Louis C.K.


The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
Louis CK 2017 was better than his previous shows but suffer from the same problem: it starts amazingly well but loses a bit of quality after a while! His best bits were all during the first 30 minutes.

To me, Ricky Gervais and Tim Minchin are in another level, although Louis is definitely one of the greats!

I don't watch a whole lot either. Chapelle is on point culturally though. I think it would be up your alley.
I've seen some of his work and he's good at what he does, but what I like so much about Louis C.K. is that his comedy is so incredibly pure in a way that I don't think the comedy of Chazelle and many others is. All of C.K.'s jokes are constructed with the simple purpose of making people laugh. Sure, some of his work touches on themes that could be seen as political or controversial, but these themes are merely used to make the jokes funnier and sharper.

A lot of comedians try to push a certain agenda with their comedy, some of them what I would even perceive as the "right" agenda... But comedy, in my humble opinion, is still at its strongest when the focus is the audience's laughter and not its applause. That's what Louis C.K.'s comedy stands for in my eyes.

Sure, Louis C.K has made political comments in the past (mostly on talk shows or in letters) and it's very clear that he has his own strong beliefs about the world, but in the work that he takes seriously (i.e. his comedy specials and the TV shows he directs), he filters that stuff out or at least presents it in such a way that doesn't make it come across as "pushing". He forces himself to be measured. Instead, he goes for the rawer emotions of his audience and I think that's a very rare attitude amongst artists and especially comedians these days.

His newest special, 2017, is definitely a lot better than Live at the Comedy Store.
I liked Live at the Comedy Store a lot myself. It's a perfect example of a comedy special that has the spirit of what I'm describing above. Pure comedy.


I realize that a lot of other people like their comedy and art to have a certain agenda. Some people even express disappointment when their favorite comedians or artists don't seem to speak to them on an intellectual level in the context of a certain agenda. I'm not saying that's wrong or that art which is presented in such a way is automatically bad.
I just appreciate the rarity of artists that simply excel in the essence of what their art originally stood for.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

His new special called 'Louis C.K. 2017' can be seen on Netflix now!

It's not his very best work, but I liked a lot of it.

My favorite three bits were:

WARNING: "The Show" spoilers below
- "The Christians won - 2017"
- "9 11 Deniers"
- "Elizabethian proposals"

I just watched it yesterday it was pretty good but not as good as his other ones.

The 2017 joke was a very good one but the rest of the material were kind of like watered down versions of jokes his told in the past.

He talks about the same stuff in his other specials.

His thoughts on homosexuality


What happens after you die
It was a bit of a slower pace than his other specials.
It was all good smart material but didn't have the same shock factor as his other specials.

I just watched this last night this was a great insightful podcast. One of the best podcast shows I've ever herd.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
He was decent on SNL. The clown sketch was my favourite.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Any opinions here about Louis' most recent (unfortunately leaked) try-out set?

I'm pretty confident he will be able to fully come back after hearing this.

there was something on my news feed that he does a bit about the survivors from a school shooting that's causing "outrage"
can i have one of those buttons?

This might just do nobody any good.
He basically said that young people are boring and should be doing “fun” stuff rather than lobbying for regulations that could have saved their classmates’ lives.

People are upset about his Parkland jokes. We'll see if his stages a comeback, I don't think he'll be as big as he was.
Not the best bit of the whole set in my opinion, purely on a comedy basis, but it's definitely one of the boldest parts.

He won't be as big with the kind of people who will never be able to "forgive" him or who simply didn't like his comedy to begin with. I agree. I personally think it's sick that he's being compared with someone like Kevin Spacey, though. Read up on what they both (allegedly) did. If people can't see the difference, then there's something seriously wrong with their moral compass.

But Louis is so supremely talented and so high above (most of) the rest of the current comedy circuit, that he just has to come back at some point and reclaim his throne. I'm already seeing huge amounts of people supporting him fanatically. We can't discard one of the greatest comedic and creative minds of our time just because he used to be a little perverted (not even in any criminal way, remember that; he always asked for consent). We don't live in that kind of a society, even if some people would like us to believe we do. He will come back as a cult figure with a massive following.

It's actually pretty common (and bizarre) how often the regulations lobbied for in the wake of a shooting would clearly not have even prevented that shooting.

He basically said that young people are boring and should be doing “fun” stuff rather than lobbying for regulations that could have saved their classmates’ lives.
There's also another side to that story. And Louis expresses it through dark comedy. He told a joke that revealed a sentiment that many (not all) people kind of agree with but don't dare to express in the current political climate: victims aren't always right.

This might just do nobody any good.
Yeah, subjectivity and all, but I fail to see how anything he said can be considered “insightful” or “funny”, darkly or otherwise.

Really just feels like a lashing out.

Where's everybody at lashing out at Jeslenik? I get Louis C.K. being a scumbag, but judging standup is like judging which porn has merits.

I didn't listen to the set. Personally, I think that C.K. is a p.o.s. I know the effort I've spent in my life trying to convince women that they should "share their time" with me, but I never resulted to those tactics. The stuff that he did doesn't fly with me and what my expectation is of how men should behave.

So. Standup is an art form that people mistakenly associate 100% with the person delivering it. These people write a joke and work it and work it and work it over and over until it becomes a finished product. Well, maybe not Ellen Degeneres after watching that special We don't give script writers, actors, directors or musicians shht for doing the same thing with their work. People forget that these things are crafted to get reactions as opposed to being autobiographical. Nobody says anything about Dre and Cube and the likes advocating violence against white people in the 90's, because it was all part of the act. We didn't believe they meant that.

People despise Louis C.K. for what he did and now he should be stoned to death. That's fine. It just conflicts with these messages of everyone needs to be better and act better, that we leave out the most important thing. Forgiveness. It applies to everyone and everything and that's why it's so hard. It asks more of us than we are willing to give most of the time.

The porn comment. Porn is what it is. There to serve a purpose. As long as it's legally made, then it's all the same.Porn is like jumping into a lake, it's on you for diving in and complaining afterwards that you got wet.

Nanette is just as important and deserving as Thoughts and Prayers. You can't have one without the other imo. If your concern is never being offended, then stand-up isn't for you. The onus is on the viewer and the choices they make, not an artist and what they create.