The 2015 Oscar Picks Pool


Yup, it's that time of year again: the Oscar Picks Pool is open for business.

This is the sixth year we've done this, so most of you already know how it works. But here's the idea: all registered users can dive right in and make their picks. Non-registered users just need to enter and confirm an email address, and they're good to go. You can update your picks any time up until the ceremony starts on February 22nd, and it's all free and low-key, so don't worry if you're just guessing. If you learn more about the favorites later you can always come back and update them, and if not, it's still fun.

As a small bonus, we'll send a Blu-ray or DVD of any of the Best Picture nominees (winner's choice) to whoever finishes with the highest score. Ties will be broken based on whoever submitted their final list earliest. And we reserve the right to reject entries based on collusion. Or if we just think you're giving off a weird vibe.

Get Started

Few more notes:

First, we will definitely be recording another companion podcast for this year's ceremony (details TBA).

Second, we'll be holding the 8th Annual LIVE Oscar Chat the night of the ceremony, as always. It's a stupid amount of fun every year, so I strongly encourage you to pop in.

Third, I'll be plastering the site with notices and countdowns leading up to the ceremony, so prepare to be bombarded. However, most of the notices will happily go away if you make your picks. So please do! For your sanity, if nothing else.

Yup, you did it right.

Hope you can make it. I'm gonna bug a lot of possible first timers, because I think once you guys try it you'll look forward to it all year. I've yet to have anything other than a great time.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Can't wait. Missed last year but had fun the year before even though I was such a newbie. I just hope I keep getting better with my picks.

I just got my confirmation email and it said...

Hi there,

You're receiving this message because you've chosen to track your 2013 Oscar
Picks with Movie Forums.

Anyhoo...finished my ballot !!!

I just got my confirmation email and it said...

Hi there,

You're receiving this message because you've chosen to track your 2013 Oscar
Picks with Movie Forums.

Anyhoo...finished my ballot !!!
Whoops, thanks, I'll fix that.

It shouldn't have asked you for your email unless you weren't logged in (otherwise it "knows" who you are). Still counts though, so it's all good.

I hope Tom Tanks will be there again this year.
We've had some pretty excellent running jokes over the years.


I am the Watcher in the Night
so, just a quick question (I'll probably sound stupid) do I make a pool and invite people to it? or just use my email and then confirm?
"Frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn"

"I need your clothes, your boots and your motorcycle"

Re: the pools. That's for non-registered users who want to invite their friends, yeah. Though registered users are free to use it, too, of course, if they have friends or family they want to compete with, specifically.

I'm on it!

Where is the chat? Is there a function of the site I've never noticed before? I'm game for that, too.