Why is Hollywood making much more movies about racism in the US lately


Trouble with a capital "T"
Blind hate is the last hurdle mankind has to overcome before we can shake our animal roots and move towards the divine. (not bad for armchair philosophy)

This might just do nobody any good.
Meek are crucified . And resurrection is just a superstition .
Is that from Far Cry?

Blind hate is the last hurdle mankind has to overcome before we can shake our animal roots and move towards the divine. (not bad for armchair philosophy)
Good one!
My Favorite Films

This might just do nobody any good.
Real life is not a game . It's real .
I never got into the VR thing.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Blind hate is the last hurdle mankind has to overcome before we can shake our animal roots and move towards the divine. (not bad for armchair philosophy)
I'm hung up now visualizing animals with with root systems slowly mutating into d-vines. I apologize for offering no addition to the thread, but that was the first text I read and it bonked me upside the head. In a wonderful way btw ;P

"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

What does that mean? Confused.
Right Wingers and Repubs have a literal secret society in Hollywood. Closet means closet. What else would it mean?

What does that mean? Confused.
Right Wingers and Repubs have a literal secret society in Hollywood. Closet means closet. What else would it mean?
If you were clear from the beginning I would't have asked. I dont study up on secret clubs.

A system of cells interlinked
The first rule of Secret Club is...You do not talk about Secret Club.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

My advice is to never play poker against anyone with a penchant for secret clubs!

If you were clear from the beginning I would't have asked. I dont study up on secret clubs.
You must know the cultural atmosphere unless you live unnder a rock, no offense.

Chill. Your original statement, even though I knew what you meant, was not perfectly clear, and asking for clarification in no way implies a lack of awareness about the concept you were trying to convey.

If you were clear from the beginning I would't have asked. I dont study up on secret clubs.
You must know the cultural atmosphere unless you live unnder a rock, no offense.
None taken.

I live under a rock. And im mclovin it

Oh yeah, it's always been a marketable concept, I just thought there was more now than compared to say, last decade, and thought maybe something in current events was causing it perhaps. I didn't think it was because of the president though, because most of the ones I mentioned came out when Obama was president.
Identity politics has risen a lot in North America over the last decade. It is something quite new and Hollywood movies are reflecting this ideology that is dominating American minds in this early 21st century.

What is identity politics? Identity politics is Marxism applied to tensions between American ethnic/gender identity groups. In more words, it is the idea that individuals are primarily defined by the ethnic/gender identity group they belong and that there exists ethnic groups that are evil and oppress other ethnic groups. In particular, the relationship that is the most apparent on the daily life of Americans and his actual historical roots in slavery is the idea that "blacks" (the group of people who identifies themselves as being of people with substantial subsaharan African descent) are systematically oppressed by "whites" (the group of people who identity as people of European descent) and that to correct for this injustice one has to first awake on people the concept of ethnic identity as being paramount and then to fight against this injustice. Feminist movies like the new Ghosbusters are also part of the same ideological wave.

Identity politics is directly opposed to the concept of post-racial society that was defended in America a few years ago: that people should not care at all about their "race" and that those who care very much about their racial identity were called "racists". Now things changed: those who do not care about race are called racists and those who do care if they are "people of color" are though of just expressing their inherent ethnic identity, of course, "whites" cannot be proud of their identity since "whites" are considered "evil" as a group.

In my opinion identity politics is a very dangerous ideology because it encourages people to think about others as inhuman pieces of ethnic groups that are locked in constant struggle instead of autonomous human beings that can cooperate among themselves in order to generate social progress for all. Other ideologies that are similar to identity politics include Fascism and Marxist-Leninism, which generated millions of deaths in the 20th century. Those totalitarian ideologies never reached the US in the 20th century but the rise of identity politics appears to be a sign that they are indeed coming and they just took nearly a century to cross the Atlantic.

Also, you forgot to point out to a movie that I regard as being the pinnacle of this moment: Black Panther. Interestingly, from the reception of that movie nobody thinks it is a problem that there is an etno-state that shuts itself from the world and regards itself as superior as long as that etno-state is not made off an European ethnic group.

This might just do nobody any good.
Also, you forgot to point out to a movie that I regard as being the pinnacle of this moment: Black Panther. Interestingly, from the reception of that movie nobody thinks it is a problem that there is an etno-state that shuts itself from the world and regards itself as superior as long as that etno-state is not made off an European ethnic group.
Remember how the movie ends with the protagonist directly opposing the villain’s plan to force ethnic superiority and decides its in his country’s best interest to share its resources and knowledge with the rest of the world?

Welcome to the human race...
I wouldn't expect a nuanced analysis of racial politics from someone with that particular avatar.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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