One small victory over the spammers


We get a lot of spambots. Overwhelmingly they fail to post anything, which is great, but a lot of them do manage to create accounts (some of which manage to get past account activation, though many don't).

If I'm feeling sufficiently outraged (or insufficiently swamped, work-wise), I will occasionally find the company or product they're promoting and contact them directly to tell them what's being done in their name. I'm convinced in most cases they've just hired someone to do "SEO" or "internet marketing" and have no idea that these are the methods being used and/or that this why the service is so cheap.

Anyway, I've only gotten responses a handful of times over the years, but yesterday I not only got a quick response, but when I elaborated on what was happening they told me they'd paused their contract with the person in question.

Thought some of you would get a little fraction of a warm fuzzy from that.

A system of cells interlinked
I certainly did! I have gotten a bit more aggressive with my zapping of the accounts lately, as I used to wait until they posted, but it is usually fairly easy to spot a bot when it gets stuck on the user profile page or something like that. Easier to spot many of the bad user names these days, also.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Trouble with a capital "T"
I bop spambot post whenever I see them. I get satisfaction when I get the message, the post in question has been removed....I'm talking about spammers NOT MoFos.

🚀💊 Super-Duper Magic Blue Pill Extravaganza! 💊🚀

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>>Click here for the magic!<<

Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

🚀💊 Super-Duper Magic Blue Pill Extravaganza! 💊🚀

Hello, esteemed netizens of the interwebs! 🌐

Do you ever find yourself longing for the vim and vigor of your youth? Do you miss the days when you could run a marathon, wrestle a bear, and still have energy to spare? Well, do I have the solution for you!

Introducing... the SUPER-DUPER MAGIC BLUE PILL! 💊💙

This isn't just any old pill, oh no! This is a pill forged in the heart of a supernova, blessed by unicorns, and sprinkled with pixie dust! It's guaranteed to make you feel like you've just stepped out of a time machine set to your prime!

But wait, there's more! If you act now, we'll throw in a FREE invisible, weightless, completely silent jetpack! 🚀

And the best part? All this can be yours for the low, low price of... well, we haven't quite figured that out yet. But who needs details when you've got a SUPER-DUPER MAGIC BLUE PILL and an invisible jetpack, am I right?

So what are you waiting for? Click the link below to claim your new lease on life and your free jetpack!

>>Click here for the magic!<<

I was hoping to get rick-rolled for old time sake.

spam spam spam - Nothing like a bot posting ... lol ... I have a lot on my forums.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
Sometimes when I get spam, I would look at the header info to find the senders IP address and I would use that to find the senders ISP and complain to them.

You could use CAPTCHA for your sign up process.
I'm using CAPTCHA, this happens after signup.