Favorite Horror Film


"Everything is horror when you think about it."

- Swancrates
Then stop thinking about it.

I think I'm going to have to add genre to the "things I can't argue with Americans about" list.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I was actually always on the side of SOTL not being a horror until I started hearing Alien and Jaws regularly called horror. Now I might side with Swancrotes.- Seato

Then stop thinking about it.

I think I'm going to have to add genre to the "things I can't argue with Americans about" list.
I am pretty sure genre disagreements was part of the American Revolution too. Taxation without representation, forcing citizens to lodge soldiers, and whether or not SotL was a horror movie were all big issues.

You can see all of these facts in Roland Emmerich's latest film, The Patriot II: The Quickening!

I was actually always on the side of SOTL not being a horror until I started hearing Alien and Jaws regularly called horror. Now I might side with Swancrotes.- Seato
Alien is, but Jaws ain't.

I was actually always on the side of SOTL not being a horror until I started hearing Alien and Jaws regularly called horror. Now I might side with Swancrotes.- Seato
Don't get me started on these. I'll throw Aliens onto the pyre, too. Even Se7en seems to be classified as a horror now.

The Evil Dead
Night Of the Living dead
paranormal activity
Cabin Fever

The Devils Rejects, if you consider that a horror movie. I also like the original Halloween.

Favorite horror movie:
The Shining
Halloween (1978)
Jeepers Creepers
The Conjuring
Joy Ride (If you consider it a horror... I would)
Psycho (1960)
The Exorcist
Evil Dead (1981)
Evil Dead 2
Let The Right One In
The Descent
The Ring (2002)
Deliver Us From Evil (2014)
The Wicker Man (1973)
Wolf Creek
A Nightmare On Elm Street (1984)
so many classic films i started watching the nightmare on elm street series earlier this year but never finished it. I really should check out all on this list there all good movies.