What film(s) make people the most angry?


i put Schindler's List and saving private rayn in the top really it makes us angry towards the inhumanity.
I agree with you wholeheartedly, samdisllva. You're absolutely spot-on here!
"It does not take a majority to prevail, but rather an irate, tireless minority, keen on setting brush fires of freedom in the minds of men." -- Samuel Adams (1722-1803)

He didn't deserve to die, but he's an idiot for not seeing it coming. Even "domesticated" wild animals in the zoo/circus/etc. often end up attacking thier human masters. The fact that he thought he could invade their teritory and not face consequences proves that he was dumb. The film may want you to sympathize, maybe even empathize with him, but he was still doing something really stupid and should have seen it coming.

So, yeah, hate me for bing one of those people. Sometimes stupid people face the consequences of thier actions. Get over it.

Films that make me mad:

All of Michael Bay's films except for Transformers 3.
Every big budget film that actively insults it's audience's intelligence.
Sure, the "grizzly man" made the mistake of doing something that wasn't very smart, but there are a couple of things that i'd like to point out:

A) The Grizzly bear that killed and ate the "grizzly man" was not one of the bears that the grizzly man made friends with.

B) Nobody deserves to die, especially under such horrible circumstances. It's possible to realize that the guy who got killed and eaten by the rogue grizzly bear was not too smart, and yet realize that his death was undeserved.

The very first words in the thing you quoted are "He didn't deserve to die," so I'm not sure if a distinction is being drawn here. He's saying "the guy didn't deserve to do, but he was stupid and careless," and you seem to just be saying the same thing in the other order.

Pulp Fiction makes me angry personally, for two reasons: first of all, l hate the cast and l found its quotes completely non-sense and secondly, l don't understand why critics and people love it so much... why it has 8.9 in IMDB? It's just a gangster/black comedy, nothing special, l have seen better movies than this... ��
"When fortune smiles on something as violent and ugly as revenge, it seems proof like no other, that not only does God exist, you're doing His will." ~ The Bride

I suspect it's falling prey to a common phenomenon with any great and influential film, in that future generations see the many films it influenced before they see it, so by the time they do there's not as much special about it.

Not sure I'd say lots of films have done it better since, but a lot of films have done a rough approximation of some of the things it does, which would certainly lessen its impact. But some of them only exist because of Pulp Fiction.

Pulp Fiction is a film about films (like most of Tarantino movies). It's funny a guy called KillBillLover saying that doesn't understand the praise — you might not like, but saying you don't understand... Well, guess you're not a cinephile...

I dunno, I kinda think that's the "right" way to say it. Saying you don't understand it isn't saying there's nothing there. The blunter, less reasonable way would be to just say the praise is totally undeserved. Saying you don't understand it is the more nuanced/softer version, to me.

Ultraviolence, og course l adore movies. l understand Kill Bill and other Tarantino films but not this one, nor Reservoir Dogs. Generally, l don't understand gangster movies. I have seen many movies in my life and l have understand them. But Pulp Fiction looks completely non-sense. It had no action, no plot, no emotions... just dialogue. Noone never told me what this was all about (and l have seen it 3 times to understand it).

Welcome to the human race...
I don't know, I can see how a person could like Kill Bill but not Pulp Fiction - the former is much more conventionally appealing, for example.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Yeah, maybe... l just don't want to see movies like Physics, l don't want to understand them, l just want to have fun.

Welcome to the human race...
I mean, it'd be one thing if you simply didn't like it but saying there's no action/plot/emotion is a bold claim that a lot of people would naturally contest (or at least mention that action and plot are not the be-all and end-all of a movie's worth).