33rd Hall of Fame


2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I have 5 more films to watch but I'm hesitant to watch these if someone is going to drop out. So please let me know which of you nominated these? Or PM if you don't want to say publicly.

There Will Be Blood
A Man For All Seasons

God's Little Acre..... BTW, this one is my nom.

We're into this three weeks now and I was looking at the review links on the first page and it looks pretty inactive. If any of you are not going to finish say now, not later.
I'm at a super slow pace but you know you don't have to worry about me.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I will finish as always
I'm at a super slow pace but you know you don't have to worry about me.
Yeah of course I know you guys will finish, but I don't know what noms are yours and I prefer to focus on noms from people who look like they will finish. I think I can guess crickets based on his past driving job but I don't which nom is yours Raul, so if you don't mind PM me so I can watch it, unless I already have watched it?

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Yeah of course I know you guys will finish, but I don't know what noms are yours and I prefer to focus on noms from people who look like they will finish. I think I can guess crickets based on his past driving job but I don't which nom is yours Raul, so if you don't mind PM me so I can watch it, unless I already have watched it?
You've seen mine already, so you're good.

I forgot the opening line.
I have 5 more films to watch but I'm hesitant to watch these if someone is going to drop out. So please let me know which of you nominated these? Or PM if you don't want to say publicly.

There Will Be Blood
A Man For All Seasons

God's Little Acre..... BTW, this one is my nom.

We're into this three weeks now and I was looking at the review links on the first page and it looks pretty inactive. If any of you are not going to finish say now, not later.
Okay, ScarletLion has dropped out, and that means 'L'Humanite' is no longer required viewing in this Hall of Fame. All others are still in.

Please note, @jiraffejustin @edarsenal @cricket @rauldc14 and @Hey Fredrick - 'L'Humanite' isn't part of this Hall of Fame anymore.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

Okay, ScarletLion has dropped out, and that means 'L'Humanite' is no longer required viewing in this Hall of Fame..
I'm sorry about this everyone. My fault. I shouldn't have signed up in the first place.

Apologies for any inconveniences or wasted time.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

Although I didn't necessarily love or even like this film, there is something interesting about it. It's really well filmed, has a good pace, and keeps you wondering what will happen with the characters. And even though none of them are super likeable by any means, it still keeps you curious even. I also think the film was pretty well directed. It was a good nomination.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
No worries, Scarlet.
Thanks for the heads up, Phoenix.

I've rewatched Shoplifters and The Treasure of Sierra Madre and need to do write-ups.
Kind of split about what to watch next. Leaning heavily toward There Will Be Blood.
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Alright thanks and after you watch it, give me a reply again.
So it seems that London in the 80's is a little different than Boston circa 2010. Where I am there's no mob boss type in the sex business. It's either an independent girl, a pimp, or an agency, with the latter 2 having some similarities but also big differences. When it comes to a pimp, or also in this case someone above the pimp, the girls are basically owned by them. There's no leaving unless you can totally disappear. The boss played by Caine is a controlling guy to the extent that sometimes he does it just to show he can. However, he at first seemed more interested in Simone's wealthy clients and what he could get from them. The pimp working under him is in charge of the day to day sex operation. That changes when he finds out she's trying to rescue her friend and George is helping. At that point all 3 of them are in trouble.

Mona Lisa

Bob Hoskins was amazing back in the day. I had considered nominating The Long Good Friday with him but Mona Lisa has been seen by fewer members and it was more relevant to the current countdown. It's now on the British list and the neo-noir list.

My 2nd time watching, and while Hoskins is the big draw, everyone gives a good performance. I probably have more personal interest in the story since I've done the same work as George. The relationship between him and Simone is very well done and believable. I enjoyed that part of the story the most. It turns into a thriller type but it stays solid.

Trouble with a capital "T"

God's Little Acre (1958)

I like those mounds!...of dirt that is. If you live in the country you've probably dug some holes, big holes, I know I have. When I was a kid I went to a swampy area by my parents house and was digging for worms to go fishing. The ground was soft and easy to dig in and so I kept digging and digging, just to see how deep I could go. That summer I got my brother and cousins and we had a regular excavation work crew going. We had that hole so wide and so deep that we could stand in it and our heads would be level with the ground. To get the dirt out we used a long ramp and a wheelbarrow and it took all of us kids to push it up the ramp. I don't know why people dig holes but it must be fun.

I'm not going to say God's Little Acre is an amazing film. But I'll try and explain why I like it so much...Since joining MoFo I've realized my film taste is far outside of what most of you like. Oh sure we are all individuals with unique film taste but most MoFos have a wide swatch of films that they all tend to like. Me, not so much.

I like this film because it creates a place in time and characters that I like to spend time with as I watch the film. You might describe God's Little Acre as 'play like' or 'soap opera-ish' and mean that as a negative. Me, I like movies that are stagey and soapy. And of course I love films from the 1950s with interesting characters. I guess what I like mainly about God's Little Acre is that it was a fun watch for me.

Aftersun (2022)

Not all goodbyes are the same. I thought this had a bit of the old slice of life feeling initially. It's just two people spending some time together and we get to watch it. At least that was the impression I was getting until dad spit his toothpaste all over the mirror. Okay, what's going on here?

This one got to me but it didn't get me until probably 2/3rds of the way through (karaoke) when I was able to paste together everything that I had seen up to that point. That's when I knew this was going to be one of them kinds of movies. On the surface it's very basic. A divorced dad, who lives half a world away from his daughter, is spending some time with her at a middle of the road resort. Through their interactions I got the feeling that they really care about each other. A lot. So it's a good relationship but there's a something going on under the surface and it's pretty sad. Dad was probably too young to start having kids and he has some regrets. Not about having the daughter, that seems like the one thing he is sure about, but about himself. He shows how he feels in quick little bursts. Toothpaste - mirror. Things that a child may not even pick up on. Sometimes the girl says things that in her mind are nothing but to Dad it's a blow. So for the daughter this is a vacation but to the father it's much more. I'm not going to say anything else about anything but the ending was a downer for me.

This was a real shocker. Never in a million years would I watch something like this on my own but I thought it was fantastic! and I got sucked into it. It's been a long time since I watched a movie that hit me like this one did. It's not a gorgeous movie but it's fine for what it's doing and the acting from both leads is top notch. It kept getting better as it went on. I always felt like something awful was about to happen and something kind of does but it's not what you expect. I can see people not reacting to it as strongly as I did but, not gonna lie, it hit me like a sumanobitch. We have a contender!

The last two for me are both re watches including what I figured to be the favorite going in.

Let the night air cool you off
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre

Talking about this film is walking on well-trodden ground. I feel like once a HoF, I'll say something about a film being an all-timer, a classic, canonized, or goated, and here I am again. I can't add anything to the conversation about this film. I will say that I enjoyed it thoroughly. The performances are fantastic. It's a great, simple story with a moral that doesn't really feel preachy, but universal and true. Gold can be literal or it can be a metaphor for a number of things whether it be wealth-related or power-related. The ending is poetic and gives the film a nearly mystical feeling, which is also pretty cool.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
God's Little Acre

Aside from the pretty girls themselves there really wasn't a whole lot of meat in the bone for me on this one. It's a pretty boring story to me overall. The dialogue isn't really good for me either, if there was more interesting conversations perhaps a film like this could work. I really didnt like Buddy Hackett in his role either, he just annoyed the crap out of me. Also if there were any laughs it would have been appreciated. There was none of that for me here. But something like this is more just not my kind of film, not really to say that I can't understand why others may enjoy it.