Trump, Great President Or The Greatest President?


I still find it funny that you've voted for President Fart. Sorry, but that just isn't going to get old for me.
I'm probably being dense, but I have no idea what this is in reference to.

I'm probably being dense, but I have no idea what this is in reference to.
You mean you didn't write in "President Fart"?
Oh, that's right... you already said you wrote in McMullen.

I'm probably being dense, but I have no idea what this is in reference to.
You're not being dense. Over here "trump" is slang for farting. Therefore, to trump is to fart. Hence, President Fart. It's all I hear everytime someone says his name. Always has been. It was funny enough when he wrote on everything he owned or promoted, but putting President before it is just wonderful.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

You're not being dense. Over here "trump" is slang for farting. Therefore, to trump is to fart. Hence, President Fart. It's all I hear everytime someone says his name. Always has been. It was funny enough when he wrote on everything he owned or promoted, but putting President before it is just wonderful.
You Belgians and your weird sayings!

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
His speech sounded slightly Keynesian when he talked about investment, I'm interested in hearing how he goes about that. He's always seemed slightly more middle ground on issues like that, healthcare too. But yeah, I think there's been an overreaction as to how much damage he could potentially do, people act as if he is free to do what he wants and that he will start WW3 tomorrow.
It keeps people tuned into the commercials.. Media has only one bias - financial.

In the beginning when he ran, there was talk of a new reality show if he won the White House.


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
So , I think there are a few of us pro-conservative anti-Trump types on the board. I told Yoda earlier today my take away from the election is that I hope to see a cabinet full of faces I would have voted for. I hold out hope Trump will tone it down and take some advice through these four years. Does anyone have a cabinet wish list?

So , I think there are a few of us pro-conservative anti-Trump types on the board. I told Yoda earlier today my take away from the election is that I hope to see a cabinet full of faces I would have voted for. I hold out hope Trump will tone it down and take some advice through these four years. Does anyone have a cabinet wish list?
Not trying to be repetitive or glib, but sound wise people not like him. I think Yoda is right where suddenly the Republicans went from a sure loser to now are fully in office, in control of it all...................except theres this one little problem! Hopefully he will listen to them and not go full-Sarah Palin

Trumps made himself a very wealthy man surrounding himself with great talent to do it for him. I hope he chooses wisely. He is able to do that, I think.

Trouble with a capital "T"
So , I think there are a few of us pro-conservative anti-Trump types on the board. I told Yoda earlier today my take away from the election is that I hope to see a cabinet full of faces I would have voted for. I hold out hope Trump will tone it down and take some advice through these four years. Does anyone have a cabinet wish list?
It's a good question, Sean...I wish I was more astute about politics to answer, but I'm not. If the conversation comes around to: what issues do we want Trump to take on (and which ones do we hope he will leave alone), then I can add my two cents.

Just noticed this thread. I'm going to quote what I said in the election thread, because it fits better in here:

This is going to sound extremely odd to some people and it's perhaps not entirely believable coming from a young white male (who undoubtedly lives inside his own bubble of perception), but I sincerely believe that Trump has a better chance of unifying America and perhaps even the world than Hillary.

The right and the far left would've never stood behind her. It was basically impossible for her from the beginning to become a unifying president because of people's firm perceptions of her.

I don't really have any proof for this, but my feeling is that people will be more willing to give Trump a chance to unify them if he actually starts acting as a sensible and inclusive president. He's said a lot of horrible stuff in the past of course and his reputation may very well already be beyond saving, but something tells me that he still has that small opportunity to surprise everyone in that regard.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Trouble with a capital "T"
Originally Posted by Cobpyth
This is going to sound extremely odd to some people and it's perhaps not entirely believable coming from a young white male (who undoubtedly lives inside his own bubble of perception), but I sincerely believe that Trump has a better chance of unifying America and perhaps even the world than Hillary.
Unifying the world? No disrespect intended but that sounds more like your own desire, than anything else. A lot of young people seem to think that people, one planet, open borders. I'm not knocking that, but that is so opposite of the direction America is heading, especially with Trump at the helm.

The right and the far left would've never stood behind her. It was basically impossible for her from the beginning to become a unifying president because of people's firm perceptions of her.
I agree with this.

I don't really have any proof for this, but my feeling is that people will be more willing to give Trump a chance to unify them if he actually starts acting as a sensible and inclusive president. He's said a lot of horrible stuff in the past of course and his reputation may very well already be beyond saving, but something tells me that he still has that small opportunity to surprise everyone in that regard.
That's wishful thinking. I'm old enough to know people don't change their core behavior. Trump's personality and the way he handles himself will not be changing.

Trump is going to be for US what Hugo Chaves was for Venezuela.

Although I doubt he will go that far. The US has stronger democratic institutions that block his dictatorial aspirations. In greater probability will be pretty much like a populist Latin American Banana Republic President. Although I wonder how far he would go for the wall, which would be tremendously unpopular worldwide.

And no, don't expect a free market conservative a la Romney. Trump is a fascist style populist in line with people like Franco, Mussolini and Getulio Vargas. His policy objectives also sound very much like LA I import substitution industrialisation policies of the 1960's. He will not have a free market conservative cabinet, in fact the economic advisers working for him will be the worst kind of crackpots. There is potential for severe economic damage in his proposals although I doubt Trump is stupid enough to go through his most moronic policies.

Tyler Cowen did some analysis of Trump's possible policies:
Although I think he is very optimistic there.

I'm having a hard time telling when those stop being paintings and start being photographs.