Do You Believe In Ghosts?


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Didn't see it.
Originally posted by Gracie
You know who's wierd? jamesglewisf!
I just saw this one.
Jim Lewis
To BE or Not to BE, or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Barium Enema
Crouching Tiger, Paint Your Wagon - Forums

another one takes the joke, ba-dum dum dum, another one takes the joke, and another one takes, another one takes, another one takes the joke... good work Gracie, as always, a pleasure watching you work.

All thanks to Chris, might I add. I realise I've been gone for a while, but I thought I'd pop by and say hello!
"I bet one legend that keeps reoccurring throughout history, in every culture, is the story of Popeye."

no , i dont believe in ghosts . but of course , dont ask me to live a full night all alone in an allegedly haunted house---i dont have the guts .

but i have visited so called ' haunted ' places even in the dead of night ( for example a cemetary said to be haunted ) and found nothing unsual there . and i have slept in allegedly haunted rooms all alone to find nothing unusual there .

for example , my maternal uncle in sangli (in india ) bought a house there which came at a low price . only after buying it he came to know that a certain room in it was supposed to be haunted because a woman had hung herself to death there . the fact that she commited suicide in that room is true . her ghost was supposed to be living there and many people attested to its presence by telling various incidents . when i came to sangli i volunteered to sleep for a full week at night there . nothing happened throughout the entire week except for the fact that my fear meant that i used to sleep only fitfully at night .

after seeing horror movies i sometimes cant sleep well at night because of fearful thoughts . this happens only if the horror movie has been good and makes an impact .

of course , i have heard many horror stories in my lifetime . a man i knew from goa died due to shock because his married daughter left her husband and ran away with an older man who was twice her age .his ghost was supposed to be meeting people who knew him in his lifetime asking for his daughters whereabouts .

outside kolhapur ( in india ) on the goa kolhapur road there is supposed to be a stretch of road where either moterbikes' engines fail or people riding them are liable to ' feel ' the weight of an extra rider on their bikes at night .

when i was in pune ( city in india )walking towards pashan area at 12.00 at night my cousin phoned me on mobile . i told him which road i was walking on . he said , '' be careful this road is haunted at this time by the ghost of a woman who died in a road accident !!'' i spent next half hour in fear of course nothing happened .

a particular spot in mumbai was supposed to be haunted because a man had been murdered brutally on the street there .

so many stories.....not a single confirmed to be true....

will tell more if i remember more.....

and yeah , dogs are supposed to howl more near places where ghosts are supposed to reside as they can detect them .

one uncle of mine beat his wife and then claimed that he had been possessed during the act and hence he committed it !!

and so on and so forth.....

I think this forum has a resident ghost, its called Sexy Celebrity.
I will be one if Tacitus bans me.

I was just about to start a thread on the subject but found this. I would like to hear some current opinions on this.

I'm someone who does believe in ghosts. Though I can't say I've really had a personal experience, I've always been fascinated with the subject. I've read and studied the paranormal quite a bit and though I won't go around saying "Ghosts are real and you're wrong if you don't think so also." I am comfortable saying that I believe in them. Pretty much every culture in the world believed in them and I believe that there are some genuinely haunted areas in the world. I'm not talking about the houses/places where some-guy-knows-a-guy-who-said this place might be haunted... I'm talking about the relatively few areas that have had hundreds of reports and sightings.

So how bout you all?

Do I believe in ghosts? Well ... no.

... And yes!

I believe that some credible observers have seen something extraordinary. And it might be ghosts, in the sense that they are seeing into the past, for some baffling reason. All kinds of phenomenon exist in this universe that we're only just beginning to become aware of. Just as gravity isn't perfectly symmetrical on any heavenly body, even the Earth, maybe it's like that with Time. There may be ripples, here and there, that do not present Time in an entirely linear fashion. A fragment of the past might overlap the present, allowing us to see people and events from the past in a very hazy, ghost-like manner. And only an investigation into the Paranormal might reveal something like this. I'm not saying that's what I believe, I'm just saying that the possibilities fascinate me.

Much like how investigations into the U.F.O. phenomenon revealed that moving, bright lights in the sky could be caused by electrically charged particles of air. Even swamp gas! That's pretty neat ... I think it is, anyway. And who all would be looking into any of that stuff, unless they were looking for the cause of something else, entirely? Not that it's useful knowledge, really, but it's another revelation about the natural world ... about reality. Seeming encounters and "visitations" with reported "extra-terrestrials" have been reproduced in the minds of certain test subjects. Such factors could play out in real life for people who believe they've had such experiences. In other words, even if there's no ghosts, or aliens, or big foot, the study into Paranormal Phenomena is not without its value, when handled in a scientific, objective manner. Unfortunately, there are too many scam artists involved in it, now, to give the culture it's embedded in much credence. But the pursuit of Truth, even in these matters, is a worthy one, in my book.

When talking about ghosts (human ghosts) I always have to ask the question - where do you draw the line? On human evolution that is...
At Cro-magnon ghosts? Neanderthal? Homo-erectus? Homo-habillis? Australo-pithecus? What is the cut-off point for ghosts? Is it at the point where man broke off from ape? Do apes have souls?

Now, what about animal ghosts? Where do we draw the line there? Only at humans? Only at primates? Only at "smart" or trainable animals like dogs or dolphins or whales? At companion animals like cats or gerbils or ferrets or parrots? Only at mammals? Could there be insect ghosts? If so, we'd be plagued by countless trillions of insect hauntings all the time.
Some people say they've experienced ghost pets, but you never hear about ghost mosquitoes (not that it really matters since most of the time you don't see them biting you even when they are alive). And psychics never claim to hear from the spirits of passed-on Cicadas.

And if human ghosts are "caused" by traumatic deaths, early deaths, murders or injustices, then there would have to be about a hundred billion ghosts in every inhabited spot on the planet - so poltergeist experiences & hauntings should be a constant part of our reality... and yet, they're not.

When talking about ghosts (human ghosts) I always have to ask the question - where do you draw the line? On human evolution that is... [...] What is the cut-off point for ghosts? Is it at the point where man broke off from ape? Do apes have souls? Now, what about animal ghosts? Where do we draw the line there?

You bring up a very interesting idea, there. I'm not sure I have a good answer for that, all I can offer is an opinion ... or a possibility, perhaps: Scientists say that if you put the genetic material from say, a virus, a fungus, a plant, an animal and a Human in a blender, there would be no telling what creature(s) it came from. Apparently, all life on Earth has 1 common ancestor, if you go back far enough. ... Just the one.

Now, if I may be so bold as to take a quote from Billy Shakes and modify it, slightly, what if "Life is but a stage and" every living thing is a character, (good or evil, regardless), played by one actor. We might feel compelled to call this actor ... "God." So, in that context, I would go so far as to say that a line really cannot be drawn between the ghost of animal, vegetable, or mineral. They only "share" the one soul. Mind you, I am a Christian, so culturally, I'm not prone to perceive the soul this way, but it could help address some deep, philosophical questions.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
Tricky one, I believe in an afterlife although I don't think that's sitting on a fluffy cloud or burning for all eternity for some archaic "sin".

To be honest, I'd have to see one to believe in them, but the fact that they exist in practically every culture is peculiar though, so they probably do. But it's too drastic a concept for me to just take someone else's word for it at the same time

I am fascinated it by it though nonetheless, and I actually really want to use a ouija board!

Trouble with a capital "T"
I can say with 100% certainty, that if there's truly an afterlife, then there must be ghost. But if there's no afterlife...there's no ghost.

OK that was easy, next question

Yes!!! I belive in Santa Claus too
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

I am fascinated it by it though nonetheless, and I actually really want to use a ouija board!
Good news -- we have one here:

The MoFo Ouija Board

Trouble with a capital "T"
MoFo is starting to look like a ghost town MovieGal vanished into thin air and hardly anyone is around.

Can't we resurrect some of the dearly departed MoFos?