The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh: Countdown

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Tomorrow's hint:

It's not going to stop.
Jaws and The Thing are my guesses
Moviefan1988's Favorite Movies<br />

Welcome to the Dance: My Favorite 20 High School Movies

Talking of Gone In 60 Seconds...

Gotta throw out some love for Sphynx's entrance that rivals Thor in Infinity War...

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Another great guess. Embarrassed I wasn't first to say it. Going with this and Groundhog Day

The Terminator guess made me think it would be clever if it was an MCU movie too.

Yes one of them just has to be Magnolia with that clue. And I'll agree with other MoFos, Groundhog Day fits as does any monster flick - it's too early for Jaws, more likely The Thing.

Yep. I guessed that from thinking about things that never stop. I though of time, and then time travel. Secong guess is Back to the Future for speed and the time machine.

Catching up here

My List:
4. Rosemary's Baby (#91)
25. Florida Project (1 pointer)

99. Suspiria-
92. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind -

91. Rosemarys Baby-

90. Harold and Maude-

89. E.T.-

87. Toy Story-

86. Dazed and Confused-
85. To Kill a Mockingbird-

84. The Apartment-

83. Saving Private Ryan-
82. 8 1/2-

81. Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid-
80. West Side Story-

79. American Beauty-
78. Star Wars a New Hope-

77. Young Frankenstein-

LOVE LOVE LOVE the work you're doing here Yoda, a truly great list coming together. So glad I did my part to get Rosemary's Baby on it. Will be trying to check in daily to actually keep up with peoples picks and give more in depth views.

Also watch The Florida Project- my favorite film of the 2010s

The Florida Project
Sean Baker's The Florida Project is an innovative film, brilliantly bringing the audience into the lives of the poor American. This ain't a blue collar film, or one of the working class, this film portrays the no collar. A minor, but aesthetically familiar, subgroup of American culture. However the film is effectively portrayed through a lens that's the any person has seen life through, regardless of class, the innocent perspective of a young child. There's no overbearing message the film tries to push on the audience, but there's a key lesson to take away on simplifying people. Moonee's mom, Halley, really fits the look of an irresponsible impoverished single mother who whores herself out. And she is, she's hotheaded, self-centered entitled, petty,a poor role model, and edges negligent. On the other hand she's social, appreciative, a hustler, and she cares about those close to her. She's no supermom but it's clear that she loves her daughter. Baker doesn't care about the poor decisions Halley undoubtedly made to get in this position, or the unfair outstanding circumstances in her life. The film looks at none of this, it's truly just a glimpse in the life of Halley and her daughter through a hot Florida summer.

Brilliantly the film puts as much focus, and same style, on the significant moments and the daily events surrounding the summer. A house burning down and 3 kids getting ice cream gets the same attention, and focus on detail. It's shot- well like, life itself. No unnecessary dramatization. Similarly Baker didn't follow a trend that's common in realism works like this one. The film covers many dark topics and their consequences, but none of these are glamorized with graphic on screen sex, or abuse, or violence. It's all in the implications, and the subtle human emotion surrounding these events.

I reckon most audience members relate most to Bobby, brilliantly portrayed by WIlliam Dafoe, since most audience members are Bobby. A caring observer with only so much power. Baker doesn't ask you to judge, or critique, or understand the characters. Just like Bobby this film drags you in to the lives of these characters as an observer, who will smile, laugh, and maybe cry with them. And just when you feel like you've known these people your whole life, poof their gone, their story will continue out of your sight (Just like with Bobby).

A uniquely human piece, that accomplishes so much while doing so little.

Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I've seen Stand By Me several times, and while I think it's a good movie, I never even considered it for my list, and I'm surprised to see that it made the countdown.

I watched Paris, Texas for this countdown. I didn't know much about it before I watched it except that it starred Harry Dean Stanton and Dean Stockwell. I liked the movie, but it's another movie that I didn't consider for my list. It was just a bit too slow paced, and kind of depressing.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.