The 2014 NFL Playoffs Thread


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Trip out on this:

Video Game Accurately Predicts Super Bowl
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Winter Calls Thy Name
Seattle probably needed just one stop to win the game and couldn't do it

Seattle got lucky and shouldn't have been down by the goal line to begin with

Seattle got lucky against the Packers and shouldn't have been in the SB to begin with

The game may've come down to the two injuries Seattle suffered

Take away Wilson's legs and you're essentially left with the QB who threw the losing pick

Even with two picks Brady is better than anyone on the field and Belicheat may be no better than his Cleveland days without him

Over time, this 4th SB win by Brady will add damage to the legacy of Manning his contemporary.

It had some suspense but I didn't find it a great game to watch

The melee at the end couldn't have summed up the year the NFL had any better

Let the night air cool you off
I'll take Worse Super Bowl play calls for 500, Alex

There's probably a bunch of worse play calls in this game. Seriously. Marshawn hadn't really had much success in goal line situations. One out of five for the game, which is only 20%. What's wrong with taking a high percentage pass play on the goal line? I think this is just a situation where a good play call was beaten by an even better read and reaction. That kid made a hell of a play to even get there in time, otherwise we are talking about how brilliant a play call that was.

Hopefully a few of you get as excited about the Nba Playfoffs as much as you did here. J.J Watt was by far the most intersting thing about the NFL Season imo. The NBA MVP, race so far this season has been outstanding; i'm personally rooting for Curry but feel that Harden deserves it most, and Anthony Davis is second despite his teams record.

Still Go Thunder!!!

Winter Calls Thy Name
There's probably a bunch of worse play calls in this game. Seriously. Marshawn hadn't really had much success in goal line situations. One out of five for the game, which is only 20%. What's wrong with taking a high percentage pass play on the goal line? I think this is just a situation where a good play call was beaten by an even better read and reaction. That kid made a hell of a play to even get there in time, otherwise we are talking about how brilliant a play call that was.
Are we sure Wilson and/or the receiver executed the play without flaw?

Let the night air cool you off
Are we sure Wilson and/or the receiver executed the play without flaw?
I don't want to say the play was flawlessly ran, because it ended in an interception. I can't imagine that receiver being able to do much more though. I think that kid, Malcolm, deserves a ton of credit though. Somebody like Richard Sherman would receive a lot of credit for a pass that drops in his lap, but I think most people are looking to blame the Seahawks instead of giving this guy his due. And he made a ridiculously good play. If you watch the replay, he read the play from the beginning and jumped it just at the right time, maintained possession of the ball despite the contact, and ended the game.

Let the night air cool you off
I'll say it one last time: It wasn't a bad call. That play usually works. If it doesn't work, it's usually just incomplete, not picked off. And to get to the ball, the defender usually has to go through the receiver, which would usually draw a PI.

Marshawn wasn't that successful in short yardage plays all game, so it's not that surprising that they tried something else. I just wish that for once a bad play call that miraculously works out would be called out for being a bad play call, and a good play call that didn't work out would be called as such. Instead we see the result and then automatically call it a bad play call. Just because better play calls existed, it doesn't mean that this was a bad play call. If you catch them off guard and score a cheap one, you win the game. If the pass is broken up, you get another shot. It would take a ridiculous play by a defender to force a turnover, and that's what happened. I think the play with the lowest chance of happening happened.

I'll say it one last time: It wasn't a bad call. That play usually works. If it doesn't work, it's usually just incomplete, not picked off. And to get to the ball, the defender usually has to go through the receiver, which would usually draw a PI.

Marshawn wasn't that successful in short yardage plays all game, so it's not that surprising that they tried something else. I just wish that for once a bad play call that miraculously works out would be called out for being a bad play call, and a good play call that didn't work out would be called as such. Instead we see the result and then automatically call it a bad play call. Just because better play calls existed, it doesn't mean that this was a bad play call. If you catch them off guard and score a cheap one, you win the game. If you the pass is broken up, you get another shot. It would take a ridiculous play by a defender to force a turnover, and that's what happened. I think the play with the lowest chance of happening happened.
I can't agree with you here. Throwing right over the middle from the 1 yard line is dangerous. If your receiver doesn't make the catch, too many bad things can happen. The ball can be tipped, the ball can be deflected, the ball can bounce off the receiver's hands, and there's just too many defenders in that area for the offense to get away with any of those things happening. And that's not counting what actually did happen. Seattle couldn't get away with three running plays, because they only had one timeout, but you call a bootleg or toss it high in the corner of the end zone or something. And whatever stats you're throwing out about Lynch's production doesn't mean anything. You give it him and you let him run over people in the most crucial moment of the game, as he'd been running over people all game. The guy's a beast. Give him a chance to win the game for you. He almost got in on the first down play.

But whatever, just my opinion.
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

Last minutes of the game:

Belichik: "Take all the time you need. We've got plenty of Super Bowls."
Carroll: "No no, we won last year. You take it, I insist."

Winter Calls Thy Name
I tend to agree with Kaplan. Throw a fade, or another pass play, that can't be intercepted then try to run in it in.

In other news...

Warren Sapp was arrested on charges of soliciting prostitution in the early morning following the Super Bowl. Seahawks coach Pete Carroll was apparently involved in a related incident.

The story goes that Carroll was approached by a woman of the night. Said entrepreneur apparently asked Carroll if he was interested in a date. Carrol allegedly responded, "No thanks, I'll pass."

Regarding the pass play on the Seahawk's last drive, I have to agree with Jiraffe. The Pats had 2 timeouts; they could've let Lynch get in on the first play, or used their timeouts, allowing Brady time to get into field goal position to tie the game. The reason they didn't, is because time was an issue for Seattle. If Lynch doesn't get in on 2nd down, which is extremely possible with the Patriots goal line defense, they're left with 2 plays and about 16 seconds after they use their last time-out. In this situation, Seattle has to throw the ball on 3rd down, when the Pats have the defense to be ready for it. If they don't throw it on 3rd down, they run a serious risk of not getting a 4th down play off, and at the very least, having to go balls out and winging it. An incomplete pass on 2nd down would've preserved their time-out, and allowed them to do anything they wanted on 3rd and 4th down. They needed to throw the ball on 2nd or 3rd down; why not do it on the down when it's least expected, and the Pats are going balls out against the run. Teams do this all the time; it's only because of the final result that people are questioning it. It took an absolutely phenomenal defensive play by the DB to win the game. Not only do I not think it was a bad call, I think it was the best call.

As far as Warren Sapp goes, this couldn't have happened to a better guy. He has been a top of the line ahole for many years.

I was surprised to learn today that the Patriots are the youngest team to ever win a Super Bowl.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
The bad call need not be justified. Yes, yes I know, run it in and there is 25 seconds. But the chances of getting 45 yards in 25 seconds is much more slim than running the clock down and winning.

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
The NFL sucks and needs to get their crap together.

The owners are more concerned about sucking every dollar out of fans and taxpayers pockets than the integrity of the game. Why do they have a tax exempt status?

The rules are a joke. Some players' safety rules changes I can agree with. Leading with the crown of the helmet for example. But they have gone too far. It looks like a glorified two hand touch game now. Hitting a defenseless player? Please! If a wide receiver goes over the middle and gets blasted that's football. Roughing the quarterback? What's next, a bright red do-not-hit jersey like in practice? The NFL has skewed the rules so much in the offenses favor that defenses have no choice but attack the quarterback, but nicely. Pass interference is ridiculous. So a corner grabs a receiver and that warrants a 50 yard penalty?

If players are concerned with concussions they should play another sport. Don't act naive. If you weigh 230 pounds and run a 4.6 forty and collide with someone the same size running towards what do you think will happen?

I probably watched about 10 hours of football this year. Mostly because I live in the Seattle area and my in-laws come over to watch the playoffs on my big screen TV. Usually, I go shopping during Seahawks games or something else. I've got better things to do than watch The NFL's lame, watered down product.