Grill a MoFo


There you are. Hi.

Have you been following the news RE Halloween?
The remake? No, not yet. I noticed the thread, a while back, but I haven't read it yet. My son told me about it, when it hit the net.

Registered User
Roast me

The remake? No, not yet. I noticed the thread, a while back, but I haven't read it yet. My son told me about it, when it hit the net.
Not a remake... going to occur between H2 & H3 in the story canon.


Not a remake... going to occur between H2 & H3 in the story canon.

Very interesting. I had no idea that was what it was about. I do know that he actually only wanted to make the first movie, but got talked into the second film. (Man, I sure hope I am remembering that accurately.) Anyways, he then intended to make Halloween movies like number three. A different story, each film. Now that part I know I have right.

Please ignore any errors. I'm on a Kindle. Sitting in a hospital.

One, I will try to get the accurate list made up in the next day or two. Two, I will see if I can help with getting these caught up. I will not go so crazy with all the questions. Too time consuming.

I'm sorry?

You do have one of these, I'm assuming. I can't find the names of the PMs/requests. I'll just check through here, and the already made threads, to see who is next. That will also depend on if they are still active, but of course.

Good grief. When I leave something, I leave it. CiCi baby, by the looks of this thread, you'd never know that you're one of my all time favorite MoFos. I am so sorry, sweetie. (That's right, I f@ckin' said sweetie!) Let's try this ***** again . . . Shall we?

Tongo . . . Ummmm . . . Do you still want to be grilled? Things seem to be a bit more hairy like a gorilla for you, or so it would seem. As you can see, you are next. What say you?

Hello Guap! . . . Tattwo!


This may actually get a bit entertaining!

Apparently I'm a day late, and a dollar short, when it comes to what the hell goes on around here. I suppose Tongo left. I will move ahead with the list, and just leave his name there. You never know. He may come back.

Why are you saying Hi to me out of context? it's creepy .

I forgive you though, since you wrote my nick just next to Guaps
I'm going to have fun with his thread? Almost as much fun as I'll have with your's.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I guess people can always revive an old one -- I don't mind answering new questions by new (or older) members.
Do you nave a Grill thread? If so I might have a few questions for ya

Up next . . .

TONGO <~ Already done!
Yes CiCi, your time is coming up, sweetie pie.

I'll throw Alex and Guap together tonight. Take that however you please.