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A nearly perfect film – there's quite a few of those knocking around .

Trouble with a capital "T"

Way Down East (D.W. Griffith 1920)

By far my most favorite pairing of D.W. Griffith and Lillian Gish. Way Down East is a dramatic, heart felt tale of a teen age girl who's abused by a rich womanizer older man and then abandoned to fend for herself. This was a really touching and though provoking film, it's bittersweet and happy all at the same time. The iceflow scenes on the frozen winter was one of the most dramatic endings I've seen in any movie.

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Midnight in Paris (2011)

I liked this for what it is - a lighthearted whimsical romantic comedy.
It's very obvious it's written and directed by Woody Allen after the first few minutes of dialogue - it's his style - and if he was younger I could see him playing the part of Owen Wilson's character.
It's also a time travel story without being a sci-fi (thus making it fantasy).
Most of the historical figures that show up are cameos of a few big Hollywood names - so that aspect was good too.
Clever and funny (but more quirky funny & witty as opposed to laugh out loud funny).
I'm still on the fence about Owen Wilson - sometimes I really like him and other times he's a bit annoying, but he was great in this, his style of speech just fit the main character.
A very easy & fun watch with great scenery and interesting concept - it left me feeling good.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Midnight in Paris (2011)

I liked this for what it is - a lighthearted whimsical romantic comedy.
It's very obvious it's written and directed by Woody Allan after the first few minutes of dialogue - it's his style - and if he was younger I could see him playing the part of Owen Wilson's character.
It's also a time travel story without being a sci-fi.
Clever and funny (but more quirky funny & witty as opposed to laugh out loud funny).
I'm still on the fence about Owen Wilson - sometimes I really like him and other times he's a bit annoying, but he was great in this, his style of speech just fit the main character.
A very easy & fun watch with great scenery and interesting concept - it left me feeling good.

Midnight in Paris was a film that changed my mind about Woody Allen (well his films, not about him) I hadn't really liked his films until I seen it. I believe I rated it the same as you.

Midnight in Paris was a film that changed my mind about Woody Allen (well his films, not about him) I hadn't really liked his films until I seen it. I believe I rated it the same as you.
Oh, cool! Did you review it here on the site?

Yes, it's Woody Allen-esque without being a Woody Allen movie (I guess since Woody isn't actually in it) if that makes any sense!

I was surprised when I found out it involved a time-travel plot (so of course I was hooked into it at that point) so it was like I was getting the bonus of a sci-fi element even though I wasn't watching a sci-fi movie. And I liked the little message of "these are the good ol' days" since everyone of every time thinks some previous era was the "golden age" while the present seems lackluster and boring.

Fantastic Planet (1973)

Best thing about it was the amazing soundtrack!
Lists and Projects

Midnight in Paris (2011)

I liked this for what it is - a lighthearted whimsical romantic comedy.
It's very obvious it's written and directed by Woody Allen after the first few minutes of dialogue - it's his style - and if he was younger I could see him playing the part of Owen Wilson's character.
It's also a time travel story without being a sci-fi (thus making it fantasy).
Most of the historical figures that show up are cameos of a few big Hollywood names - so that aspect was good too.
Clever and funny (but more quirky funny & witty as opposed to laugh out loud funny).
I'm still on the fence about Owen Wilson - sometimes I really like him and other times he's a bit annoying, but he was great in this, his style of speech just fit the main character.
A very easy & fun watch with great scenery and interesting concept - it left me feeling good.

Haven't seen many Woody Allen films but love Midnight in Paris it's # 125 on my fav 250 list.

Mon Oncle Antoine (1971) Great writing, the story is a good one, I gave it a 8.

A normal man? For me, a normal man is one who turns his head to see a beautiful woman's bottom. The point is not just to turn your head. There are five or six reasons. And he is glad to find people who are like him, his equals. That's why he likes crowded beaches, football, the bar downtown...

My Best Girl (Sam Taylor, 1927)

Sadly breaks off any engagement for me with the final ten minutes or so

'Bully' (2001)

Larry Clark's usual youth culture sex hopelessness fare. This film doesn't seem to have dated at all after 18 years and was a pretty great watch. Echoes of Gummo, Badlands, LA Haine and Clark's Kids are evident.

Clark doesn't focus on the bully, or the parents or the school but instead the boredom and aimlessness of the group and how mucked up they are because they've all been failed by some aspect of society.

The editing in this movie really stands out. The way shots and scenes are cut is very impressive. They make the film feel that much more "in the now" and real. There's one scene where the camera follows a conversation around the group in a circle like motion as if the characters are just billowing out a stream of consciousness because they do not know what they are doing. They think they do, but they are just lost. The ending was quite shocking given it is based on a true life story.


Sat down to watch this last night with a bowl of popcorn and a Dr. Pepper. About 20 minutes into the movie and I cracked a tooth on seed but that still wasn't the worst thing about last night. This movie was. A trailer trash couple decide to rob the woman's "sugar daddy" of 68 grand. The robbery doesn't go as expected and now the guy is on the run from his crazy girlfriend with the money. It tries to be funny but it isn't. There isn't a single likeable character. About halfway through (being generous) you're hoping they all just drop dead and the credits roll so you can get on with your life. I wanted to do the rare "walk out" but was a glutton for punishment after the popcorn incident.

Welcome to the human race...
The Dark Crystal -

Good, but I'm not sure that it's "watch a 10-hour prequel on Netflix" good.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

The Flapper (Alan Crosland, 1920)

I guess it shouldn't really come as any surprise that the tale is somewhat for the birds

The trick is not minding
The Weather Underground 3 stars

Jackie Brown 4 star
Probably Q’s best film, just above Pulp Fiction and Inglorious Basterds.

Once upon a time in America. 4 stars
Great performances be De Niro and Woods