The 9th Mofo Movie Hall of Fame


2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Well, it's that time again where we will lay the groundworks for another fantastic Hall of Fame. The rules will remain the same as what they have, any film under 220 minutes can be considered as a nominee. Choose an all time great or an under the radar one, your choice.

Please only join if you only have intentions of watching every movie. And please be considerate and choose a film that is highly accessible as it just makes it easier for everyone involved to finish.

I'll give everyone up to January 31st to let me know if they are in. I'm hoping for another great one this time around!

Citizen Rules
Silent Vamp
Pussy Galore
Thursday Next

The Rules of the Game (1939)-Nominated by Gatsby

The Magnificent Ambersons (1942)-Nominated by SeanC

Part of my quest to get all MoFos to watch this film. I loved it, it became an instant favorite. This will give me a chance to see how some of you feel about it and also to get back to it sooner rather than later.

Brief Encounter (Lean, 1945)- Nominated by ThursdayNext

I have chosen this to nominate because I think the number of British films a lot of participating mofos have seen is fairly low. If you watch this, you can tick one more of your bfi list! Based on a play by Noel Coward called Still Life, Brief Encounter is a classic story of an unconsummated love affair, all repressed emotion and conflict between duty and desire. Beautifully filmed in black and white by David Lean (best known for Lawrence of Arabia) and with a very memorable score (Rachmaninoff's piano concerto no. 2), this is one of my all time favourite films.

Leave Her to Heaven (1945)- Nominated by Citizen Rules

I watched Leave Her To Heaven (1945) over 10 years ago and the film has stayed with me ever since. There's something ethereal about Gene Tierney in this movie. She has a haunting, other worldliness about her. Her uniqueness works well with this psychological thriller. The film looks great too with amazing cinematography and art direction, and was Academy nominated for both. Gene Tierney was nominated for Best Actress. With all the glorious Technicolor and sunny outdoor on-location scenes, this is still at heart a Film Noir.

The Best Years of Our Lives (1946)-Nominated by SilentVamp

Simply put, this is the story of 3 different men, from different backgrounds, who adjust to life back home after WWII. Out of all the movies of the 1940's (I mean, out of ALL of them), this is, for me, the absolute best there is. WIth solid stories, and superb acting, this film is one that is definitely worthy of being called a "classic". And, as a bonus, we get a little bit of Hoagy Carmichael in it, which is always good.

Death Race 2000 (Bartel, 1975)-Nominated by Jiraffe

Mikey and Nicky (1975, May)- Nominated by Cricket

If you like movies that feature great acting and dialogue, then this is the movie for you.

The Piano (Jane Campion, 1993)- Nominated by Swan

This is one of my favorite movies. I grew up with two older sisters so films revolving around female characters have always captivated me. What I especially love about this is even though it has great artistry, is amazingly well-crafted, has such good cinematography and framing and performances and you name it, it's above all that just an incredible drama with fantastic characters. The cast, featuring a young Anna Paquin, is incredible and the score is easily top five scores of all-time for me - I don't know how many times I've listened to it outside of the film. Surely too many to count on my fingers. Anyway, I hope you guys like this film.

Dead Man Walking (1995)- Nominated by PussyGalore

No Man's Land (2001)- Nominated by AlexWilder

the winner of the 2001 oscar for Best Foreign Language Film
a great anti war movie that might be the least known oscar winner in the last 15 years but also one of the best
i'm not a huge fan of "pure" war movies , but i love movies with stories that happen in a war environment , i think that this movie is sowhere in between
anyway, its a great movie with a simple yet great scenario

Adaptation (2002)- Nominated by Nope

Das Leben der Anderen (The Lives of Others) (2006)- Nominated by Neiba

The Descendants (Payne, 2011)- Nominated by Rauldc14

A movie with a little bit of everything, strengthened by 2 powerful acting performances by George Clooney and Shailene Woodley. The film is a beauty to look at and will make you laugh, cry, and appreciate your life a little more.

Beasts of the Southern Wild (2012)-Nominated by MovieMeditation

Time Lapse (2014)- Nominated by Tat

Seriously though, another rule should be that every member has to post their thoughts on every film in this thread. We keep getting people who we don't hear from, and then they pm a list. That's a bunch of crap.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Yeah I agree. I don't want anyone joining without a full intention of watching and discussing. We aren't forcing anyone to join, after all.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I don't know if I should join or not, I got b-movie and WWII HOF's as well on my plate....
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Trouble with a capital "T"
Seriously though, another rule should be that every member has to post their thoughts on every film in this thread. We keep getting people who we don't hear from, and then they pm a list. That's a bunch of crap.
Amen to that!

And I think those who can't talk about the films they watched are most likely not bothering to watch them! If you watch my film, you should be able to answer any questions I have about it to prove you did watch it.

Nobody says you have to write a formal review, just type out your thoughts when you watched a film, to prove your being honest and watching it.

Despite being busy, I may actually be joining for this one...

Of course I mean busy, as in lots of things around me but with the intention of watching and writing about every single film. Anyways, the reason I want to join is because I always struggle to find out what to watch these days. This would give me something interesting to watch and some fun at the forums!

But I gotta find a movie first...

Woody Allen is a pedophille
I'm actually not sure about joining. I have the 50's, WWII and B-Movie HoFs, as well as finishing up with the 8th. I'll wait to see how many people join this and then make my decision.

Master of My Domain
I'm in. I only have to wrap up the Euro HoF, and I'll probably be done with that before this HoF starts.

Amen to that!

And I think those who can't talk about the films they watched are most likely not bothering to watch them! If you watch my film, you should be able to answer any questions I have about it to prove you did watch it.
So, what you are saying is that you didn't watch Gunbuster? Because I don't remember you commenting on it.

Nobody says you have to write a formal review, just type out your thoughts when you watched a film, to prove your being honest and watching it.
I usually don't feel like writing because I am lazy, specially about movies I didn't care about. In the first HoF I participated I was so excited that I wrote about everything I watched and I did everything in 3 days. Although in the first HoF all the movies were classics to some degree so they were better to watch.

If what you are saying is true that most people haven't watched most movies in most HoF. I do believe that most people who didn't write anything didn't feel like writing anything, maybe because they didn't care for the movie to write about it, maybe because they felt like other people already expressed similar reactions.

Master of My Domain
I didn't feel like writing anything about Utena or Platform but I still did.
You're supposed to rave about the greatness of Platform with passion.

The thing isolated becomes incomprehensible
It's a maybe! I really really want to join! I'll see what I can do about the other HoFs till January 31st and I'll decide then!

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
I'll do this. I will get the nomination sent now.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

Sorry for my bad English :p
i really want to join this but i'm little bit busy with study and work and other BSs :/
but i think i can watch a movie or two per week , is it gonna be enough ?