Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice


Batman is #1)

Been a little talk on here about Kryptonite and whether it'll show or not. We all know by now it won't do, many sources, even Snyder himself, said it won't appear.

Just sitting here watching Superman 3 on TV... and spotted something that got me reading up on Kryptonite.

It's the radioactive core from Kryptonite that flew through space, eventually landing on Earth.
And in Man Of Steel, it's established that the Kryptonians mined the entire core of Krypton which is why the planet was destroyed.
So in this new Universe, Kryptonite can't exist.

Just found out some stuff.

Obviously there's two Batsuits... we saw a beefed up version in the teaser trailer from Comic-Con.

But apparently the beefy suit will be based directly on Frank Miller's comic... and will have rocket launchers built into it.
There's also two Batmobiles as well.

New rumours abound though, is that Batman will be using Kryptonite. He'll apparently lace his beefy Batsuit with it.

Not sure how this will pan out tbh. After everything that's been said over the months with the green rock, it seems it may actually appear after all.

Just found out some stuff.

Obviously there's two Batsuits... we saw a beefed up version in the teaser trailer from Comic-Con.

But apparently the beefy suit will be based directly on Frank Miller's comic... and will have rocket launchers built into it.
There's also two Batmobiles as well.

New rumours abound though, is that Batman will be using Kryptonite. He'll apparently lace his beefy Batsuit with it.

Not sure how this will pan out tbh. After everything that's been said over the months with the green rock, it seems it may actually appear after all.
Sounds like a mess to be honest. We got Batman seriously armoring up to fight Superman, so it appears that them fighting each other will take a LOT of time in the movie, Lex Luthor's in the picture, and there are rumors that one more villain will appear, there will be a subplot where Supes is being scorned by the goverment for the destruction in Metropolis, Aquaman, Wonder Woman and Cyborg are involved now, Carrie Kelly might appear in it, they're trying to adapt Dark Knight Returns, it will delve into Bruce Wayne's backstory for the 200th time... This is seriously sounding like they're trying to cram in as many "cool" things as possible into this film. With all of these news it looks like this movie doesn't seem to have any narrative or structure. This will probably be like Amazing Spider-Man 2. But again, I haven't seen the movie yet, or any preview for it, so I'll reserve judgement until then.

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
Do you think everyone you mentioned is going to be major character in the movie? Because they wont... It would be like saying every Marvel movie was mess because they had cameos or that The Usual Suspects were a mess because they told story of five different characters + build legend about crime boss...Now about that subplot,they will just show people on the streets ect, that may take 15-20 mins of the movie...So yea,its not the movie,its your idea of how it will work...
“By definition, you have to live until you die. Better to make that life as complete and enjoyable an experience as possible, in case death is shite, which I suspect it will be.”

A loving heart is the truest wisdom.
It depends on how much WB put in the movie and how much they save for post credit scenes. Most of Marvel's cameos are post credit only, not in the main part of the movie so they don't have to tie in with the rest of the plot. BvS is already going to have a lot on its plate with a new Batman, setup for the Justice League movie, and having Bats and Supes fight then team up later on. If they try to cram Lex Luthor, other Justice League members, another villain, and who knows how many other characters and subplots into the movie then it'll probably be a disaster.
You will find that if you look for the light, you can often find it. But if you look for the dark, that is all you will ever see.

Most of these reports are three months old or so. I have read these already and have noted that they have become factual as you have stated.

There's a scene reported that
WARNING: "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" spoilers below
Ben Affleck will be standing among rubble actually for a scene depicting the Superman vs. General Zod climax in Man of Steel, from Bruce Wayne’s perspective.
All stating the notion that Bruce/Batman has been following Zod's threat and operating for years until he finally arrives in Metropolis.

As for the kryptonite, one of the scenes shot features
WARNING: "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" spoilers below
Batman breaking into Lexcorp to steal kryptonite, and apparently Lexcorp had somehow gotten ahold of General Zod’s body

Do you think everyone you mentioned is going to be major character in the movie? Because they wont...
I agree. All the added characters (the ones in the justice league and etc...) aside from Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman will be given their fair and appropriate screen time in the film, that incorporates into their solo films.

Is there is going to be a fight between superman and batman or it will be team work?
Although, as a jacket maker, i just want to see the costumes of these legends and seeing them together is going to be really awesome !!!
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So so excited for this, however now they've announced principal photography has finished, almost 2 years before its release, I'm wondering whether they'll pull the release date back. I mean, they finished filming before Ant-Man did, and that's got less than a year to release, and I'd be surprised if the SFX take almost 2 years to complete!

.... now they've announced principal photography has finished, almost 2 years before its release, I'm wondering whether they'll pull the release date back.
Finishing filming of BvS doesn't always mean they'd change the release date. Films usually have their release date set for a reason unless something major comes up. Although they are done filming, post- production is still in process which could take a 3 or 4 months. Also they might, if they have to, do some re-shoots after wards if they don't like certain things when finished. Which would include additional post-production. So by the time the actual release date is upon us, the film will be perfect.

Registered User
i think superman gonna win
Only way Batman could win is if Superman decides to go easy on him based on how powerful Supes is portrayed in the various films.

I mean c'mon - a guy who can move at the speed of light, or lift entire rock masses into outer space versus a mere mortal (even Batman).

Might as well be Batman vs. Jesus.

Only way Batman could win is if Superman decides to go easy on him based on how powerful Supes is portrayed in the various films.

I mean c'mon - a guy who can move at the speed of light, or lift entire rock masses into outer space versus a mere mortal (even Batman).

Might as well be Batman vs. Jesus.
Do we seriously have to go over this every couple of weeks? Seriously?


Registered User
Do we seriously have to go over this every couple of weeks? Seriously?

I'm not sure what you're getting at - referencing a cartoon when we're talking about the movies? Though if this is the Batman Animated Series, I recall Superman being just as powerful as he is in the films.

So yeah the premise is as implausible as Nicolas Cage getting the password to Whitehouse security system on the first try - doesn't mean the film won't be enjoyable, it's just worth noting.

I'm not sure what you're getting at - referencing a cartoon when we're talking about the movies? Though if this is the Batman Animated Series, I recall Superman being just as powerful as he is in the films.

So yeah the premise is as implausible as Nicolas Cage getting the password to Whitehouse security system on the first try - doesn't mean the film won't be enjoyable, it's just worth noting.
What I'm getting at is it's basically common knowledge in the comic universe (you know, the one these films are based on) that Batman can beat Superman and has done so before. The clip is from The Dark Knight Returns which is based directly on one of the most popular Batman comics of all time by one of comics more well regarded writers. It's also one of the comics that Snyder and crew have said inspired Batman V. Superman and that's the line they read when making the announcement at Comic Con.

Basically what I'm saying is the same thing people have been saying in this thread for freaking ages; Batman can indeed beat Superman in a fight. Get over it.

I deleted the last two posts. Please chill. There are topics that are naturally heated and hard to talk about calmly, but I don't think comic book hypotheticals should be one of them.

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
I didn't saw those post so I won't talk about it, but I can say this...Every few weeks we have same damn discussion, its totally same,word for word... I agree people shouldn't fight so hard that you need to delete post's...

Now for this Superman can beat Bat's with ease... Yes he can, he could just fly behind him and break his neck, he could take him into space or something else, but you know what makes all of this not important? Simple fact that Superman won't do it, he won't break his neck, he won't take him to space and he will not kill him. Bat's on the other hand can go on Superman with everything he got ,fighting without limitation is a lot easier. One more thing is that green rock, people tend to forget it, one more fact, Lex Luthor defeated Superman couple of times. People go and talk what awesome things Superman can do while they forget he won't do it... Batman could just go into his satellite and kill Joker and every other villain, will he do it? No. I don't want to say Batman will defeat him, I just want to point out how stupid it is to say Superman will defeat Batman with ease when Man of Steel actually lost many times...

90sAce also forgot that Superman's biggest enemy for decades is a human with no powers.

I wasn't "butt-hurt", I'm annoyed beyond belief that someone with zero knowledge of pop culture comes into this thread about once a week and declares that Superman will always win.

Registered User
90sAce also forgot that Superman's biggest enemy for decades is a human with no powers.

I wasn't "butt-hurt", I'm annoyed beyond belief that someone with zero knowledge of pop culture comes into this thread about once a week and declares that Superman will always win.
If the series was even trying to be consistent then he would win without snapping a finger - he's harder than steel, and could move at the speed of light - all he'd have to do is run into Batman or any of his foes at light speed and *boom* - they're torn into bits of flesh and the battle's over.

Even if you explain that away by saying "he never kills people", then that still means he's losing because he's not using the full power he's shown possessing - it's also hard to believe if he had that power he wouldn't use it in a life-or-death situation just because he's a "nice guy".

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
If the series was even trying to be consistent then he would win without snapping a finger - he's harder than steel, and could move at the speed of light - all he'd have to do is run into Batman or any of his foes at light speed and *boom* - they're torn into bits of flesh and the battle's over.

Even if you explain that away by saying "he never kills people", then that still means he's losing because he's not using the full power he's shown possessing - it's also hard to believe if he had that power he wouldn't use it in a life-or-death situation just because he's a "nice guy".

"If Clark wanted to, he could use his superspeed and squish me into the cement. But I know how he thinks. Even more than the Kryptonite, he's got one big weakness. Deep down, Clark's essentially a good person... and deep down, I'm not."

Again, same thing, word for word, whenever someone comes to this thread, they start this...And every time we end with showing why Superman won't kill or defeat him in seconds...Honestly I'll not do it again.