Signs of a bad movie


A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by Ulysses Everett McGill

I won't even justify your stupid post with a comment.
I'm sorry, I only stated you said that, because you DID. See, here it is...

Originally Posted by Ulysses Everett McGill
If people see something in a movie they think that's what really happened.
So please, continue calling me and idiot for pointing out your poor debating skills. I would make sure you read what your fingers are typing. Unless you don't fall into the catagory of people, which you might not.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by Ulysses Everett McGill
Here's my argument - I don't give a ***** about your grandma.

Ah, well said. Do you have a response to the argument I made? Or are we already stooping to playground name calling and attacking of ones family members, clearly a sign of frustration at the loss of an argument.

I'll ask again. Please explain how you are an expert in the loss of life in war.

wow this is pretty interesting
i guess Sedai won that argument?

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by Zzat
i guess Sedai won that argument?
Not really, I am pretty bummed about the whole thing. I would rather get to know people and share experiences and maybe learn a thing or two, but the whole thing degenerated and I just ended up getting irritated and took a walk. Things get the best of me sometimes and I need to step back a bit. I just get irked when someone constructs a box and attempts to put an entire nation into it, and me along with it, the whole time spouting off about the media and it's effect, when they probably got most of their information about my country from the media.....

Anyway...liked Signs, liked Saving Private Ryan

nuff said....

And this is my BOOMstick!
Gee, Ulysses Everett McGill thanks a lot for ****ing up my thread. Never do that again, please go away now.
"All I have in this world is my balls and my word, and I don't break them for no one."

F()CK YOU NITZER. It was just a fu@king conversation. Don't be such a loser.

You're such a good guy, Sedai. YOu truly are the better debater because I went home after work and you stayed on. You're the better one for walking away, and clearly the 'winner' of that argument.

A system of cells interlinked
I believe Zzat said that I had won. I had actually said I didn't win anything, nor do I care. So let's get back on topic shall we? Although, reading back through, you still haven't answered my question.

Baccalaureate of Arts, History Major, Concentration in English.
Baccalaureate of Education, Intermediate and Senior qualifications.

Doesn't make me an expert, by any means. I'm the first to admit it. Anyways, I'm done with you.

Originally Posted by Ulysses Everett McGill
Anyways, I'm done with you.
I think it's us that are done with you, bud. There are now several unanswered arguments here, and you've repeatedly shown an inability to take any disagreement or criticism without lashing out like a hurt child.

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Bad Morther****er
Originally Posted by Ulysses Everett McGill
Of course, many Americans died, and I don't lessen their impact by arguing here. However, using the argument of numbers alone, it's unfair and callous to disregard the contributions and lives lost by those countries aforementioned in my post. Americans' know very little of what it means to sacrifice lives in a war because you only showed up by the wars end in both WWI and WW2.
How in the hell can you say that Americans know very little about what it means to sacrifice lives in war? Go to France take a look at the graves of Americans who died liberating a country that they had zero connection to. Watch some interviews of Forigen soldiers, and see if they would have rathered not taken the ammo and rations supplied by Americans.

I don't think any Allies cried when the US entered into two wars, to protect other countries. Say what you want to, but before we got into the war Britain and Russia were getting their asses kicked, no wonder they lost so many lives. As for France, those great fighters lost control of their own country.

Nobody ever said American soldiers did it by themselves. To claim, however, that the impact this country had on both of those wars was minimal is laughable. To reason that we shouldn't applaud our troop's efforts, is equally laughable.

BTW, Amreican movies are made primarily for American audiences, with American taste in mind in order to maximize American dollars.
Justice will be served/ And the battle will rage/ This big dog will fight/ When you rattle his cage/ And you’ll be sorry that you messed with the U.S. of A./ Cause we`ll put a boot in your ass/ It`s the American way.
Courtesy Of The Red, White & Blue - Toby Keith

A system of cells interlinked
Originally Posted by Ulysses Everett McGill
Anyways, I'm done with you.
Oh, good. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

And this is my BOOMstick!
Originally Posted by Ulysses Everett McGill
F()CK YOU NITZER. It was just a fu@king conversation. Don't be such a loser.

Some people just never grow up.

the mandness...get over it kids.
war movies...its called nationalism of course they are going to portray an image promoting the nations they are going to be shown in...(most of the time)
thats hollywood. if you dont like it...then their an entirely different world of films out their for you.....indie-films are where its at kids.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
The Boondock Saints

Wanna Date? Got Any Money?
I wish he'd get banned..... not only is he being a total moron. But he's giving Canadians a bad name and he's insulting other countries and way of life. Not to mention he's to damn ignorant to see past his arrogance.
Buy a bag, go home in a box.

And this is my BOOMstick!
-People making threads about how bad the movie is

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Start Angry...End Mad
canadian going the looks decent but it'll end up being crap, it's canadian, with unknwon candian actors.
by the way, im canadian and admiting it. lol
...and so the story goes....

In Soviet America, you sue MPAA!
It has The Butterfly Effect, Irreversible, or Battle Royale II:Requiem in the title.
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Anything starring Kate Beckensale
Comicbook movies (with the notable exception of Spiderman)
Films with John Travolta (except Pulp Fiction and Saturday Night Fever)
If someone starts to tell you about a film and begins with the words "The fight/battle scenes are amazing!" That's a bad film.
Any film with a script written by George Lucas.
A film that's advertised as "From the producers/director of..."
A film that is re-released once an actor from it has made it big.