Rate The Last Movie You Saw


Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I love both 3 Women and Turin Horse, but I'd pick the latter too, so + rep!
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

Both are in my new top five (don't tell anyone, it's a secret).

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope

Now I know what all the hype is about. Not my ideal of a perfect movie but a damn good one. More to come, I like to process a bit.

Trouble with a capital "T"
The Professionals (1966)

It's kind of like, Guns of Navarone set in the old west. There's some crazy wild stunts in this film. I hope the stuntman who tumbled down the rock face was well paid.....and padded! Burt Lancaster does his own stunts too...he climbs up a real rock face on a rope, the dude was in great shape.
Not deep but still fun.

La belle et la bête (2014, France) ~ 7/10

Most who know me know that "Beauty and The Beast" is one of my favorite stories. The 1946 version directed by Cocteau is in my #1 spot and well this one isnt far behind. This is a beautiful retelling of the classic story. The scenery and special effects are amazing.

Out of the Furnace (2013)

This is a pretty bleak film that's fairly slow moving, but tense. I thought it was very strong all around and the deep cast is excellent. I don't have any negative thoughts at all about it. For me, it falls a little short of greatness due to the lack of any real wow moments to make it memorable, and the very end could've been a little more out of the box. My wife didn't care for it, but I would recommend it definitely.

A Groundbreaking Epic of It's Time About Dinosaurs (1993)

It's been so long since I've seen this. I didn't realise it was so bad. Full of boring cliches and stereotypes, filler dialogue, emotionless monotone acting, implausible events and inconsistencies. What a pile of triceratops manure. I bailed after 12 excruciating minutes. Now I remember why I hadn't watched it for so long.

I can't believe he also directed Schindler's List, and in the same year no less...

Edit: I kind of want to watch it again and make a whole bunch of memes of my own.

"Shoot her!"
Handed his shotgun away like ten seconds ago.
Was standing behind a guy with an M4 before that.
Everyone only shoots the velociraptor with stun guns that don't do anything.

Tactical vests and bright orange hard hats. I wonder what they're job title is? Construction Soldiers?

Let the night air cool you off
Spielberg's weird. I think he decides to drop a turd on us every now and then, so that we have to appreciate some of his great films even more.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
A Groundbreaking Epic of It's Time About Dinosaurs (1993)
Took me way too much time to figure out it's Jurassic Park. I like it, though.

Took me way too much time to figure out it's Jurassic Park. I like it, though.
What about it do you like? The fact that they are at no time allowed to exist the vehicle, yet have bathroom stalls outside? Or is it the fact that they have steering wheels even though they run on tracks? How about the fact that the circuit breakers are on the other side of the park instead of at the control room?

Love thay shot in the snow. Is that the movie you mentioned earlier today moviegal?
I posted 2 movies for Saturday.. in the "MOFO Chill", I talked about Gaten Ragnarok and posted it in the "Movie you are watching tonight" thread. I posted this one there as well.

What about it do you like? The fact that they are at no time allowed to exist the vehicle, yet have bathroom stalls outside? Or is it the fact that they have steering wheels even though they run on tracks? How about the fact that the circuit breakers are on the other side of the park instead of at the control room?
Are any of these things that unusual though?

Are any of these things that unusual though?
Not in bad movies. I mean a few implausible events is forgivable, some poor acting from extras is forgivable, some unrealistic occurrences is forgivable. Having sub-par acting from the leads and terrible acting from nearly everyone else, implausible events in almost every scene, and a general lack of realism throughout is not forgivable. It's lazy film making, especially from someone like Spielberg who has proven that he can produce fine work. Sharknado was trying to be bad, and I actually saw part of it. Sharknado was better than Jurassic Park. I mean Sharknado was more boring than anything else, but they were trying to make a really absurd concept. Jurassic Park was trying to be a proper movie, but was more unintentionally funny than Sharknado.

Here, I made a meme!