President Trump


Hey Nostromo, i'm going to watch Disney's Hercules with my nephew in about an hour. Like your avatar and attitude.

Posting over and over about the election itself a year later is like some used car salesman daydreaming about his high school football glory days so he can avoid looking at what his life actually turned into..

It's also a dead giveaway that someone has no interest in the profoundly serious policy issues at stake.

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
I wanna ask something and I don't know in what thread I could post it.

Is it generally believed among people in USA that Trump won because of Russia or something in that manner?
“By definition, you have to live until you die. Better to make that life as complete and enjoyable an experience as possible, in case death is shite, which I suspect it will be.”

All good people are asleep and dreaming.

Fake News!

To quote genyav,"so much blah blah blah
I am saddened by you guys."

Politics are so f#cking boring. I can't believe the amount of energy you people waste.

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
I wanna ask something and I don't know in what thread I could post it.

Is it generally believed among people in USA that Trump won because of Russia or something in that manner?
Trump only won because Hillary ran.... Every American should ask themselves if they changed their vote because of Russia. The media pushes a narrative, and millions tag along.

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
Trump only won because Hillary ran.... Every American should ask themselves if they changed their vote because of Russia. The media pushes a narrative, and millions tag along.
That is something I agree with, just got a bit curious if people actually believed in the story of Russia changing something.

Of course Russia had an effect on the election. An army of millions of trolls spewing garbage about the democrats and you want to pretend it didnt effect one american? Get serious. Did you see how many wackos were convinced that Hillary Clinton was running a child sex ring from a pizzeria in Washington? They were looking for an excuse to vote for a clown like Trump and Russia gave it to them. Trump even asked for it himself. So stop operating in denial. Its ok to say the worst of your electorate were convinced to vote for Trump by the most ridiculous of conspiracy theories. Even today you have a 33% approval rating for Trump. How does someone with a 33% approval rating win a national election no matter how bad the other candidate is?
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
Of course Russia had an effect on the election. An army of millions of trolls spewing garbage about the democrats and you want to pretend it didnt effect one american? Get serious.
That is what media dose every day, are you saying no media spoke badly about Trupm? It is how the system works, everything is propaganda, politicians use it daily, it is not something Russia invented, one candidate dose it against the other.

Did you see how many wackos were convinced that Hillary Clinton was running a child sex ring from a pizzeria in Washington? They were looking for an excuse to vote for a clown like Trump and Russia gave it to them.
I think losing to Trump makes her the clown. And what if maybe, but only maybe, people got sick of someone who looks like a definition of someone who never lifted anything heavier than a spoon, telling miners how it will be fine, how she gets them, maybe people between these two clowns decided to chose Trump instead of Hillary. These talks about how Trump won because of Russia or ignorant racists is bad. It was one clown against the other.

How does someone with a 33% approval rating win a national election no matter how bad the other candidate is?
By being a good performer when it was necessary? Aren't all politicians like this or am I missing something here?

And by the way, if you do think that Trump is president because of Russia, well... Welcome to the show - This is how the rest of the world sees USA.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Of course Russia had an effect on the election. An army of millions of trolls spewing garbage about the democrats and you want to pretend it didnt effect one american? Get serious. Did you see how many wackos were convinced that Hillary Clinton was running a child sex ring from a pizzeria in Washington? They were looking for an excuse to vote for a clown like Trump and Russia gave it to them. Trump even asked for it himself. So stop operating in denial. Its ok to say the worst of your electorate were convinced to vote for Trump by the most ridiculous of conspiracy theories. Even today you have a 33% approval rating for Trump. How does someone with a 33% approval rating win a national election no matter how bad the other candidate is?
I am not ok with the collusion that went on, but what exactly did Russia release that would change voter minds?

I am not ok with the collusion that went on, but what exactly did Russia release that would change voter minds?
What was the collusion again?

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Russia + Wikileaks + Drumpf Campaign Advance Knowledge + Normal Campaigning Techniques + Drumpf's Normal Lies = Conspiracy (Collusion) which is actually growing wider by the day with Drumpf cronies' recent, pathetic reverse conspiracy claims. Anybody who has paid attention can reasonably come to this conclusion. If you disagree, that's fine but I'm not explaining what's available to everyone. Politics is a dirty business but Trump brought it to all-time Dirt level.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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What was the collusion again?
I think it was Trump teaming up with the Russians to destroy ISIS in Syria... but now he got the Russians mad at him for selling arms to the Ukraine.

Russia + Wikileaks + Drumpf Campaign Advance Knowledge + Normal Campaigning Techniques + Drumpf's Normal Lies = Conspiracy (Collusion) which is actually growing wider by the day with Drumpf cronies' recent, pathetic reverse conspiracy claims. Anybody who has paid attention can reasonably come to this conclusion. If you disagree, that's fine but I'm not explaining what's available to everyone. Politics is a dirty business but Trump brought it to all-time Dirt level.
You sound like my mom, all she does is sit in front of the tv and watch Fake news CNN and get brainwashed. Funny people sure don’t like to here the truth.

I wanna ask something and I don't know in what thread I could post it.

Is it generally believed among people in USA that Trump won because of Russia or something in that manner?

I think we own it that regardless of any interference, enough voted for Trump that it was close enough.

My typical experience has been that people either voted for Trump, or didn't vote. Then again, I live in a state where Jesse Helms was elected to five terms.