Mistique watches her unwatched movies/tv-shows

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Title: Bride of the Monster
Year: 1955
Director: Ed Wood

How do you even rate this?!

Let's go with enjoyment level:

Clearly the star of the movie is the octopus, which obviously doesn't even move

Another favorite moment is Captain Robbins sitting at his desk with a stuffed bird on his shoulder... 'cause why the hell not

I highly reccomend you watch this glorious piece of cinema.

The scene with the octopus is great, isn't it?

I was watching Tangled with my g/f and her friends a couple of years ago. I thought I'd give it a go. Left after 40 minutes and went and watching Night of The Ghouls on the portable dvd. I had a much better time watching that.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Trouble with a capital "T"

Title: Bride of the Monster
Year: 1955
Director: Ed Wood

How do you even rate this?!

Let's go with enjoyment level:

Clearly the star of the movie is the octopus, which obviously doesn't even move

Another favorite moment is Captain Robbins sitting at his desk with a stuffed bird on his shoulder... 'cause why the hell not

I highly reccomend you watch this glorious piece of cinema.
Was the octopus scene the same one shown in Ed Wood with Johnny Depp?

Was the octopus scene the same one shown in Ed Wood with Johnny Depp?
It's been a while since I've seen it. I don't know if they showed the same scene or replicated it. Maybe someone else knows.

The scene with the octopus is great, isn't it?

I was watching Tangled with my g/f and her friends a couple of years ago. I thought I'd give it a go. Left after 40 minutes and went and watching Night of The Ghouls on the portable dvd. I had a much better time watching that.
It's great ... I'm feeling a bit bored and lonely right now, maybe I should watch Night of The Ghouls.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Was the octopus scene the same one shown in Ed Wood with Johnny Depp?
It's been a while since I've seen it. I don't know if they showed the same scene or replicated it. Maybe someone else knows.
They replicated it.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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Oh my!

The Bride Of The Monster is one of Ed Wood's films.

True it is a terrible film but real fun to watch.