Rate The Last Movie You Saw


the samoan lawyer's Avatar
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Splendor in the Grass (1961)

What a great great film. I literally couldn't take my eyes off Natalie Wood the entire time, she was sensational. Will definitely be checking out more from Kazan, although I find it difficult to imagine he's made better than this. And yes, I've seen Waterfront, Streetcar, Eden, and A Face in the Crowd.

Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Splendor in the Grass (1961)

What a great great film. I literally couldn't take my eyes off Natalie Wood the entire time, she was sensational. Will definitely be checking out more from Kazan, although I find it difficult to imagine he's made better than this. And yes, I've seen Waterfront, Streetcar, Eden, and A Face in the Crowd.

Kazan is probably my favorite director. If you watch another of his films maybe consider:
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Baby Doll
Wild River
But none of those have the lovely Natalie Wood

Splendor in the Grass (1961)

What a great great film. I literally couldn't take my eyes off Natalie Wood the entire time, she was sensational. Will definitely be checking out more from Kazan, although I find it difficult to imagine he's made better than this. And yes, I've seen Waterfront, Streetcar, Eden, and A Face in the Crowd.

Alright, I now what I'm watching tonight!
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
Kazan is probably my favorite director. If you watch another of his films maybe consider:
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Baby Doll
Wild River
But none of those have the lovely Natalie Wood

Cheers CR, also for the links, that's handy! I've added all those to my watchlist. I'd say Baby Doll is probably my most anticipated, imagine our Natalie was that sensuous nineteen-year-old virgin.......

“I was cured, all right!”

One of the worst films I've seen in awhile. It looks like a awful video clip. What about the acting? hahaha Terrible!

A good mass. Great vision, not so good executed! This poster is better than the movie itself!

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds

[size=3]One of the worst films I've seen in awhile. It looks like a awful video clip. What about the acting? hahaha Terrible!
I didn't hate it, I knew what to expect from a Guy Ritchie film and it was ridiculous. But I was able to have some fun with it.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

“I was cured, all right!”
I didn't hate it, I knew what to expect from a Guy Ritchie film and it was ridiculous. But I was able to have some fun with it.
It wasn't fun for me. I was bored to hell.

I knew what to expect from a Guy Ritchie film
Wish he’d stop making his dumb movies.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

A good mass. Great vision, not so good executed! This poster is better than the movie itself!
Excalibur 's the best King Arthur adaptation I think.

This might just do nobody any good.
Jude Law turning into Frank Frazetta‘s Death Dealer was cool.

Excalibur 's the best King Arthur adaptation I think.

“I was cured, all right!”
Jude Law is a bad actor, my girlfriend wants to watch Closer and Cold Mountain next weekend, oh hell, I can't ****ing wait...

"Excalibur is the best King Arthur adaptation" -- I agree, but the film could have been so much greater!

Jude Law is a bad actor, my girlfriend wants to watch Closer and Cold Mountain next weekend, oh hell, I can't ****ing wait...

"Excalibur is the best King Arthur adaptation" -- I agree, but the film could have been so much greater!
I'm not particularly a fan but I did like him in Side Effects.

This might just do nobody any good.
Eh. I like Law.

I also kind of enjoyed Legend of the Sword for the such unapollogetic s***. I’m pretty sure King Arthur says “brah” at one point.

Jude Law is a bad actor, my girlfriend wants to watch Closer and Cold Mountain next weekend
Closer is a good movie. Saw Cold Mountain once, which was more than enough for me.

Irrational Man (2015)
This movie is great and I can truly relate to the main character, of course considering the murder is only a metaphor of a middle age man being depressed and finally finding his niche. And Joaquin Phoenix was just amazing and Woody Allen knows exactly whom to cast.
You can call it the art of fighting without fighting.

Blue Jasmine (2013)
i forgot how to do that popcorn rating however this is 4.5/5 for me.
This movie is so true about a lady having so many plans in life after unfortunate divorce, but not able to move forward with any. Cate Blanchett is just great

To Rome with Love (2012)

3.5/5 -- it wasn't great but I still loved it because I studied in Rome six years and lived like 50 meters from Fontana delle Tartarughe, so i know all the places that were shown in this movie. Otherwise it was typical Woody's script however a bit weaker than usual. Otherwise it was nice and refreshing,