The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh: Countdown

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That's too fun to look through, sure I will be doing that 100 times the next couple days. I have two initial takeaways. I may cry for Fargo and put it number one on my next 100. Also have to know who voted for First Blood Part II? Come clean, either for props or judgemental looks. I haven't decided which yet.

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Looks like I flew solo on voting for Eastwood's Million Dollar Baby and Mystic River. That's a shame. They both made the last list.

I don't know, I whimsically made an alternative list the other day that included nothing from my original list or the Top 100 here and it was trivially easy to come up with 25 different films that could have made my top 25. So, I think of lists like this as being pretty ephemeral, a snapshot of a moment but not really a definitive measure of quality. Too many variables, too much (as mentioned above) whim. Which is part of the fun of it, frankly. It's true certain movies (2001, The Godfather, Citizen Kane, Vertigo, etc.) tend to show up regularly on such lists. It speaks to their quality and influence, but also to a virtuous circle where the regular appearance of these movies on these lists ensures that they are seen by more people and therefore ... appear on more of these lists. That's the why the full list is so much more interesting to me, because that's where the more esoteric and idiosyncratic stuff shows up.

I've never seen Sansho the Bailiff.

This countdown needed more Phantom Thread love.
Phantom Thread miiiight have made my list had I seen it a second time in November instead of December. Maybe not, though!

Thanks for posting that spreadsheet. It looks like I was the only one who voted for these three:

The Best of Youth
The Last Emperor

This probably has nothing to do with them not getting more votes, but each of these movies is very, very long. I did watch Shoah and The Best of Youth over multiple days, but it's hard to believe there was a time in my life when I was excited about watching a 3+ hour long movie! These days, I balk if a movie is longer than an hour and 45 minutes.

Oh, and I'm very surprised that Ran was only on two lists since it's a lot of peoples' favorite Kurosawa movie.

A system of cells interlinked
Wow, can't believe I was the only person to put The Big Sleep and Local Hero on my list! And The Maltese Falcon only made 4 lists. Really? Wow.
A daft oversight on my part. I adore The Big Sleep, and it most certainly should have been on my list. I have seen that movie well over a dozen times, and I like it more every time I watch it. Same goes for Out of the Past.


“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Here's the full spreadsheet. You can also click the preview image here below:

I think there's an error in calculations. Nothing that affects the top-100 but still.

Hana-bi has 15 pts / 2 lists. There's also Fireworks with 6 pts / 1 list which I assume to be my vote for Hana-bi. I just used the English titles for my ballot this time.

Trouble with a capital "T"
A daft oversight on my part. I adore The Big Sleep, and it most certainly should have been on my list. I have seen that movie well over a dozen times, and I like it more every time I watch it. Same goes for Out of the Past.


Someday we'll do a Noir Countdown and those two will for sure be on the list