Why was the tag 'Oscars too white' not considered racist


A system of cells interlinked
im white and i think its fine to be racist to white people
So you think racism is OK, in other words. Because according to your statement, you do.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

To be honest, that's the unavoidable implication of a lot of the rhetoric that pops in these debates, even if people are often very (and very tellingly) unwilling to put it that way.

If you think it's okay to generalize about some demographics and not others based on their broader cultural status, come out and say it, and debate the implications of that honestly.

im white and i think its fine to be racist to white people

Why would you think that it would be o.k. to be racist towards white people?

Would you think that it is o.k. to be racist towards black people? Brown people? Yellow people?

If you think that it is o.k. to be racist towards white people but not towards other people, why would you think that is o.k.?

Good point Theophile, but I was more thinking of the music industry as a whole. Unless women are involved in all levels including technical and behind the scenes it will still remain a male dominated industry, despite the star performers at the top of their game.

Couple of interesting articles



Different people will go into different professions for their own reasons. Some professions appeal more to men, some appeal more to women. There is nothing wrong with that. 91% of nurses are female. 77% of teachers are female. These professions appeal more to the nurturing side of women than they do to men. We should encourage any man who wanted to become a teacher or a nurse in the exact same way that we should encourage everyone who wants to become any particular (legal) profession to do as such. However, decrying any differential in the gender or race of people in any particular profession when, this century, it is more likely as not that differential is as much based on talent and/or personal choices, seems like an odd fight to pick.

Wanna build on what you just said, about people naturally going into different professions:

Firstly, I agree this is absolutely true. Apart from simply being intuitive and consistent with biological differences, there's already some pretty good research that the more equal a society is between genders, the more pronounced differences between genders become.

BUT, secondly--and this is something I think people who agree on this issue are often missing--it's possible that even natural and moderate differences in gender proportion can exacerbate and amplify themselves.

Example: let's say that, in a perfect cultural vacuum, men were more likely to go into construction than women, so that even with everyone making free and open choices, the field was made up of 60% men. Even if this were happening naturally, the result of having men outnumber women almost 2-1 would be a predominantly masculine culture, which would be pretty likely to make women less comfortable. Over time, it stands to reason women would be less likely to go into construction, and the skew would become stronger. Maybe after a decade it's 75/25, and the same things that moved that number before get stronger, and it continues to happen.

So you can have a situation where maybe a field is naturally 60% male, but ends up feeling the same from inside, after awhile, as a field that's naturally 90% male.

In other words, it's perfectly plausible that everyone's right: there really are gender differences, and that doesn't inherently indicate discrimination, but that fields that have gender differences are still not as welcoming to the minority gender as they should be.

I don't mean to the extent of physicality but I've never been offended when people talked bad about my race.

just me maybe

I don't mean to the extent of physicality but I've never been offended when people talked bad about my race.

just me maybe
I'm kind of with you on that. I'm offended that so many others are so easily offended.

I thought id chime in again, about how Lady Gaga said it was hard for women to get into the music industry.

Firstly, i dont believe a thing she says. I think shes a major hypocrite. She is one these celebrities that just puts their finger in the air and see which way the wind is blowing. She will be down for any cause, if it ads to her popularity.

Someone very brillianly (the post is on page 2) did some research and showed that just about exactly 50% of the artsists that made it big in the 2000s with hit songs were of the female gender. So how can see can claim that, without a single shred of evidence is beyond me. I guess we just have to take her word for it.

How is it harder for woman to get into the music industry as it is for males?? It is hard for any person to get into the music industry. A person may be the most takented singer on the planet but still not make it for whatever reason. Besides, i would argue woman have a better chance to make it big, because they can appeal to the young teen girls (big part of the music industry profits - their parents will buy them he albums, buuy the merch, concert tickets). Dont believe me, at thier height, Britney Spears and Miley Cirus were huge. and now artists such as taylor Swift and Katy Perry ahve taken it to another level.

By he way speaking of Lady Gaga (you can probably tell i dont like her) shes all in on the MeToo movement, says she was abused when she was young. But only now in 2019 does she cut ties with RKelly. hasnt the MeToo movement been going for 2 years now, yet only does she cut ties with him?? By the way, if you read the lyrics to all his songs, he isnt exactly a gentleman towards females (goes for a lot of artists, especially rappers). By the way, how come the PC police never go after the rappers for their hate filled lyrics that promote violence, taking drugs, using females etc? I heard stories about Rkelly long before the MeToo movement started.

I agree with what one person said on tv, that Lady GaGa is pushing for an Oscar and doesnt want to be tied with anyone such as RKelly that can lower her chances.

I think Lady Gaga is such a hypocrite, i dont thin she believes or stands for anything. Several years ago, she was giving speaches at her concerts about the Arizona boarder with mexico, what ever happened to that.

In a few years time, another cause ill come along that she will get behind, just like these dummy celebrities that got behind the MeToo movement. Im supposded to belive all the people in Hollywood had no idea what weinstein was up to? That they had no idea he would take actresses up to his hotel room? Brad Pit knew what he was up to and said nothing! Even those people like Jennifer Lawrence gave creepy acceptance speaches personally thanking Weinstein for the big win. Having said that, there are those that are genuine about the MeToo movement such as Rose Magowan.

I don't mean to the extent of physicality but I've never been offended when people talked bad about my race.

just me maybe
still, with that attitude, it becomes okay for blacks or other races to comitt crimes on white people, like its no big thing. as that attitude circulates into the court system, if a black attacks a white, its no big thing and they walk away without any punishment.

So if a white attacks a black, its a hate crme, but if its the other way around, its not? why shouldnt both instances be a hate crime.

I have heard stories of whited being attacked by blacks, and the police then saying it wasnt a hate crime, when i would argue that it is.

also, white people are not immune to being discrimanted against. i would argue that every single person is discriminated against in a job interview, the person may look at you and not like what they see, and you never hear back about that job.

but that goes back to my original post. If the academy was racist and discriminatory, why give black actors, actresses and directors the most coveted award there is. Why didnt hey just discriminate and give it to the white person instead. Maybe because the academy members are actually decent people that judge the performances and dont look at the skin color of the nominees.

Trouble with a capital "T"
A prime factor in all the finger pointing & racist/misogynistic claims is: there are young millennials who'd like to have been part of the civil rights movement of the 1960s...the only problem is, those civil rights battles have already been won. So we get people making up fake claims like the Oscars are so White, or the music industry is hard for women to get into. I think these people might mean well and wish to continue the fight, but the fight is already over so all they manage to do is to step on other people's toes. I wish these people would go back to saving the whales instead of kicking up a ***** storm that ends up making the world a more negative place to live.

well than your an idiot, if you think its okay to be racist toward any group of people. you obviously werent brought up with any decency.
Please refrain from direct insults. You're free to criticize a viewpoint, even in very strenuous terms, but we try to draw the line at personalizing the disagreement.

I don't want to speak for Velvet, but I kind of understand what he means.

Racism against any group is never a good thing, and says more about those who embrace it than it says about any race.

But it's got a slightly different context when it's aimed at the majority. The majority gets a lot of perks (desired or not) just by being the majority, but one of the drawbacks of being the majority is that it's far more socially acceptable to be criticized by the minorities. While the reverse - the majority criticizing the minorities - is not viewed as socially acceptable.

I kind of look at it similarly to people with celebrity or in positions of power.
Now, it would be horrendous if you or I were the subject of mockery on public TV shows like SNL every week - no one deserves that or what such ridicule & exposure would probably do to your life. Yet the President & various celebrities are openly mocked & lampooned week after week - this goes with the public position of power.

As Americans we celebrate the right to openly criticize our leaders and public figures (who are usually far more wealthy & powerful than the masses), while doing the same to just an average person trying to live their private life would not be as acceptable. This is one of the drawbacks that goes with power, prestige, fame, & wealth, but by getting yourself into those positions and living a public life of celebrity where you intentionally put yourself in the spotlight for the obvious rewards means accepting the slings and arrows (within reason, of course).

In a sense, the same applies to majorities (racial or otherwise). Criticism goes with the territory. The majority tends to have more power in a variety of ways, and part of the responsibility of wielding power is accepting or dealing with all the criticisms, ridicule of mockery of those with less power as they critique how well and how fairly your group is wielding their power.

By the way, where is the consistency from the pc police and SJW's? Theyre for gay rights, but stay silent on countries such as Saudia Arabia's shocking treatment of gays and lesbians. Theyre for gun control, but dont say anything about the violence in movies, or the violence in music, especially rap music.
They say oscars too white, yet when an african american is up to be host, trounce all over him (it was thier backlash that scared the Academy into not letting him host) for things he said (and aologized for at the time).

And as i said in an earlier post why do these people attack the Oscars and not Hollywood? Why dont they protest outside movie studios for being 'too white'. I guess because its much easier too attack the Oscars and do so online with a hashtag that celebrities can get behind. Most absurdly was when Will Smith's wife got behind it - her husband Will Smith was nominated for an oscar for best Actor, in a movie starring a lot of african americans, her hypocrisy was astounding.

Today in 2019 there are no barriers for anyone of any skin color to make it big in any field. Young african americans can grow up to make it big in the music industry, movie and tv industries, any sport (a lot of NFL QB's are now african american, when i remember not long ago they were all white).

Finally i will say this. The Academy can only nominate what it has to work with that year. if a movie comes out that stars all white people (such as The Fighter), well than, that movie will win a lot of awards. The Academy shouldnt apologize whenever white people win an Oscar. Nor should they go out of their way to make it look like they are not racist by just picking people of color to appease a section of society.

In any case i wouuld say that all movies are diverse just by the large numbers of people that work on a film, and those people being of all different races. I dont know why people get so worked up about the 'Big 4' awards. if it werent for the other hundred people that worked on the movie, there would be no movie.

I might just re-watch that movie some day in the name of intergalactic peace
If you did then you'd be "doing your part!"

They're going to make an amalgam sequel to 12 Angry Men and Starship Troopers:

Rico, Carmen, Doogie Hauser and the remaining nine kids of the Roughnecks are: 12 Angry Troopers! (guest starring Eric Idle of National Lampoon's European Vacation fame!)

I don't mean to the extent of physicality but I've never been offended when people talked bad about my race.

just me maybe
still, with that attitude, it becomes okay for blacks or other races to comitt crimes on white people, like its no big thing. as that attitude circulates into the court system, if a black attacks a white, its no big thing and they walk away without any punishment.

So if a white attacks a black, its a hate crme, but if its the other way around, its not? why shouldnt both instances be a hate crime.

I have heard stories of whited being attacked by blacks, and the police then saying it wasnt a hate crime, when i would argue that it is.

also, white people are not immune to being discrimanted against. i would argue that every single person is discriminated against in a job interview, the person may look at you and not like what they see, and you never hear back about that job.

but that goes back to my original post. If the academy was racist and discriminatory, why give black actors, actresses and directors the most coveted award there is. Why didnt hey just discriminate and give it to the white person instead. Maybe because the academy members are actually decent people that judge the performances and dont look at the skin color of the nominees.
see bold