Rauldc's Journey through the consoles: Best Video Games


Winter Calls Thy Name
I used to play the original Sonic the Hedgehog on Sega Genesis. I loved it. I'm not a big gamer, but Sonic is one of the few games that I wish I could find a good version of to play it on my computer.
You can install a Sega Genesis simulator. I play PSX games occasionally on a Playstation emulator which works great. I'd try the PS2 emulator but from what I've read my system will trouble with it.

Let the night air cool you off
You can install a Sega Genesis simulator. I play PSX games occasionally on a Playstation emulator which works great. I'd try the PS2 emulator but from what I've read my system will trouble with it.
Do you just use your keyboard as the controller?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
You can install a Sega Genesis simulator. I play PSX games occasionally on a Playstation emulator which works great. I'd try the PS2 emulator but from what I've read my system will trouble with it.

Thanks for the info. I'l have to look into that.

I owned the first Sonic, but it was never one of my favorite games. I'd usually get bored with it pretty quickly and move on to something else.

Winter Calls Thy Name
Do you just use your keyboard as the controller?
I think all simulators allow you to use a keyboard or game controller. I used the keyboard with the Playstation emulator before I got an Xbox 360 controller.

Winter Calls Thy Name
Thanks for the info. I'l have to look into that.
Easy to find and there are people on here that can help you if you need it. Tacitus helped me out when I was looking into the Playstation emulator.

The People's Republic of Clogher
The Sega emulator I use is called Fusion - Link

If you're in any way uncomfortable using ROMS (it's a bit of a grey area) then Genesis/Mega Drive games can be legally bought for PC in a wide variety of places. Sega's not a console maker any more so there's no advantage to keeping their titles locked down - Steam's got loads and here's a link to Sonic 1 as an official standalone (ie you don't need Steam installed) PC game. Link

The site is safe too. I've been buying from it for years.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Winter Calls Thy Name
Thanks for all the info about Sonic, but I found it online for free at this link:


I've been playing it for a while, and I still suck at the game, but it's a lot of fun.
Nice find. An emulator does has the advantage of enabling a controller among other things I suppose but that site is very nice. Thanks for sharing.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Nice find. An emulator does has the advantage of enabling a controller among other things I suppose but that site is very nice. Thanks for sharing.

There are a few other sites that have Sonic, but that was the one I liked the best. If anyone is interested, you can search Google for "Sonic Hedgehog online free" and pick the one you like the best.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
26. Super Mario Brothers

The game may have been a tad more fun to play arcade style, but most of my time playing it was on the NES system. I had some of the levels down to a T and could practically race through them. Kind of funny how simple the end of the game and beating Bowser was. The game had great catchy music to go along with it too, and basically spawned a generation of Mario video games to come. Really, there is nothing not to like with this one.

The People's Republic of Clogher
you can search Google for "Sonic Hedgehog online free" and pick the one you like the best.
And this is the grey area I was talking about. Posting a link to free commercial movie downloads gets you banned here...

Personally I don't have a problem with ROM sites if you own the original.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
And this is the grey area I was talking about. Posting a link to free commercial movie downloads gets you banned here...

Personally I don't have a problem with ROM sites if you own the original.

I don't think any of the Sonic the Hedgehog sites are downloadable versions. I think they're just for playing the game online at that web site.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Which is similar to illicit movie streaming. Even Abandonware sites (for games who's publisher no longer exists) are a bit murky but Sega is still actively selling the old Sonic games.

Ah, SMB. Those were the days and, you're right, after a while you just raced through the game and it became a time trial because you knew you were going to complete it I remember there was a cheat in SMB2 which took you from level 2 to the end. I think I managed to 'complete' that game in 11 minutes.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
There was a cheat in the original as well HK. My fave thing to do was get almost unlimited lifes with the cheat on the second board then go exploring. Great game, may be #1 for me if I was to make a list.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
27. Vigilante 8

This is a game that would appear on my top ten had I properly ranked these games. It's a free for all blow-up and destruct car game. Each car is equipped with its own special weapon, such as a beehive, disco ball, scatter missiles, and blue lasers. My favorite characters were Dave with his Red van and Loki in his green pick up truck. Perhaps the best aspect of this game are the game maps themselves, ranging from a Ski Resort to Casino City to Area 51 to Hoover Dam. This game was just plain awesomeness.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I feel like Camo with this list but luckily nobody cares

28. Mega Man 5

Megaman rules. Capcom in general rules. I think that the fifth one may very well be my favorite, in that I thought that the levels and the bosses were the most interesting that I have seen in any Megaman game. It was probably the easiest Megaman for me, but at that time I didn't care. I could beat all the bosses without using special weapons against them. The only one that would put up somewhat of a fight was Gyro Man, but that was barely. My favorite part was the end before Wily when you had to beat all the bosses again. One of the best video game franchises of all time certainly.