The Walking Dead: Season 7


I caught up tonight, was back three episodes. How bloody convenient was it that they needed to find guns and they found a butt-load of them.
Ummm because they actually went out LOOKING for them specifically?

It wasn't like the first place they hit was Gun Mart, they showed them on the road for awhile scavenging...

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Ummm because they actually went out LOOKING for them specifically?

It wasn't like the first place they hit was Gun Mart, they showed them on the road for awhile scavenging...
They scavenge everyday. That excuse is lame.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

You can't win an argument just by being right!
It wasn't hilarious, it was just weak cgi.
Why didn't they use a real deer? I'm surprised how much my husband has gone off this show. I dont think he even bothered seeing the latest episode.

The runtime is the exact same as every other 60 minute cable network show. I've never understood this complaint.
Not to mention they get paid per episode, not per minute, so "biggest stars becoming glorified cameos to keep costs down" makes less sense than complaining it has as many commercials as any other hour long tv show.

They scavenge everyday. That excuse is lame.
Not for guns, they specifically showed him saying "Just one more day" several times showing they were pushing the trip further and further out looking for. (Drumroll) Guns.

and EVENTUALLY they ran across a military unit that had went down and got guns.

Not sure how that's so far fetched. truth be told I'd imagine they'd run across more than they do considering people vanish but the guns stay where they were dropped.

I don;t care if it was in the comics or not. Comics. Who cares about graphic comic novels?Adapt it! Take LIBERTIES. Damnit. This show has flashes of greatness, but at the end of the day, it's just another run of the mill soap opera with convenient devices for mob mentality to chew on. I'm sorry but that's how I see it. And it's beyond manipulative.
They already DO take liberties on the source, in the comics Andrea is still alive and with Rick, some tv characters don't even exist in the books, some still in the books are dead on the show and vice versa, the Negan scene itself was taking liberties as in the comics just Glenn died.

They already DO take liberties on the source, in the comics Andrea is still alive and with Rick, some tv characters don't even exist in the books, some still in the books are dead on the show and vice versa, the Negan scene itself was taking liberties as in the comics just Glenn died.
I'm sure they do take liberties, just not the right liberties all of the time, at least not to my taste. Hey, they can do whatever they want. I'm the sucker for spending money to stream the episodes. But I certainly don;t have to like their choices. They ruined the Abraham character, and he was the best character on the show. He was tough, funny and a lot more accessible than Rick, who just seems to act like Clint Eastwood 80% of the time. They took a cleveland steamer on Abe, and that p!sses me off to no end. LOL.

I'm sure they do take liberties, just not the right liberties all of the time, at least not to my taste. Hey, they can do whatever they want. I'm the sucker for spending money to stream the episodes. But I certainly don;t have to like their choices. They ruined the Abraham character, and he was the best character on the show. He was tough, funny and a lot more accessible than Rick, who just seems to act like Clint Eastwood 80% of the time. They took a cleveland steamer on Abe, and that p!sses me off to no end. LOL.
Well in the comics Abraham was long dead before the Negan scene where he died in the show, so to that end you got a lot more Abraham than you originally should have, if that helps... I liked him too, but big deaths keep the show moving.

Well in the comics Abraham was long dead before the Negan scene where he died in the show, so to that end you got a lot more Abraham than you originally should have, if that helps... I liked him too, but big deaths keep the show moving.
It wasn't so much that he died, it was the writing of his character before he died that put a sour taste in my mouth. It was at that moment I was taken out of the show and transported at the speed of light to the writer's table..and it was a dog and pony show there. Just a bad way to end him. Sure, he got a choice line before he checked out with "what the b*tch?"..but it wasn't enough. "Suck my n*uts" was a nice touch, but...he was already written as an A-hole. The damage was done. Abraham the womanizing pig. Nice.

I just remember thinking several times, frustrated, why do they keep showing this flashback of his lover giving him a tail light necklace, why do they keep doing these, it's stupid. Where's the pay off?

Cut to 2 episodes or so later and then. AHA! It was a tool used to damn the mighty Abraham. Damn the man! Damn him!

It wasn't so much that he died, it was the writing of his character before he died that put a sour taste in my mouth. It was at that moment I was taken out of the show and transported at the speed of light to the writer's table..and it was a dog and pony show there. Just a bad way to end him. Sure, he got a choice line before he checked out with "what the b*tch?"..but it wasn't enough. "Suck my n*uts" was a nice touch, but...he was already written as an A-hole. The damage was done. Abraham the womanizing pig. Nice.
He didn't strike me as a womanizing pig, like he said to Rosita, back when they thought they were the only people left, pairing up made sense... but since they found other survivors, it makes sense to jump to one you have more of an interest in.

It wasn't like he was trying to hit everything of the opposite gender, he seemed to make a real connection to Sasha that was missing with Rosita.

Well, how specialists on hoarding shows view canned goods might be different from the way apocalypse survivors view canned goods.

Judging from Judith's age, we're a few semi-short years into the apocalypse. I think eating those canned goods is the least of their worries, all things considered. But yeah, eventually that would be a bad idea. But I'm sure this show will keep showing us old canned goods on everyone's shelves for many more years to come... and they'll stumble on a fully stocked 7-11 convenience store 20 years post-apocalypse, too. (How conveeenient!)

At least we know the Twinkies and the Cheetos will still be good. They never go bad.
yeah I don't think we're as long into the this disaster as we think we are. We've been watching it for coming up 7 years but I think we're only a couple of years in. It doesn't look like Judith is even three yet, closer to two. Canned food will be fine, as will bottled food, longlife biscuits, cakes, crisps etc, and that's besides all the dehydrated stuff - soup etc. It's not the edibility of it that I wonder about, it's the availability. Given that every food shop would've been stripped of food as soon as the disaster began, I can't see that our group would've ever have had enough to eat on their travels. They've looking good on it tho!

@Joel - The Stand entered my mind when Eugene was taken by the Saviours. Very Harold like

yeah I don't think we're as long into the this disaster as we think we are. We've been watching it for coming up 7 years but I think we're only a couple of years in. It doesn't look like Judith is even three yet, closer to two. Canned food will be fine, as will bottled food, longlife biscuits, cakes, crisps etc, and that's besides all the dehydrated stuff - soup etc. It's not the edibility of it that I wonder about, it's the availability. Given that every food shop would've been stripped of food as soon as the disaster began, I can't see that our group would've ever have had enough to eat on their travels. They've looking good on it tho!
Lots of survival foods have 20+ year shelf lives. I have a stockpile of emergency food for hurricane season that has a 25 year shelf life, and several mylar pouch items gotten in any grocery store have a 10 year shelf life.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds

Abraham was my favourite character too and was disappointed they went that route. I can't help but feel that it was to give both Sasha and Rosita some sort of conflict moving forward. These two characters have little to do and having tension makes it feel 'justified'. If you notice, when Negan bashes his head in, he gives Sasha the peace sign, but nothing to Rosita. It's safe to say that since he was only with Rosita before because that was their group. Abraham, Rosita and Eugene, no one else, they were using each other for sex and she felt more of an attachment than he did. When he met everyone else, he developed feelings for Sasha, specifically when they went on the scavenge together and he found the bazooka.

The relationship drama that the writers created felt forced and too quick.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
What about the group of people that forgot how to speak proper english.

I laugh at that every time that chick, or really anyone in her group speaks. I must have missed the start of the episode when the crew met that new group so maybe there was an explanation, but it drives me crazy to think that not just one person, but an entire group of people just happened to forget their native language over the course of a few years. Especially given that there has been an entire community available to practice that language with.

Honest question: was that explained? Did they all take a vow of partial silence or something? That made sense in mad Max. I mean, that was a gap of a few generations I think. Sure language will get distorted. But 2-3 years? That's just silly.

To the Negan method of character acting: I often tease my coworker about how to play Negan. Just hold something over your shoulder, lean back as you emphasize every second word in a phrase, and then smile while cocking your head to the side. Don't get me wrong, I love the character and the actor. But it does crack me up sometimes.

I enjoy the show. As with many things though, it frustrates me to see such efforts being made to create something interesting, then be so lazy in the details or character motivation, contrived plot points, and stunted progression.

"le grrr," said the french dog. Or Mr. Garrison during role play.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
@OdumC give me a break. It was lazy writing and your justification for it seems weak. All these zombies have guns just strapped to their backs? Come on. If you're easily fooled into thinking it was a logical step for events, then I don't know what to tell you. I found it contrived and dumb. The one 'saving' grace, if you even want to call it that, is that the woman said it wasn't enough. So yay, more filler of them looking for guns then obviously finding a bunch, probably a big montage.

A character desperately needs to find something, stumbles into a giant yard full of them......yeah....


Abraham was my favourite character too and was disappointed they went that route. I can't help but feel that it was to give both Sasha and Rosita some sort of conflict moving forward. These two characters have little to do and having tension makes it feel 'justified'. If you notice, when Negan bashes his head in, he gives Sasha the peace sign, but nothing to Rosita. It's safe to say that since he was only with Rosita before because that was their group. Abraham, Rosita and Eugene, no one else, they were using each other for sex and she felt more of an attachment than he did. When he met everyone else, he developed feelings for Sasha, specifically when they went on the scavenge together and he found the bazooka.

The relationship drama that the writers created felt forced and too quick.
I think that about sums it up for me. I'll be honest, I found myself drifting when the lulls came on heavy before the big saviors confrontation, but when you say the writers forced it, I would have to agree. I totally missed it. I was actually confused like, what the hell? It seemed rush and very convenient. I get that it was part of the story and all, but it was just lightweight stuff, and the flashbacks made it out to be so much more dramatic than it really was. In the end it just ruined the Abe character for me. It's times like these that I wish I was a lucky writer who could come in and doctor up areas of the script so people at least had someone to root for. I find myself not really caring about anyone now except for maybe Eugene. Daryl barely speaks, I'm still waiting on him to break the Clint Eastwood icyness in a heavy scene, heavier scene...Rick had some truly great moments, but again, his general everyday character doesn't do much for me. He's not really funny or warm. I guess what it boils down to is that the show isn't up my alley. I enjoyed the heavy scenes, but the stuff in between doesn't seem authentic to me. Seems very tv makeover, which is a strange juxta for all the brutal gore. Blood and guts and snot and spit, and oh hey look! The hair is perfect! I'll keep tuning in and hope for a resurgence of solid writing that suit my selfish tastes. I think I need to just start watching comedies again, strictly.

The writing reminds me of Ricky Gervais in The Office. When Brent starts to dance for his coworkers, it starts out small, once he catches wind people are egging him on, he starts grunting, snorting and making a complete monkey out of himself. The writers for Walking Dead are kicking their legs up in the air with full mouth trumpet right now. Once they settle down from poor reviews/ratings (if that day ever comes), maybe we'll get some real Travolta again.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I laugh at that every time that chick, or really anyone in her group speaks. I must have missed the start of the episode when the crew met that new group so maybe there was an explanation, but it drives me crazy to think that not just one person, but an entire group of people just happened to forget their native language over the course of a few years. Especially given that there has been an entire community available to practice that language with.

Honest question: was that explained? Did they all take a vow of partial silence or something? That made sense in mad Max. I mean, that was a gap of a few generations I think. Sure language will get distorted. But 2-3 years? That's just silly.

"le grrr," said the french dog. Or Mr. Garrison during role play.
LOL this just sounds like it's getting worse and worse. Has it been picked up for next year?

I think it's been picked up for However Many They Want to Make. The ratings seem to have peaked a year or two ago, but it's still a huge hit, particularly in the demo, so next season (and the one beyond that) either has been picked up, or is just a formality.