Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Finished here. It's been fun.


Not perfect, but damn close for me. A horror film that is equally poetic and terrifying, Kobayashi is able to craft one of the true masterpieces of horror cinema. Also, might be one of the 20 most visually stunning color films I've seen. The last story was a bit underwhelming but the other three were masterful. It's close to 3-hours in length but it flies by; pacing was top-notch.

Welcome to the human race...
Birdemic 2: The Resurrection -

May or may not drop the rating since it's generally inferior to its predecessor.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

The Avengers: Age of Ultron = 9/10

Clerks 2 - Kevin Smith

- Love that flick. Probably the best american comedy of the 2000's and Kevin Smith best movie in my opinion. Every character are highly enjoyable, the movie is hilarious, some epic scenes (Lord Of The Ring vs Star Wars is great) and the proof that you could be happy with any job you want in life. Friendship is important and it's a big reason why I really appreciate this movie. I certainly gonna buy it for my blu-ray collection.


Birdman Or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance) (2014) - Alejandro González Iñárritu

- Pretty nice flick. It's far from being better than Whiplash but it's still pretty good imo. Ed Norton is great like usual and Michael Keaton probably put the best performance of his career in this movie. Camera Shots and Cinematography impress me all film long. Soundtracks are awesome and the atmosphere of the New-York landscape is quite great. Nice Job.

''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Birdemic 2: The Resurrection -

May or may not drop the rating since it's generally inferior to its predecessor.
Wha? It's much better than Birdemic. I really enjoyed Birdemic 2.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I have to return some videotapes.
Mean Girls - one of the best comedies of the 2000s. Plus just seeing non-druggie Lohan and blonde Rachel McAdams make it easy to watch.


Zombieland - another one of my favorites of the 2000s so far. You can tell Woody had fun in this and the cast got along well. Emma Stone is probably the hottest i've ever seen from her in it too. The cameo was perfect, and his last words were the best.

The Maltese Falcon - might not have aged perfectly but Bogs makes it still an amazing movie. It can be corny at times but that's only because of the time difference. If I saw this in the 50s i'm sure I would have loved it. Only problem I had was Mary Astor. She just was not good in it at all I thought.


I just finished watching Marketa Lazarová (Frantisek Vlácil, 1967). It was a nice, but quite difficult and dense, ride. In fact through the whole second hour of this film I remained two steps behind whatever thing that happened, the amount of characters, and subplots, and unclearly defined locations, makes the story difficult to follow, let alone appreciate. It gets better at the last 30 minutes, when I can finally catch up and enjoy it in the level of the fascinating first hour.

Plot considerations aside that may get clearer in a proper rewatch, every scene of this movie is a joy to watch and feel through, with some astounding cinematography and a great soundtrack that hits the right notes every time... I guess I would have enjoyed it more if the issues I had during the second hour trying to follow a continuity in the set of events hadn't been so damn distracting and frustrating.

Anyway, it sounds fine as a

Bloodsucking Bastards, Brian James O'Connell.
Yet another take on vampires, luckily a thoroughly entertaining one this time. In an office where everyone is lazy and absolutely unwilling to work, the best solution the managers can come up with is turning everyone into an hard working vampire. Only a couple people will manager to not be turned, and of course they will have to fight their way to beautiful 5 pm.
There are some pretty funny scenes, and Pedro Pascal plays a really good villain. The main guy is meh, but he has the right face for this kind of flick.
Time flies and the movie is over pretty fast, thanks to a fast pacing that never wastes time. The only complaint I have is about the gore level. Maybe because of the low budget, I feel like it could have been so much better under that aspect, especially considered the great idea of having the vampires explode after they are dead ("Wikipedia didn't mention that", one of the characters will say when this happens for the first time.). Instead, we only see the regular axe in the head and gallons of fake blood splashing on the actors.

Oh well, at least before the movie started they played the trailer for Deathgasm, which seems really promising under every aspect.

Cinema Italiano.

Gave a 6.5/10 score. Don't know why this gets so much hate.

Finished here. It's been fun.

Rome Open City

Rossellini strips away affection and nonsense melodrama, crafting a war film that feels objective rather than subjective. Most war films are cursed with a sense of jingoism or take the easy way out by presenting one side as victims and the other side as one-note villains. This director's ambivalence of perspective is shown, not just here-but in the other film of the trilogy Germany Year Zero. He shows sympathy for both the Italians and the Germans, the latter film showing how the German people suffered post-war. Of the Italian neo-realism giants, I prefer Rossellinin to Di Sica. The latter director, while talented, is too reliant on heavy-handed melodrama; to the extent, that many sequences ring false.


Hey Look! A much better version of this thread, that more people should post too
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, & King Hereafter
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King: 11/10!

I never break my 1-to-10 scale, but this one time I will. This film is pure perfection, full of action, funny moments, powerful speeches, and moving moments. I might be a bit biased (it is my favorite film, after all), but 11 Oscars do not lie! This film is worth watching again and again, even with the 3-hour-and-21-minute run time!

Welcome to the human race...
Wha? It's much better than Birdemic. I really enjoyed Birdemic 2.
Interesting. We'll save this discussion for when I do a review in my thread.

The Gift (2000)

This movie to me always seemed a bit underrated to me and I never saw this when it came out originally. The concept of the film is great and touches into areas which I don't think many people knew about back in 2000. Now it seems that most rural police departments use psychics, Cate Blanchett did well in the lead roll as well as Greg Kinnear. Odd casting choice with Keanu Reeves and Katie Holmes, both are very monotone actors and even though they played a different role of being a disliked character it still seemed bland. Overall the movie was pretty good and I was surprised Sam Raimi directed although you can see a few of his touches in it.

3/5 Stars
Consumers will eat everything except the sequel

You Can't Take It With You (1938)

My rating may be slightly generous by maybe half a popcorn, but I had a lot of fun with it, even though it's kind of dated and the drama and writing is forced at times. I did like the story and characters, and the two worlds colliding worked very well. I was actually laughing a few times too. I think some people expect too much because they know what Capra is capable of. But this is a harmless little tale and whatever weight it doesn't have it doesn't want either. Good fun in my opinion.


Kind of a little hot mess of a film, but Renner is solid. Good to see Oliver Platt in a serious role. Terry Benedict cameo was welcome, but a little outta place. Good watch, but disjointed.

In the middle of watching the Going Clear: Scientology and the Prison of Belief. Hard to follow at times when Hubbard's teeth are onscreen.