Things that annoy you...


Trouble with a capital "T"
In the past I've complained about the various spot lights people put on their houses which have motion detectors and which go on as I pass on my evening walks - ruining the ambiance of the night time & making me feel like I'm in a prison escape movie, but I've now experienced something on a whole new level.

I'm walking past one house and all of a sudden, not only does a spot light come on, but there's a recorded woman's voice on a loud speaker (very startling)... it says, "Hi! You are currently being recorded."

It seems like everyday there's some new annoyance in society courtesy of technology.

So, not only did it startle me (and got me a second time last night), but I feel for the neighbors who live nearby and have to be disturbed by this recording every night - every time someone walks down the street this recording is going to go off. And it's loud too - like at outdoor stadium level! And I'm thinking anytime some little animal runs by, it will set it off as well since it seems attached to a motion detector.

I'm sorry, but startling passersby and disturbing the peace for this kind of security just seems ridiculous, especially for a street near a babbling brook in a quiet part of a suburban town. Anyone else experience one of these yet? It's downright unnerving like something out of Orwell's 1984.

Reminds me of that old saying by Ben Franklin - "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
I'm with you Captain on this one, I'd find that completely annoying especially with the recording as loud as you described. I call that noise pollution and an assault on your privacy as you use a public space. Besides if somebody was going to burglarize that house all the need is a face mask and the video recording becomes useless.

I'm with you Captain on this one, I'd find that completely annoying especially with the recording as loud as you described. I call that noise pollution and an assault on your privacy as you use a public space. Besides if somebody was going to burglarize that house all the need is a face mask and the video recording becomes useless.

There is no privacy in a public space.

I'm walking past one house and all of a sudden, not only does a spot light come on, but there's a recorded woman's voice on a loud speaker (very startling)... it says, "Hi! You are currently being recorded."
That's a noise nuisance, well here in the UK anyway. Especially if it's going off at night. That would be reported to the council here and she would be told to turn it down or remove it. Or put a sign saying there are security cameras instead...

Pizza places here in the UK.

Just looked at a place called Dominos, increased their prices and now the smallest pizza is £12.99!! The pizzas are nothing special.

Bye bye Dominos. Never again.

High pizza prices would be fine if the pizzas were good quality.

Will just stick to buying pizzas from the supermarkets and cooking them in the oven. Cheaper and much nicer!

Trouble with a capital "T"
Pizza places here in the UK.

Just looked at a place called Dominos, increased their prices and now the smallest pizza is £12.99!! The pizzas are nothing special.

Bye bye Dominos. Never again.

High pizza prices would be fine if the pizzas were good quality.

Will just stick to buying pizzas from the supermarkets and cooking them in the oven. Cheaper and much nicer!
That's $16.24 for a Dominos pizza in the UK. About the same price here for a large delivered with a couple toppings. It's the delivery charge that get's the price up I believe. I don't blame you for sticking to supermarket pizza, I'm never impressed with Dominos.

Prices everywhere are insane. I was out taking a long walk and decided to treat myself to some Krispy Kreme donuts which I haven't had in a few years and have been craving for a few months. Two donuts and a little container of milk was almost $10.

In the past I've complained about the various spot lights people put on their houses which have motion detectors and which go on as I pass on my evening walks - ruining the ambiance of the night time & making me feel like I'm in a prison escape movie, but I've now experienced something on a whole new level.

I'm walking past one house and all of a sudden, not only does a spot light come on, but there's a recorded woman's voice on a loud speaker (very startling)... it says, "Hi! You are currently being recorded."

It seems like everyday there's some new annoyance in society courtesy of technology.

So, not only did it startle me (and got me a second time last night), but I feel for the neighbors who live nearby and have to be disturbed by this recording every night - every time someone walks down the street this recording is going to go off. And it's loud too - like at outdoor stadium level! And I'm thinking anytime some little animal runs by, it will set it off as well since it seems attached to a motion detector.

I'm sorry, but startling passersby and disturbing the peace for this kind of security just seems ridiculous, especially for a street near a babbling brook in a quiet part of a suburban town. Anyone else experience one of these yet? It's downright unnerving like something out of Orwell's 1984.

Reminds me of that old saying by Ben Franklin - "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
This is horrid & utterly ridiculous. I am very sensitive to noise & would go mad if this were going off all through the night. One of the very first things husband did when we got burglar alarms was to dismantle our outside motion detectors. All kinds of animals were setting them off & then we had to deal with phone calls from the alarm company.

Thinking about it more: you weren’t on this person’s actual property so what right do they have to blare out this message to everyone who passes their house on the sidewalk. This would be 24 hours & surely must be illegal. What would it be like if everyone did this? Bedlam!
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Trouble with a capital "T"
This is horrid & utterly ridiculous. I am very sensitive to noise & would go mad if this were going off all through the night. One of the very first things husband did when we got burglar alarms was to dismantle our outside motion detectors. All kinds of animals were setting them off & then we had to deal with phone calls from the alarm company.

Thinking about it more: you weren’t on this person’s actual property so what right do they have to blare out this message to everyone who passes their house on the sidewalk. This would be 24 hours & surely must be illegal. What would it be like if everyone did this? Bedlam!
All that the lady with the loud speaker alarm would have to do is: aim the motion sensor at a lower angle so that motion was only picked up by someone in her yard and not the public sidewalk.

All that the lady with the loud speaker alarm would have to do is: aim the motion sensor at a lower angle so that motion was only picked up by someone in her yard and not the public sidewalk.
Yes - same with a lot of the lights. Instead of having them go on if someone gets close to the garage or front porch, they go on whenever anyone is on the sidewalk - what's worse is some of them go on when I'm in the street (and I see them go on whenever cars go by). A lot of them go on even when I'm entirely across the street. Why do they set them to activate by movement over 100 feet away?

And it bugs me that many of the lights are not pointed down to illuminate an area close to their house, but rather are angled outward so they shine directly in the neighbor's windows across the street - I had one like this across from me when I rented a house. Every time it came on it felt like I was being invaded by a nighttime SWAT team! The entire inside of my house was lit up every time a chipmunk ran by.

Yes - same with a lot of the lights. Instead of having them go on if someone gets close to the garage or front porch, they go on whenever anyone is on the sidewalk - what's worse is some of them go on when I'm in the street (and I see them go on whenever cars go by). A lot of them go on even when I'm entirely across the street. Why do they set them to activate by movement over 100 feet away?

And it bugs me that many of the lights are not pointed down to illuminate an area close to their house, but rather are angled outward so they shine directly in the neighbor's windows across the street - I had one like this across from me when I rented a house. Every time it came on it felt like I was being invaded by a nighttime SWAT team! The entire inside of my house was lit up every time a chipmunk ran by.
We have a 3-family house across the street. Some time back the out-of-town owner fixed the front porch lights to go on & off. They stay on for a few seconds, go off again & come on again, etc. I don’t quite see the point of this (it wouldn’t stop a criminal) but the renters there don’t seem bothered.

Woke up to some good news today. Humza Yousaf, the leader of the Scottish National Party has resigned. Good riddance.

Hope someone decent takes over now.

We have a 3-family house across the street. Some time back the out-of-town owner fixed the front porch lights to go on & off. They stay on for a few seconds, go off again & come on again, etc. I don’t quite see the point of this (it wouldn’t stop a criminal) but the renters there don’t seem bothered.
It's kind of like the old car alarms. They were effective maybe the first year or two after they came out, but I remember hearing from people that live in the city: the alarms became a 24/7 annoyance that even the car thieves stopped paying attention to when they became so constant and common.

Woke up to some good news today. Humza Yousaf, the leader of the Scottish National Party has resigned. Good riddance.

Hope someone decent takes over now.

Congratulations! I wish we Americans could get rid of our dueling dementia twins, Trump and Biden.

I rarely complain about movies here (tee-hee) but I just found out that the new Deadpool movie stars Hugh (Wolverine) Jackman as Wolverine!

And the explanation of how Wolverine can appear in the movie (since I believe he bought it at the end of his own franchise) is... hold onto your hats... he's an alternate-dimension-counter-concurrent-continuity-splinter-Ultimate-universe-same-but-different-time-twisted-carbon-copy-alternate-universe version of Wolverine!

Wow! How do they come up with such original ideas over and over and over and over and over?

But how or why they passed up the opportunity to change his race, color, orientation or gender for this event I'll never know. (I thought that was a prerequisite with any straight-white-male comic book characters transitioning to film these days, especially if they are an alternate-dimensional version that is not the same-but-different-yet-still-the-same-but-different from the original.)

I wish every time I killed off a character I could just snap my fingers and *poof*... an alternate-dimension-counter-concurrent-continuity-splinter-Ultimate-universe-same-but-different-time-twisted-carbon-copy-alternate-universe version of the character would magically appear (whom I could also kill off if I want and magically replace since there is an apparent infinite number of alternate same-but-different counterparts in an infinite number of counter-concurrent-continuity universe dimensions)!

I might end up killing them JUST so I could replace them with a copy who's fictional life is meaningless since I could just kill them too!

Whole Foods this morning looking for regular teabags, which means unflavored (like Liptons, which they don’t sell). Girl working in the tea aisle stocking shelves did not want to help at all, but kept pointing me in the direction of multiple kinds of teabags. So I went to customer service for assistance. He pointed me in the direction of the teabags aisle & when I said I had already tried that he got very huffy & returned to customer service.

Whole Foods sells plain teabags. Last time I bought them they had moved the entire aisle. A very nice lady helped me find what I wanted & she even gave me them for free. What a difference from today. Not to mention I had already spent $100 there today. Left a bad taste in my mouth for sure.

Whole Foods this morning looking for regular teabags, which means unflavored (like Liptons, which they don’t sell). Girl working in the tea aisle stocking shelves did not want to help at all, but kept pointing me in the direction of multiple kinds of teabags. So I went to customer service for assistance. He pointed me in the direction of the teabags aisle & when I said I had already tried that he got very huffy & returned to customer service.

Whole Foods sells plain teabags. Last time I bought them they had moved the entire aisle. A very nice lady helped me find what I wanted & she even gave me them for free. What a difference from today. Not to mention I had already spent $100 there today. Left a bad taste in my mouth for sure.
Back in Whole Foods today. Tea aisle was empty & I quickly found black tea organic WF teabags, which was what I was looking for. Had to go to customer service twice & both times the staff member was pleasant.