28th Hall of Fame


Trouble with a capital "T"
Once CR posts my pirate name and film, I will update pic .
Your movie is posted.

Cuties is going to cause some controversy...
I seen bits of Cuties while I was looking for the movie...I think it's going to come down to how one perceives the film's message, I don't know how the film will play out but I think there's more to the film. I'm glad it was nominated so I can see it.

A few years ago, I ate something with a lot of sodium and all that fluid sat in my right knee. A co-worker nicknamed me "Pegleg" because I limped when walking. Even though, I no longer work with him, he still calls me that. Each of us had a nickname. I was "Pegleg" and "Gangsta".

Trouble with a capital "T"
A few years ago, I ate something with a lot of sodium and all that fluid sat in my right knee. A co-worker nicknamed me "Pegleg" because I limped when walking. Even though, I no longer work with him, he still calls me that. Each of us had a nickname. I was "Pegleg" and "Gangsta".
Wow, I wouldn't have guessed that. Sodium, lots of it, does a number on me too. That's why I basically do all my own cooking. Is your avatar from a movie?

Wow, I wouldn't have guessed that. Sodium, lots of it, does a number on me too. That's why I basically do all my own cooking. Is your avatar from a movie?
No, it's just art.

Worst thing ever was to have that sodium drained by orthopedic doctor.

I'll pass this one. I've seen two of the nominations. The Painted Bird is really good (if I'd have to name my favorite film from 2019 it would be that). Cuties, surprisingly to some no doubt, wasn't my kind of movie but I think it's a quite well-made film. I'm really interested in reading people's reactions to these.

But yeah, it doesn't look like a setup I'd enjoy so I'll pass.

I haven't seen any of the nominations, aside from my own. Overall, this seems like it'll be an interesting Hall. A bit worried about Cuties, but I'll go into it with an open mind.

well, i'd been meaning to watch a Theo Angelopolous film for years now and i guess i'll be getting my money's worth with this one lol.
Since you said you were nominating something more conventional for this Hall, I decided to be your substitute for this round (or, at least, I think I did). Don't know how well it'll do, but it's in my all-time top 15 and I was meaning to nominate it for the past couple Halls.

I forgot the opening line.
My router was hacked, and the computer guy who came to fix it says it's the first time he's ever seen that - but I'm back just in time to a very interesting list of nominees. I've seen My Favorite Year with the beautiful Jessica Harper in, but apart from that and my own, it's a list of films I haven't seen and know little about. I'm really looking forward to watching them.
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

I forgot the opening line.
I remember reading about Cuties recently. Netflix gave it a promo with the very young girls wearing sexually suggestive clothing and poses, and there was a huge amount of controversy. They had to apologize, first of all to the film's director, then the everyone.

Watching Cuties now but I may end up rewatching later.

My best day to watch films is Saturday.