The MoFo Top 100 of the 2010s Countdown

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Hadn't seen Guardians of the Galaxy.

As for True Grit, I reckon Jeff Bridges did a fine job as Rooster Cogburn, the role played by John Wayne. Hailee Steinfeld (as in sounds like Seinfeld), handled a difficult role with aplomb. And I guess Matt Damon was alright as a Ranger? But I don't remember much about the film a decade plus since I've seen it. Based on my ratings, I liked it but it was in no danger of making the list.

Speaking of which:

1. 85 percent (Raul's post gave me hope...was thinking of placing around 50 percent)
2. The Artist
3. Ida
4. World of Tomorrow
5. Under 1 percent
6. 50 percent (I maintain hope this breaks through)
7. 5 percent and fading
8. Under 1 percent
9. My Life as a Zucchini (#449)
10. Under 1 percent
11. Spotlight
12. Under 1 percent
13. Under 1 percent
14. 35 percent
15. 75 percent
16. Under 1 percent
17. Scott Pilgrim vs The World
18. Under 1 percent
19. 20 percent and fading
20. Under 1 percent
21. 50 percent
22. 75 percent
23. A Separation
24. 0 percent
25. The Retrieval (1 pointer)

Midnight in Paris
40 percent
5 percent
Less than 1 percent
20 percent
Less than 1 percent
5 percent and fading

Just watched The Act of Killing director's cut. Not good for my blood pressure.

Followed this up with Nightcrawler and The Hunt. What are you guys trying to do to me?

Speling, can I throw a couple of guesses? see which one sticks? or are you contractually obligated to just accept the first one?
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We're trying to stop you from guessing the hints.

I think all those compliments the other day took away my edge anyhow.

I did like Harry Lime's suggestion for making things more fair if that's feasible.

Speling, can I throw a couple of guesses? see which one sticks? or are you contractually obligated to just accept the first one?
I'll agree to this only if you give my nomination in the 30th HoF a perfect rating.

I think all those compliments the other day took away my edge anyhow.

I did like Harry Lime's suggestion for making things more fair if that's feasible.
I'm just being goofy, btw. I know you're still somewhat new to this forum, but you seem like a nice person so far. Here's hoping you stick around after the countdown ends.

What was Harry Lime's suggestion? I must have missed his post.

the true grit remake is alright but i've never gotten what people love about it so much. i prefer the original, but neither are among my favorite westerns.

guardians of the galaxy is good, i have it at #3 on my mcu rankings behind endgame and iron man 3. if there has to be one (hopefully) last mcu movie on here, i'm glad it was this one. one of the only ones with genuinely competent visual storytelling.

the act of killing is a masterpiece that just barely missed my list at #29. glad it made it.

black swan, ex machina, john wick, logan, and silence are all varying degrees of great/good. ok now i'm caught up

my top 200 revealed so far:
2. spring breakers
3. before midnight
13. certified copy
14. the shape of water
16. holy motors
18. toy story 3
22. inside out
24. anomalisa

26. moonlight
28. manchester by the sea
29. the act of killing
48. a separation
53. the revenant
66. silence
75. gone girl
76. john wick
78. avengers: endgame
89. logan

109. edge of tomorrow
118. ida
122. hereditary
131. under the skin
139. black swan
142. paddleton
158. the handmaiden
163. shutter island
166. ex machina
173. knives out
175. 1917
Most Biblical movies were long If I Recall.
seen A Clockwork Orange. In all honesty, the movie was weird and silly

I forgot the opening line.
Both films narrowly missed making my ballot for different reasons, but I love them regardless...

40. True Grit - I was tortured in cutting True Grit from my 25 - I've seen it numerous times, and think it one of the Coen Bros finest works. It takes the story, bypasses it's original adaptation, and just recreates the 1870s - also providing us with memorable renditions of characters that we knew. I prefer Jeff Bridges to John Wayne - he actually outdid The Duke and gave us a Rooster Cogburn that's more complex, funny, witty, roguish and fun. Hailee Steinfeld proves herself an especially talented young actress - less Tomboy than Kim Darby's Mattie Ross, but more capable and hard-headed. Josh Brolin is always great. Matt Damon rounds things off well, and when you consider all the flourishes we get from such an accomplished pair of filmmakers you've got yourself a version of True Grit that I rate far above the original. It's a film that I can watch over and over again and never tire of. It's full of those special movie moments that inhabit Coen Bros films. It has a great score, and beautiful cinematography. It all meshes together perfectly, and I love it. One of my absolute last cuts, I feel sad it's not on my list - but obviously it's great and was always going to show in a top 100 of the decade.

39. Guardians of the Galaxy - Unfortunately I saw Guardians of the Galaxy for the first time after submitting my ballot, and if I'd seen it a while ago it would have had a very good chance of getting a spot. Making my way through the Marvel Universe films, I found Guardians of the Galaxy to be up with the best of all of them. It's by far the funniest, and the most creative, with characters that you grow to love within the course of a single film. It has some very frightening and really great villains. It has a climax that hits just the right destructive notes, and one that doesn't go on for too long delivering nothing but ultra-short clips of destruction. It ties in to the whole Marvel story while being it's own distinct thing. It also includes Peter Serafinowicz in a small role, which means a lot to me. It has a fantastic soundtrack consisting of old classics which ties in to the film itself, great effects, a very intelligent yet funny screenplay and a very colourful visual style. When watching those first 23 or so Marvel films, this one was an absolute standout - I was with Chris Pratt's "Star Lord" from the very moment he used an alien rat-creature as a faux microphone while lip-synching his way to forbidden treasure during that opening credits sequence. The movie had me - and never let go till the end.

Seen 55/62

Sheez - how did I not get those hints! Great hints though SpelingError - liked 'em
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

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I think Little Ash got it right; The Social Network, The Lighthouse.

So I'll say; 38. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo & 37. Mud.

I just thought up a different 38 and 37 that I'd change to, but now will have cascading effects of what was available for people to have guessed, so to not complicate things I won't. But if I'm right, this was an amazing hint Speling did (and would have required the two movies to lined up right next to each other).

I just thought up a different 38 and 37 that I'd change to, but now will have cascading effects of what was available for people to have guessed, so to not complicate things I won't. But if I'm right, this was an amazing hint Speling did (and would have required the two movies to lined up right next to each other).
Ah hell, this is just such a fun guess, let it cascade.
38. The Lighthouse
37. It's Such a Beautiful Day

I'd say John Connor should technically get dibs on my original guesses since no one has even made a guess since my original one.

Oh wait. Damn. There were a couple other guesses. Damn. Sorry.

I forgot the opening line.
38. I̶n̶c̶e̶p̶t̶i̶o̶n̶


38. Get Out
37. I̶t̶'̶s̶ ̶S̶u̶c̶h̶ ̶a̶ ̶B̶e̶a̶u̶t̶i̶f̶u̶l̶ ̶D̶a̶y̶

37: It's Such a Beautiful Day
37. It's Such a Beautiful Day

37. Star Wars : The Force Awakens

Usually me changing my guesses hasn't had the possibility for chaos thus far.
I would have refrained, but I like the idea that these came as a pair, like them for the hints, and they both might be high on my ballot.

Welcome to the human race...
No votes. I saw True Grit in theatres and liked it well enough, but what little inclination I've felt to revisit has always been within a context of a greater Coen rewatch rather than on its own merits. A kind of damning with faint praise, I suppose. Guardians of the Galaxy is arguably one of the best MCU films for all the obvious reasons (relatively standalone, more space opera goof-off than straight superhero fare, etc.) and even money says it'll be the best one to make the list (then again, which of the others are likely to crack the list at this rate?), but I don't think it's especially great either even if it is one of the few entries in this 30-film franchise that actually proves halfway-rewatchable.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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