North Korea threatens war over film


That's okay. Nobody's perfect!
That isn't the title of the film but according to the BBC that lovely chappy Kim is not happy with the up coming film "The Interview" and has threatened war with the US if it is released, here is a trailer:

And here is the news story:

Now it does seem very extreme of the bloke to threaten war over being mocked in a film however they have to have known that this had the potential to stir up a lot of anger and hate. I remember when I watched "Death of a President" which was basically aimed at George Bush many people were rightly upset about it. I never liked Bush but putting a story of his death on screen in a very real fashion is something I felt uncomfortable with.

What do you think though? Is it okay to mock him in such a way? Is this just a comedy and therefore it is okay or should they take this with a lever of severity?
My goodness, look what you have started!
You have to think like a hero merely to behave like a decent human being.

Sony CEO Michael Lynton said in the interview with Fareed Zakaria that Sony still wants to have people see this film but Sony does not have any partners to help them, Netflix, Youtube, DVD distributers like Walmart or Amazon, VOD sites have all refused to expose themselves to hacking their businesses. Sony's computers were wiped clean in this hacking attack and it will cost them hundreds of millions of dollars. I still think this film will see the light of day but it will take time and someone show some backbone and stand up against this new type of threat.
Oh My God.

How are we ever going to be able to see it?!

This movie needs a Criterion Collection release. I think it deserves it. Criterion probably doesn't have anything interesting on their computers to hack.

i never seen a single rogen film in theatres just because every film he's made has looked overall . as for franco im basically in the same boat with him only film i saw in theatres featuring franco was homefront i enjoyed it because he gets his ass kicked by statham throughout the whole movie

Trouble with a capital "T"
I think this will get released, either direct to DVD or online. Sony is starting to feel the backlash from many sides, from bloggers, the news media and the White House.

Registered User
They even pulled the rights to broadcast "Team America: World Police" in place of "The Interview"

What the theaters should do now is re-broadcast "Die Another Day" or the new "Red Dawn" just to spite them (since they at least have a North Korean villain), lol

Trouble with a capital "T"
It's the weaslly big theater chains that help cause this problem. Americans should boycott all the big theater chains that refused to show The Interview. Just for 30 days, to hurt them in their pocket books. Because bottom line this is why the theaters chickened out on showing the

This is going to be leaked online somehow, by somebody. If not, at least a few select people have seen it already. It's not like the film has been made and then just canned. This hacking ordeal can't go on forever, the film will eventually see the light of day. Somehow.

Obama now wants people to see it.

It's gonna be available soon.

Registered User
Sony changes mind about not releasing the Interview:

Trouble with a capital "T"
That's great news! The key part of Sony doing a flip flop is thanks to President Obama putting pressure on Sony.

From the article: "Sony’s apparent reversal came after President Barack Obama criticized the company on Friday for its decision to pull the movie from theaters. In response to a reporter’s question, Obama said he believed Sony “made a mistake” by canceling the Christmas Day premiere of the film."

Sony changes mind about not releasing the Interview:
I don't think Sony ever decided not to release in the first place. Hence the accidental youtube promo that was quickly put on private. Bittorent has agreed to work with Sony to release this, so most likely it will be put out as a torrent. Or leaked on the net.

I think it would be cool though if everyone just gets sent a copy on a flash drive for free.

Apparently that may not be true -- about Crackle. It might happen. It is a "premature" story, supposedly. It may be getting released on Crackle, it may not.