Why Did Prisoners Not Get An Oscar Nominations?


I enjoyed Argo, but it's a little pro American. In the real story the Canadians were a lot more involved than what Affleck shows
This is true, but every time a Hollywood makes a movie "based on real events" you know stuff will be left out. So always seek out the original story of the actual events to get the real deal.

Why would Prisoner's get an Oscar Nomination?

I finally saw this movie a few days ago, and I really enjoyed it, it was a good thriller, kept me guessing, yada yada....but I can't see why it would be up for any Oscar Nominations. Someone mentioned that Jake Gyllenhaal's addition of twitches into his character was a real step up in his performance...well, yeah it is, he's typically pretty god awful(my opinion). For me, I felt his "twitching," was extremely distracting, not because it was visually distracting, but because there was so little substance to his character (the script and dialogue make post haste of that) that the only thing this poor actor could think to ad lib in order to establish some background to his character was a series of harsh twitch/winks (aka twinchies)......in order to make the audience think he is either possibly folding under the pressure because of the nature of the case, or because he hasn't lost any case previous to that, or because he's a" rogue" soul (denoted by tattoos as well as his conflicts with his chief in which they always show Jake standing and towering over his superiors showing his internal power struggle with authority), or is it because he's caught up in the bureaucratic nuisances of the office (the fact the couldn't hold alex jones for an additional 24hrs as well as the "tail" being removed from Jones's house....which btw without these two events taking place the entire story could not unfold, to me I felt there was not enough tension on these two particular moments, because whether the audience was following the narrative of the Jackman or Gyllenhaal character, the moments were crucial to each man's story arch).....in short I didn't know what to think of Jake's twitches.

I enjoyed the story, the turns it took, I'm not a big Gyllenhaal fan or Jackman fan really at all, but they got the job done.....The idea of the story got to me more then the actors did, i mean Paul Dano can act (There will be blood) and he was very under utilized in his role.....7/10.

Captain Phillips is a more deserving film for what the Oscars are for a number of reasons. The Oscars don't just go for films that audiences think are the best, but films they see as successful/important for a number of reasons, often ones that deal with social issues and U.S. concerns.

I don't think timing really had an effect on Prisoners, which plays out more as popcorn thriller (although I did think it was very good) more than other films such as Captain Phillips which although too a thriller is very different.

And if The Wolf of Wall Street and American Hustle had been released earlier, at the same time as Prisoners, I don't think it would have made a difference either.

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
Not seen Prisoners yet so can't comment on whether it was deserving or not. The bigger surprise for me though was the big goose egg given to Rush. Given its settling in the world in Formula 1 I thought it would always struggle in the bigger categories (film, director, actor etc). However I can't believe it was completely shut out in the technical departments - cinematography, editing, sound design, sound editing, make-up etc. Very poor oversight by the Academy in my opinion