The MoFo Top 100 Neo-noir Countdown

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Is there a neo-noir film from the 2020s you expect to make the list?
I don't know about the 2020's but your question made me remember Small Town Crime. It might have made my list on John Hawkes' name alone. But it was a really decent neo-noir all on it's own.

Is there a neo-noir film from the 2020s you expect to make the list?
I expected;
No Sudden Move 2021, The Batman 2022 and Decision to Leave 2022 in the beginning but not anymore in this stage of the countdown.

I expected;
No Sudden Move 2021, The Batman 2022 and Decision to Leave 2022 in the beginning but not anymore in this stage of the countdown.
I still expect/hope for a couple of Soderbergh flicks, but No Sudden Moves ain't one of them.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

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I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I had one 2020s film way down at #25. Someone else must have voted for it but I doubt it is coming in the top half of the list.

But John Wick 4 still has a chance, right...?

When I was thinking about what sort of films I consider to be neo-noir for the Countdown, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang was the first film that came to mind. I don't absolutely love the film liked I used to years ago, but I still think Val Kilmer and Robert Downey Jr. have great chemistry together, and Kilmer's performance in particular makes the film an absolute joy to watch.

The black comedy and noir elements work incredibly well together, and the more I reflected on the film while trying to decide on where it belonged in the rankings, the more I appreciated it. I don't think any other film on my list has has left such a lasting impression either, given that I still occasionally quote lines from it years after the fact. It was my #3, though honestly it probably should've been #2.

Seen: 29/60

My List: 8
02. Blade Runner 2049 (2017) - #44
03. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005) - #42
05. Blue Ruin (2013) - #82
06. Mother (2009) - #67
08. Strange Days (1995) - #65
10. The Man from Nowhere (2010) - #87
15. Infernal Affairs (2002) - #91
21. Oldboy (2003) - #52
25. The Chaser (2008) - DNP 1-pointer

I had one 2020s film way down at #25. Someone else must have voted for it but I doubt it is coming in the top half of the list.

But John Wick 4 still has a chance, right...?
I know it's a tongue-in-cheek comment, but I'll say that only two John Wick films got votes. I won't say which, and I won't say if they made it yet. Have fun with that
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Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I know it's a tongue-in-cheek comment, but I'll say that only two John Wick films got votes. I won't say which, and I won't say if they made it yet. Have fun with that

And I won't say whether any John Wick films were on my list...

Is Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang the one with Charlize Theron in a golden catsuit? I remember that scene in a movie I liked, but I don't remember the name of it. So obviously, its not on my list.
Inherent Vice is a super weird detective movie. I understood what I was looking at and the jokes. But my friend was hating it, so we left in the middle. I never caught up with it later. I didn't find it that entertaining. Its not on my list

Is Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang the one with Charlize Theron in a golden catsuit? I remember that scene in a movie I liked, but I don't remember the name of it. So obviously, its not on my list.
Inherent Vice is a super weird detective movie. I understood what I was looking at and the jokes. But my friend was hating it, so we left in the middle. I never caught up with it later. I didn't find it that entertaining. Its not on my list

That's two days in the Valley, Shane Black did Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and he does the Buddy noirs like Lethal Weapon, Nice Guys, and The Long Kiss Goddnight.

That's two days in the Valley, Shane Black did Kiss Kiss Bang Bang and he does the Buddy noirs like Lethal Weapon, Nice Guys, and The Long Kiss Goddnight.
That was a fun movie. Thanks, Siddon!

That's two days in the Valley,

Now that I think of it, that's another one I could've voted for.

I forgot the opening line.
The last four have been big reveals, all of which I've seen - and two of which I voted for :

44. Blade Runner 2049 - I spent all of the time previous to this film's release thinking it was going to be a big disappointment, or if not, at least nowhere near the quality of the original Blade Runner. Belated sequels often have a habit of being letdowns, but Blade Runner 2049 has to go down as one of the best ever made. I was completely blown away by this film, every aspect of which was pretty much perfect. It could have just looked great, but be found wanting in narrative or meaning - but that wasn't the case. It has a fascinating story, is intelligent and thoughtful, and the direction by Denis Villeneuve is inspired. Great film - one of my favourites, and I can't wait to see if people are still talking about it a few decades from now, in the same way we talk about the original Blade Runner. I had it at #21 on my list.

43. To Live and Die in L.A. - A nice movie about a thrill-seeking detective with very conflicted morals going out for revenge against the counterfeiter who killed his partner. Solid movie from William Friedkin, who really liked to mix things up, and a great early role for Willem Dafoe as a bad guy who is as complex as the detective. Oh, and I can't not mention that car chase when mentioning To Live and Die in L.A. - it took ages to choreograph and film, and if you pay attention you'll notice that everyone is driving on the wrong side of the road. Had a deep dive when this film was nominated in a Hall of Fame, and the making of the movie is as interesting as the movie itself. No vote from me.

42. Kiss Kiss Bang Bang - Very funny movie, with Val Kilmer and Robert Downey Jr. proving that they have great chemistry, playing off of each other in a fun and at times insane way - such and enjoyable experience to watch. This film has a pretty good film noir narrative as well, with a lightning pace. Loved it the first time I saw it, and each subsequent time after that - it never fails to get laughs out of me, and each time I mention it (like now) I have a strong desire to grab it and watch it again. What better compliment is there for a film? I had it at #19 on my list.

41. Inherent Vice - Man, this took me a few watches before I had the tangled story straightened out in my mind - but it's probably meant to be a little like that. With some neo noir films that lean heavily into mystery, I'm often not happy until I understand all of the motives and everything that happens down to the last detail. Inherent Vice heads off into many directions at once, with a wacky stoner private investigator played by Joaquin Phoenix who often looks as confused as I am. Regardless, I loved this movie (which is why I watched it so many times) - it's very funny, unusual and looks fantastic. A real change of pace for Paul Thomas Anderson. No vote from me though.

Seen : 37/60
I'd never even heard of : 9/60
Movies that had been on my radar, but I haven't seen yet : 14/60
Films from my list : 4

#42 - My #19 - Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (2005)
#44 - My #21 - Blade Runner 2049 (2017)
#52 - My #11 - Oldboy (2003)
#81 - My #17 - Brick (2005)
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

Fwiw (and I had to check), Inherent Vice was my #19. Um, I really enjoyed it. I had listened to the source material as an audio book in the months before its release, and I recall being a little off-kilter on the first viewing, but then went back and watched it the next week for a re-watch, and it gelled just right.

For whatever reason, I've never seen To Live and Die in L.A. I think it came out in just that era where it wasn't old enough for me to grock it to be a classic by my teen years, and I was really young when it came out. (I've noticed I'm very shaky on the intelligent, adult films from, I'm ballparking, 80-88, outside of oscar dramas you can feel okay showing children, like Amadeus or The Last Emperor).

Bladerunner 2049 - I still don't know how I feel about this one. Not terrible enough to a blatantly bad idea, but also not good enough to have really stuck with me. It's hard to guess how, in time, the positives or negatives will end up being what we, in general, will remember it for.

I remember seeing trailers for Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang, but never went to see the movie. I think my impression was, it was basically in the Pulp Fiction influenced set of noirs at the time, which put it in a category of movies that I'd be up for watching if other people I knew were interested in it, for the most part.

Welcome to the human race...
no votes. as much as i've liked most other films shane black's been involved in, kiss kiss bang bang just doesn't click for me no matter how many chances i give it even as recently as last christmas. his films have always blended cleverness with darkness in ways that walk a tonal knife edge but here the balance is severely off in just about every regard. not bad, just...disappointing. seen inherent vice once and liked it well enough - keep meaning to do a full pta rewatch but idk somehow that filmography seems too daunting despite the relatively small number of films. they're not even that long.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Night Moves

Arthur Penn, 1975


Gene Hackman, Jennifer Warren, Edward Binns, Susan Clark

The Nice Guys

Shane Black, 2016


Ryan Gosling, Russell Crowe, Angourie Rice, Margaret Qualley


Night Moves - An L.A. private investigator is hired to track down the runaway daughter of an aging B-movie star, which leads him into Florida and a more sinister mystery.

The Nice Guys - A bumbling private eye and a hired enforcer become unlikely partners as they investigate the disappearance of a young woman which sends them on a trip through the 70s Los Angeles underworld.

Ok, here's the thing... I love The Nice Guys. I saw it a while ago and thought it was hilarious. Ryan Gosling is brilliant in it, and the pairing with Russell Crowe is great. Easily one of my favorite comedies of the last 10 or so years. I saw Kiss Kiss Bang Bang after this, and even though I liked it a lot as well, I would still take The Nice Guys over it. What I don't get is... WHY THE HECK DID I PUT KISS KISS BANG BANG AND FORGOT TO PUT THE NICE GUYS!?! The only explanation I have is that I had it, but was moving titles around and accidentally deleted. There's no other explanation for that. Regardless, the bottom line is that I love it and it should've been on my list. I will probably share a bigger review later.

I haven't seen Night Moves, but it's one of those iconic neo-noirs I wanted to get to before the countdown, but I just couldn't.

SEEN: 37/62
MY BALLOT: 11/25

My ballot  

Again, you really couldn't plan these pairings any better, the serendipity of it all. Not only do we get a Shane Black 1-2 punch between yesterday and today, but we also get four films dealing with the seedy underbelly of Hollywood and acting, two films about wasted/jaded private eyes, two films with unlikely pairings working together, and two modern films set in 1970s. It's beautiful!

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