Trump, Great President Or The Greatest President?


i know him from the amount of jokes they say about him in movies...

So , I think there are a few of us pro-conservative anti-Trump types on the board. I told Yoda earlier today my take away from the election is that I hope to see a cabinet full of faces I would have voted for. I hold out hope Trump will tone it down and take some advice through these four years. Does anyone have a cabinet wish list?
Sessions will hopefully have a big seat.

As little of Christie as possible
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I'm having a hard time telling when those stop being paintings and start being photographs.
One seems photo shopped in, but I can't be sure.

great presidents are made when wars foisted upon the nation are won --like first iraq war or both world wars etc .

First sign we're gonna get about what kind of administration Trump might have will be his cabinet choices.

There's a rumor floating around that he might tap Bobby Jindal for Health and Human Services Secretary. If he does, that'd be a great sign. I was literally saying to my brother a few weeks ago that that's exactly where he should be, though I was thinking it would happen in some later Republican administration.

Don't know if it'll happen, but it would be pretty reassuring if it did.

I've been hearing Palin for Secratary of the Interior and either Guilliani or Gingrich for Sec of State. No idea where these rumours are coming from though, just peoples guesses i suppose. When does the Administration start getting announced, usually December i guess?

I'm not sure what the normal timetable is, but whatever it is I wouldn't assume Trump would necessarily mirror it. But sooner rather than later, for sure.

Of the three you mentioned, Gingrich is the only one I wouldn't cringe at. But I don't think as much of him these days, either. I'd really like to see Trump tap other Jindal types: that is, Republicans who maybe aren't gifted politicians, but still rose through sheer competence, and have probably hit their ceiling (which means mostly former Governors, who figure to be better administrators than Senators, in general, too).

But yeah, Jindal at HHS is pretty much the best fit I can possibly imagine, so here's hoping.

I actually don't know how divisive it'll be. If he goes back on a lot of the things he said during the campaign (a near certainty), he might end up being pretty anodyne in practice. Not that this'll stop less thoughtful people from reacting to the rhetoric as if it were policy.

That, of course, was the whole problem: either he's serious about that stuff, in which case he's dangerous, or he's not, in which case he's purely symbolic and won't necessarily do the things his supporters are ostensibly supporting him for. The upside of that for critics is that, well, he won't necessarily do the things his supporters are ostensibly supporting him for.
This is pretty much what I have been thinking, I mean Hilary has already gone from being a criminal who belongs in prison to one we owe a debt of gratitude! is this a new moderate Trump, will he follow through with his pledges now the fight is over. Who on earth will pay for that wall. Either way, a lot of people are going to be disappointed and the joke is over.

Yeah, that was hysterical. She's totally corrupt and we need to "lock her up," but we also owe her a debt of gratitude. What the what?

The cognitive dissonance floating around this dude is something to behold.

I still can't believe all of this is really happening. In a great way, of course. I can't believe Donald Trump, who only a couple of years ago was fighting over Barack Obama's birth certificate and the whole thing.... just met with Barack Obama because he's going to be THE NEXT PRESIDENT LIVING IN THE WHITE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!

I feel like I'm watching that final season of Roseanne where they won the lottery and became rich. Which turned out to basically all be a dream.

Yeah, that was hysterical. She's totally corrupt and we need to "lock her up," but we also owe her a debt of gratitude. What the what?

The cognitive dissonance floating around this dude is something to behold.
Cognitive dissonance maybe, but it's par for the course in politics.

They all go for the throats during the debates and then are all congratulatory afterwards - it's kind of a tradition, just like former Presidents are supposed to keep quiet about criticisms of current Presidents. Our even the tradition Obama recently spoke about: having to do with the peaceful transition of power.

We saw this even earlier where some of Trump's opponents pretty much called him a monster, then once he became the nominee, endorsed him (some more reluctantly than others).

It's kind of like sports events where teams practically try to kill their opponents, but then they all line up at the end and shake hands. Or boxers who literally try to smash their opponent's brain into concussion, then hug each other afterwards and tell everyone how "great" the other guy is.

I'm going to have to avoid saying "I told you so" too often over the next four years, because if I don't those particular keys are going to wear out.

LOL! Yeah right! Only in a perfect world.

My hint as to who I hope our next president will be.....

"Help us Obi Wan Joe Biden, you're our only hope!"