Rate The Last Movie You Saw


That's probably because after my stroke, I started doing 20 ratings at a time because I couldn't type long reviews anymore. I've got about 2,000 posts in Movie Tab II, and I'm sure that several people have never looked in there. Post wherever you want, but there's some good stuff in Movie Tab. Here are two posts I made in there when I could actually type.
Maybe if you started posting 25-movie comments in here everyone would remark how it somehow became a thread for posting multiple movies and would move back over there

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Gilda - 6/10

Very cliche noir - bad acting, slick dialogue with double entendre, subtle sexual innuendo, basic motivations, the dramatic twists and turns.. There are hundreds of films better, but if you've seen them all except this, watch it. Gilda reminded me of every single woman.

Spectre (Sam Mendes, 2015)

I really, really wanted to love this, but I ended up being quite disappointed. At times there were moments of promise, a nice tracking shot at the beginning ends up coming to nothing, and I would say that is quite appropriate for the film as a whole. There are lots of nods to classic James Bond films, Christoph Waltz is a great actor, and I thought the casting of Dave Bautista in an Oddjob-like role was a clever choice, all these great ingredients were mainly let down by the awful writing. I am not even talking about the the silly plot holes, false deaths, near misses etc. that are often associated with bad action films, or how it tries to link everything together cleverly but fails to do so in a clear, cohesive way, or even the questionable treatment of characters such as the one portrayed by Monica Bellucci. I'm talking about it's general structure. It feels very similar to Skyfall, but it might be worse. It could be forty minuets shorter, once again we get at about the hour and a half mark, Bond facing off against the villain, only for a couple of plot twists and false endings before the real final act, an extended ridiculous action extravaganza to end it all. When Daniel Craig and Christoph Waltz finally come face to face, I found it to be incredibly anticlimatic, the biggest crime the film commits is being boring, it feels like they had certain characters, plot elements that they really wanted to fit in, but had no idea how. All being said, I still enjoyed it enough overall to not go too harsh on my rating, I'm a big fan of James Bond so I find it difficult not too, but I really think this is a bit of a mess and it's incredibly frustrating considering how good I think it could have been, how good it should have been.

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Storm Center - 7/10

Thanks CR. As you said, the heart is in the right place.

I just read this was the first overtly anti-McCarthyist film. I didn't focus too much on execution, but the theme is important. If you call the US "free" you can't ban books, ban ideas, be afraid of things you don't like. Besides the dropping of the bomb, the next deadly thing that happened to this country was the elimination of free speech/thought. Even in the end, you saw how fickle public opinion was, and how they turned to "dominoes".

Even today, in 2016, people can't distinguish socialist from democratic socialist. I talk a lot online, chat rooms, message boards, forums, which is sad, that my approach to life has to be found via needle in haystack as opposed to the community I live in.. Anyway, politics is a pretty big topic, and people are always talking about it. I haven't heard anyone rip apart the argument on itself, but can only disagree with something by saying "he's a socialist" - when in fact he (Bernie Sanders) is center-left... We went from purpose to anti-communism.. How do you fight ignorance and apathy? I guess someone whose ignorant can always learn, but how do you fight apathy?

When it comes to talking about being "red" people became "yellow". Instead of running away from a belief that's not popular, leftists ran away and sold out to become social democrats or "liberals" so they could keep their middle-class income yet not appear to be selling out the cause of humanity, and having a stockbroker mentality to champion empty gestures - doing whatever it takes to deactivate guilt. Gotta keep the fire going even if it means throwing in the furniture, putting a down payment on a house you'll never move into.

I'm glad I saw this film. The issue has been on my mind constantly - sincerity, motivation, and honesty, especially since I see myself isolated because of human context imposed on by a few fascists.

Any films similar to this? I think it could have been pushed further, but I understand it was 1956. In fact, I remember Kim Hunter being blacklisted even after her Oscar for "A Streetcar Named Desire". I think having Bette Davis in her role was a very conscious decision, since she was "trusted" not to be a "red". This narrows down to putting ego ahead of truth...

You mean me? Kei's cousin?

Look, Dr. Lesh, we don't care about the disturbances, the pounding and the flashing, the screaming, the music. We just want you to find our little girl.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'm glad I finally recommend a movie that resonated with someone! I thought you'd like it, Matt.

I'm sure you probably already read the IMDB trivia on Storm Center, it's interesting:

Storm Center was the first movie to criticize the McCarthy era directly.
The Legion of Decency did not like the movie because of what it considered the film's "pro-Communist" leanings. Instead of condemning the picture, though, it used a "separate classification" for it...
The script was first offered to Stanley Kramer, a producer acclaimed for his films with a social conscience, including Home of the Brave [1949], High Noon [1952], and The Defiant Ones [1958]. Kramer offered the role of Alicia Hull to Hollywood legend Mary Pickford, who was looking to make a comeback. However, Pickford was quickly talked out of doing the film by gossip columnist Hedda Hopper, an arch conservative and fervent anti-communist who warned Pickford that the film was pro-Red...
Unfortunately, Storm Center was not well received by either critics or viewers, which Davis believed to be the fault of the film, not the subject matter. She did not agree with the casting of little Kevin Coughlin as Freddie, complaining that Taradash did not direct him well. According to Davis, this resulted in a lack of emotional rapport between her and Coughlin, making it difficult to believe the extent of the little boy's feelings of betrayal...
I can't think of any other films like Storm Center right now, anyone have any?

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I'm glad I finally recommend a movie that resonated with someone! I thought you'd like it, Matt.

I'm sure you probably already read the IMDB trivia on Storm Center, it's interesting:

I can't think of any other films like Storm Center right now, anyone have any?
Thank you.

I just read the Davis quote and not sure if it's quite accurate. Little boys aren't usually that understanding.

Welcome to the human race...
Return to the 36th Chamber -

Extremely empty rehash of the amazing original. Also took me way too long to realise that Gordon Liu is actually playing a completely different character to the one he played in the first and third 36th Chamber movies (which is made more confusing by the fact that said character exists yet is played by a different character). At least the last fifteen minutes or so are worth watching.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Jurassic World...overall good, although I knew a few spoilers. The CGI was fantastic and the story was very good. My main flaw with this movie is some acting. Chris Pratt was excellent and the other ones were good, although the older brother (Zach or smtng) didn't look scared enough in some scenes. The kids didn't look shocked or anything after being attacked by the Endosorus...Endasorus...En...whatever, by the thing. Anyway, I enjoyed the movie, that's why I give it a 7.5/10 (I totally disagree with the marketing #1 movie of the year, it's Mad Max: Fury Road who deserves that credit)

Seriously? ok.


Halloween 2007

Imagine if Halloween (1979) was made by a redneck who not only explains everything about Michael Myers, but also ruins the cinematography and makes all the character unlikable jerks. It's hard to give a crap about Laurie if she's a total bitch, you know.

As with the rest of the Mission Impossible films, the plot of this sequel is a complicated, twisting roller coaster. And like every MI film, there is a standout infiltration scene that had me on the edge of my seat. Despite his advanced years, Tom Cruise is still as nimble and athletic as ever. The comedy element is there with wisecracking Simon Pegg, and MI wouldn't be the same without Ving Rhames. Espionage, futuristic tech, charismatic bad guys, a Femme fatale, tons of action, and Tom Cruise killing everyone. The perfect Mission Impossible recipe.

The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Him (2013)

The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Her (2013)

An interesting concept, but it's not a breath of fresh cinema, as I had hoped...

A normal man? For me, a normal man is one who turns his head to see a beautiful woman's bottom. The point is not just to turn your head. There are five or six reasons. And he is glad to find people who are like him, his equals. That's why he likes crowded beaches, football, the bar downtown...

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The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Him (2013)

The Disappearance of Eleanor Rigby: Her (2013)

An interesting concept, but it's not a breath of fresh cinema, as I had hoped...
Did the song "Eleanor Rigby" have anything to do with this, or was it strictly for marketing purposes?

For some reason we got an awful title here in Britain - Anarchy: Ride or Die. I had no idea this film was based on a Shakespeare play and that they used the actual language of the play throughout the whole film. I don't mind this but only when it's done well, unlike in this film.