Rate The Last Movie You Saw


City Slickers

Sorry to any fans of this but i just didn't find this very funny. Especially the first hour with the exception of a few one liners and the classroom scene. Jack Palance was pretty good i guess but this must have been a career Oscar win for him. I have seen all four of the other nominees that year and his was easily the weakest IMO, he only really had one major scene and was in the film for 10 minutes at most half of which was him standing at a fence in the background .

These are the movies I've seen in the past week or 2...

Eastern Promises (2007)

A solid crime drama, but I preferred A History of Violence, the other Viggo/Cronenberg collaboration. I'm a huge fan of Viggo and always try to check out his films... but I think I saw TOO much of him! (people who've seen this know what I'm talking about) Also, as far as Cronenberg flicks go, this one was actually pretty tame on the violence factor. Still worth checking out though.

Man Bites Dog (1992)

Wow. This is one of the most messed up movies I've ever seen. Not so much due to the gruesome images, but just how the killer and the camera crew following him go about with their acts. It starts out pretty messed up and progressively gets worse and even more sadistic. That being said, it was quite the interesting watch! Quite an achievement for a production that had pretty much no money.

Wizards (1977)

This is the first film I've seen from controversial animator Ralph Bakshi. I actually really enjoyed it, it was refreshing to see such a different animation style. The story was pretty interesting how they blended fantasy and technology—although it was obvious that it was all an allegory for WW2. Heck, the bad guys literally had swastikas in their base and on their uniforms, and the villain played WW2 stock footage to get his army hyped up for battle. This was apparently a kids movie, but much like Watership Down there's quite a bit of violent images and would probably get an R-rating in today's world. I was quite satisfied with this and recommend it to any fan of animation.

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)

I got the Signature Collection that came out recently. It's been a long time since I've seen this and was equally blown away this time around. The animation is still so unique and holds up tremendously. Of course I love the dwarfs, with my favorite probably being Bashful, they are still some of the most iconic animated characters ever. Knowing that this was the first animated feature film and how much of an impact it had on animation makes me respect it greatly. It may not be my favorite animated film, but I do believe it is the most important/influential/greatest animated film of all time.

Nice to see that rating for Man Bites Dog, FW. It's a top 10 film for me.

Death Race 2000 (1975)

Death Race (2008)
Jesus. MM, what is wrong with you?
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Master of My Domain
I'm partially with HK on this one. It's true that I dislike the original Death Race 2000, it is far more superior than the really, really crappy remake. MM, if you're trying to be hipster, it ain't working bro.

Death Race 2000 (1975)

Death Race (2008)
100% agree! same as you MM.
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

I have to return some videotapes...
It Follows? more like, It Sucks.
I love this film and it's probably the best horror film to come out in the past 5 years. The cinematography, score, and direction alone should get it higher than a
It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
But what story did it tell? Even the story of the journalists could have been told better to me, like going deeper into Michael Keatons' character, the history of the paper, how people had try to get things published in the past. I'll repeat that I thought I thought there was plenty of opportunities for it to be something interesting but it actually just turned out to be two hours of them trying to get access to some documents.
It wasn't about that, it was about the investigation. Going anywhere else would distract from the story. These are people doing their jobs. Were not getting their life stories.

I think you're selling it a bit too short due to the unimpressive direction and lack of character development. But to me, the film is not interested in those aspects.

Originally Posted by AboveTheClouds
For a film that came out recently and sort of has the same shtick, Contracted was way better
Contracted was gross. It felt more redundant than It Follows and doesn't seem interested in having any fun with the tropes of the horror genre, whereas It Follows is all about that.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Wanna Date? Got Any Money?
Contracted was gross. It felt more redundant than It Follows and doesn't seem interested in having any fun with the tropes of the horror genre, whereas It Follows is all about that.
Contracted was more of a body horror which is honestly what I would expect from a film that uses sexual disease as it's main plot device. It Follows was just not my cup of tea, as witty as the concept is, and I can appreciate that it doesn't take itself seriously, but I just found it to be lacking in the areas that I would personally enjoy. Anyway.

Spring (2014)

Usually I detest anything with romance as a main plot device, but holy ***** was this movie incredible. It blends horror and romance so well, the real scares were minimal, but it's the atmosphere and character development that build the tension and get you there. The story is focused around a twenty something Evan who's made a trip to Italy to try and forget the recent death of his mother and Louise, a strange girl he meets in the coastal town he ends up in. The story does a good job with pacing and doesn't give up the truth before it needs to, you can kind of start piecing things together at certain points, but you're never really sure. The sets were awesome, acting was pretty damn good, the plot was pretty original and overall I really enjoyed it.
Buy a bag, go home in a box.

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future

It's good. I really need to stop subconsiously comparing Carpenter to Hawks. My sensibilities lie much closer with Hawks, and I started to watch Carpenter because I know he's a big fan of him, but they're completely different animals. My favorite parts of Hawks, the feeling of community, the cohesion of a society, is completely missing in Carpenter. This is not accidental, for Carpenter's films are dystopias to Hawks' utopias. Carpenter's dystopias are a fear, an imagination whereas Hawks' societies are a celebration of everything physical and present. It's hard to get a good read on him in terms of his ideas an beliefs when I just view them as foils to Hawks, but it's hard to tune out while I watch his movies. Nonetheless, his soundtrack is great, and Kurt Russell's ambivalence is played just right for me to enjoy it regardless of my qualms.

I have to return some videotapes...
Review for Myth of the American Sleepover right here.

Welcome to the human race...
All I saw was a muddled plot which didn't stick to the rules the director laid out at the beginning of the film. Its almost like he came up with certain concepts on the spot and threw them into the mix right then and there
This is somewhat excused by the idea that, since "it" is supposed to be an urban legend and the only people who deliver exposition on it are working off whatever they're told by other victims or what they actually experience themselves, then there's no way of ever knowing for sure what "it" is fully capable of or what rules "it" actually follows. While it does make some sense, it still feels a bit too much of a cop-out. Oh, well.

Double Team -

Essential viewing.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Hollywood Online Movies

Welcome to the human race...



Can't get enough of those Rodman basketball quips.

You got me wanting to do another Van Damme marathon.
Yeah, like in a lot of ways I can see how people would hate it, but I think it's a pitch-perfect example of action cinema at its most absurd and all the things that shouldn't work just...do. It's almost like The Room in how the sheer ridiculousness of every single element is part of the appeal, and the fact that it's directed by an action director as competent as Tsui Hark at least means that the action is actually good underneath the superficial silliness of using vending machines to survive explosions or barefoot henchmen kicking Van Damme while clenching switchblades between their toes. It's glorious.

By the by, have you seen the last two Universal Soldier movies?

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The Martian (2015)

Some of the scenes are breathtaking and Damon puts in a good shift with some pretty funny moments. All in all though, it felt like it was missing something. With a grittier and perhaps more psychological edge it could have been so much better. Still good though.

Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Welcome to the human race...
Damme became a villain or something. I think I stopped after 2.
I imagine they'd be worth your time - they are better than their straight-to-video appearance may suggest, which is why I sought them out in the first place. I certainly enjoyed them more than the original (haven't bothered with The Return, which sounds a little too bad even for me).