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Lethal Weapon -

Actively questioning which Black-scripted film is better, this or The Last Boy Scout.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I think Lethal Weapon is probably the better film, but I enjoy The Last Boy Scout more. It's been a long time since I saw either, though.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I've seen Dirty Harry yesterday because I've read the book by Robert Graysmith about the Zodiac killer a few weeks ago. In the book, Graysmith said that Dirty Harry is very faithful to the criminal case?! I don't understand why he said that, this isn't the case at all. I was also interested in this movie because it launched the Italian sub-genre the poliziottesco.
I'm a little surprised that this movie became a cult film. The pace is very unequal, this stuff of peeping Tom is badly developed. And frankly... Clint Eastwood has always the same facial expression. The Italian director Dino Risi said about him in Leone's films : "Clint Eastwood has two facial expressions : one with the cigar and the other without the cigar"

No, it's not Photoshop
Wrong! He has other expressions: with the hat and without the hat

I've seen Dirty Harry yesterday because I've read the book by Robert Graysmith about the Zodiac killer a few weeks ago. In the book, Graysmith said that Dirty Harry is very faithful to the criminal case?! I don't understand why he said that, this isn't the case at all. I was also interested in this movie because it launched the Italian sub-genre the poliziottesco.
I'm a little surprised that this movie became a cult film. The pace is very unequal, this stuff of peeping Tom is badly developed. And frankly... Clint Eastwood has always the same facial expression. The Italian director Dino Risi said about him in Leone's films : "Clint Eastwood has two facial expressions : one with the cigar and the other without the cigar"

No, it's not Photoshop
Funny. One of the first movies I talked about when I joined this site was Dirty Harry, and its one of your first as well.

I didn't like it either, though at the time I thought it was okay.

Klown (2010)

Danish sex comedy that plays subtle, but has outrageous, raunchy moments mixed in. There's not many foreign comedies that I really like, but I think the simplicity of this one helped me out. MovieMed was spot on recommending it to me, because I'd have no idea who to recommend this to. The closest thing I've seen to it is Happiness.

Haha, awesome you liked it, cricket!

Especially happy to hear you think it was "spot-on" - I've been doing pretty well with recommendations to you (Dumplings, Festen, Wolf Children and maybe others can't remember).

Now how about that ending! You'd never see that in an American comedy, that's for sure.

Haha, awesome you liked it, cricket!

Especially happy to hear you think it was "spot-on" - I've been doing pretty well with recommendations to you (Dumplings, Festen, Wolf Children and maybe others can't remember).

Now how about that ending! You'd never see that in an American comedy, that's for sure.
The end reminded me of The Hangover, but during The Hangover's end credits.


The end reminded me of The Hangover, but during The Hangover's end credits.
By the way, I actually did a review of Klown: The Movie in my diary thread, which I doubt you eve read.

Funny, I already mentioned your name there, recommending it to you.

Here's a link to the review:


Trouble with a capital "T"
Philomena (2013)


A true story, quite simply told very well, with two exceptional performances from Judi Dench and Steve Coogan. Nice and tight with a 95 minute runtime, and packing plenty of emotion. A fantastic watch and a quality recommendation by Citizen Rules.
Cool, glad to hear you liked it. How did your wife like the movie? HoneyKid had mentioned Philomena to me some time ago, so thanks to HK.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Quite the range of movies, all of which delivered wonderfully for me

No Country For Old Men
This is actually the first time I got to see this completely. I had seen bits when it first came out and it became a Bucket List Movie that some day. . . some day. . . Thank you Osbourne and TMC who had as guest, Author: John Grisham. Made me chuckle how Osbourne didn't care for the violence and squirmed a little as he said it, but appreciated the story.
Great, great movie. Shame on me for taking so long to watch it.

a delicious romance for the S&M crowd and a really great movie if you are not. It's quirky, passionate and done with respect for the craft with complex characters done brilliantly by the entire ensemble.

(REWATCH) The Last of Mrs Cheyney (1929)
One of my favorite Norma Shearer films with a young Basil Rathbone doing a magnificent job sharing precarious, playful banter with Norma.

And serious reps for Dadgum for his Norma Shearer movies. Got some excellent ones there! I'll be watching Idiot's Delight myself soon. Missed recording The Barretts (another big fav, and yes, Laughton is excellent in) but did get Romeo and Juliet with Leslie Howard which I don't think I've ever seen. . . so, YAY

Cool, glad to hear you liked it. How did your wife like the movie? HoneyKid had mentioned Philomena to me some time ago, so thanks to HK.
She liked it as much as I did

Room 237 (2012)

Documentary in which a few people discuss what they believe are hidden meanings in Stanley Kubrick's The Shining. Up until about halfway, I was very interested and somewhat fascinated. From then on, I settled into the belief that I was listening to a bunch of crap. I still moderately enjoyed the movie, only because The Shining is a favorite of mine.

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This Property Is Condemned - 5/10

The entire film could have been 10 minutes. Didn't care for the pace, the typical 30's southern exaggeration - this "drama" kinda reminds me of a musical.

Be a freak, like me too
Yes, Frost/Nixon is excellent! It's like a box match!

Blast of Silence (1961), Allen Baron

It's a kind of modern film noir, a wandering sometimes oniric, influenced - I suppose - by the French New Wave. There's a voice all the time, it's weird and it makes me think to the Nouveau Roman and especially to Michel Butor's La Modification (which was written in the second person, "You"... and which creates an identification between the reader and the character). Pretty interesting but it won't stay in my annals