infiltration, Communist indoctrination, Communist subversion and the international Communist conspiracy to sap and impurify all of our precious bodily fluids."

Yo She Bi*ch, lets go.
Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
Nothing was ever buried in the novel. They landed, then built their cylinder vessels.
Sorry, that was a mistake of mine. I added "AND" I did not mean to do that. I was only talking about the book when I said they were from Mars but I was talking about the movie when I said they have been around long enough to put the tripods in the ground. Sorry I was not clear with my post.


Yo She Bi*ch, lets go.
Originally Posted by LordSlaytan
Sorry for bumping this topic if it is already to old. I got a question, I know this might sound a bit noobish but my forum skills are very limited. Did you mean it's alright?


ZombIe=LoVeR's Avatar
Here's Johnny!
I don't think they explained all the why's and if's and how's simply because in the movie the characters would have no idea either, and we have to think of the reasons. I like The Buthcer's reason for them not getting the virus earlier.

The begining of the movie was excellent, the middle suspensefull, the ending fell flat.
It was disapointing in how "Hollywood" the movie became. Was not expecting a touchy feely finale. Also Dakota Fanning bugs the hell out of me

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
This is a movie where plot holes run wild....yes there are tons of them. But the ones that can't go unmentioned are the scene where the plane has crashed outside the wife's house, amid all this rubble, cruise's car is fine, and there's a neat little path right down the street through the destruction so they can drive away. Of course all the electronic crap.

The special effects are spectacular. This of course is expected with this type of film, being a Spielberg/blockbuster film. Every turn in the movie there is a tripod alien destroying a part of the city. This is the highlight of this film because the plot lacks, the characterization lacks and the directing is below average for Spielberg.

Anybody want to slap not only Tom's character in the face....but every other character??? Not one sympathetic human character in the entire film. Tom is an *******, Dakota is crying all the time which made her extremely annoying, the son is a whiny bitch, Tim Robbins is an insane annoying useless character. Tim Robbins does nothing but distracts, he serves no point but to chew up screen time and make us think Tom will do anything for the life of his kid, but this comes across of jokey when they close the door and "fight" Robbie should have died---it was a cheap move to have him show up in the end after saying he had to see the fight over the hill. Whenever this happens in the movie, it brings it down(Jurassic Park III.) Is it just me or does every Spielberg flick have to end in the happy we're okay ending in all of his movies.

The pacing's terrible – it just suddenly ends, bang, WAY TOO ABRUPT. The aliens catch colds and die. Film over. And most surprisingly in a Spielberg flick, there's no emotional clout here. There is no climax....that's because the whole movie is just destruction after destruction, if your into that kind of thing, then this movie is for you. But the best scene in this movie is not the destruction of the cities, but the basement scene involving the pointless character of Tim Robbins. Even though the scene is laughable at parts, it still holds up as suspenseful.

The motivation of the aliens remain thoroughly obscure, at first, when they presumably want to rid the earth of mankind, They content themselves with firing death rays, like target practice, at individual fleeing humans, the most inefficient method of extermination imaginable. Then, midway through, suggest that, for no particular reason, the aliens are harvesting the humans to make those red vines things out of their blood.

I felt cheated at the end of the film. The world was left in sh*t, everything was destroyed, covered in the blood vine things and we go to Boston where everything is fine...no houses destroyed, family all nice and neat and of course the happy Spielberg ending.

"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

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