The Resident Bitch's Movie Log

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While it's good to know that the characters don't remain this problematic, I'm just going to take your word for it. As a general rule, I don't watch sequels to movies that I don't like.
lol. The sequels other than II (which is pretty much the same film with a different ending) and III which is pretty bad but i really like it personally are overall much worse films than the original. Think most fans would say the same actually.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
lol. The sequels other than II (which is pretty much the same film with a different ending) and III which is pretty bad but i really like it personally are overall much worse films than the original. Think most fans would say the same actually.
Just showed one of my boys 3 today. Not a good movie but it is hard to supress the fan boy in me when watching. Going to try and get him to watch 4 tomorrow.

Just showed one of my boys 3 today. Not a good movie but it is hard to supress the fan boy in me when watching. Going to try and get him to watch 4 tomorrow.
Did your boys like it? Couldn't tell you how much i loved 3 as a kid, i mean:


lol. The sequels other than II (which is pretty much the same film with a different ending) and III which is pretty bad but i really like it personally are overall much worse films than the original. Think most fans would say the same actually.
I'd say the original is the most raw and most realistic of the series.
It's got a "dirty" quality to it (by that I mean it's street level, it's grimy, it depicts the blight of the character's lives quite well). The sequels become increasingly more polished (and less believable). Part of that has to be attributed to the story line that Rocky's life itself becomes more polished - richer, brighter, cleaner - but all these things lead into themes of the sequels (like Apollo trying to return Rocky to the dirt and the grime in III that made him "hungry" originally.)

I don't get why many people dislike III. Is it what happens to Mickey? Is it Mr. T.?
I always see IV almost as a re-tread of III with some cold war politics added.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
On this rewatch I just think III is really poorly written, and so much of the training doesn't work. The splashing in the waves. There should be a happy medium between full orchestra with bubbles reigning down and training in a boiler room.

I don't get why many people dislike III. Is it what happens to Mickey? Is it Mr. T.?
It becomes a lot more cheesy and absurd, i mean that Apollo and Rocky beach scene . Not that it wasn't already cheesy but if you watch the first three one after another you'll definitely see a turn in content. Not necessarily a bad thing but it feels like a completely diferent film to the first two.

Oh, I know what you guys are talking about... the gay scene! Rocky & Apollo jumping & frolicking & hugging each other in their little From Here to Eternity bromance on the beach scene. Yeah, that scene was a bit cringe worthy - it was the slow motion that really gave it that homoerotic vibe.

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
Joaquin Phoenix having sex with a corpse.
I didn't know he ventured there. That's really funny. One thing is for sure, no matter how terrible the film, Whackeen never fails to surprise me.

What we've learned so far...
Rocky II is the same movie as Rocky, but with a different ending.
Rocky IV is the same movie as Rocky III, but with cold war politics.
Rocky V sucks.
Grudge Match is the same movie as Rocky Balboa, but with DeNiro in it.
Creed is Rocky black.
The Karate Kid is karate Rocky for teens.
And Miss Vicky doesn't watch sequels to movies that she doesn't like.

What we've learned so far...
Rocky II is the same movie as Rocky, but with a different ending.
Rocky IV is the same movie as Rocky III, but with cold war politics.
Rocky V sucks.
Grudge Match is the same movie as Rocky Balboa, but with DeNiro in it.
Creed is Rocky black.
The Karate Kid is karate Rocky for teens.
Karate Kid II is the same movie as Rocky IV, but with Okinawans instead of Russians!
Miss Vicky doesn't watch sequels to movies that she doesn't like.

And... *SPLORT*

The **** is this thread, holy ****.

WARNING: "Rocky Spoilers" spoilers below
Rocky is an amateur boxer who makes ends meet by working as a strong arm for a loan shark. He's uneducated and chauvinistic. Also a sh!tty pet owner, but that's neither here nor there.

Adrian is a nearly 30 year old woman who works at a pet store. She initially shows no interest in Rocky despite him stopping by the store every day to talk to her and clumsily attempt to flirt. She's too meek to tell him off and he won't get a clue.

Adrian lives with her extremely chauvinistic a-hole brother (who is Rocky's friend) who, without her knowledge or permission, sets her up with a date with Rocky on Thanksgiving night. When she argues with her brother about it and says she doesn't want to go, her brother screams at her for awhile, then takes the turkey out of the oven and throws it into the alleyway, at which point she gives in and goes out with Rocky.

She seems to have an okay time with Rocky and they end up at his apartment, where she expresses discomfort at being alone in the apartment of a man she barely knows. When she tries to leave, Rocky pushes the door shut and traps her in a corner - with one hand on the door and the other against the wall blocking her from moving in either direction. He then pulls off her hat and glasses and then murmurs about how pretty he thinks she is before leaning in to kiss her. And, of course, being a chauvinist's dream woman, she gives in and kisses him back. Later her brother gets jealous of Rocky's rising fame, calls Adrian a "broken whore" and throws her out of his house, so she moves in with Rocky. Ah, true love.
Thank you for that, I didn't want to see it before and now I want to see it less.

Not every woman out there needs to be all super tough and strong willed. Sometimes women like that wind up without men and without sex.
Dude... what's your deal... for real...
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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
The amount of kinkiness in this thread astounds even me. Good job, guys!
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.