Oscar's Best Picture 2017


Which would get your vote for Best Picture?
3 votes
1 votes
3 votes
Hacksaw Ridge
1 votes
Hell or High Water
0 votes
Hidden Figures
21 votes
La La Land
0 votes
4 votes
Manchester by the Sea
6 votes
39 votes. You may not vote on this poll

Here are the nine nominees for Best Picture at the Academy Awards.

Hacksaw Ridge
Hell or High Water
Hidden Figures
La La Land
Manchester by the Sea
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

The only one I've managed to see so far is La La Land, which I liked very much. I would be tempted to call it a lock at this point with all the hype surrounding it and only Moonlight and Manchester by the Sea has a hope of challenging it, surely.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Got more catching up to do for best picture than I expected. Four that will make my 2016 top ten are here though. Manchester, Fences, Hell Or High Water, La La Land. Good on you Academy. I have also seen Arrival.


2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I've seen 4 of the 9. I really wanted to still see Lion or Moonlight, but I don't think they are playing anywhere near here anymore.

I believe Hell or High Water is on DVD already and I think Hacksaw Ridge will be in a few weeks.

I could see Hidden Figures anyway but is it really worth it? HOLDEN?

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Of the four I've seen, I'm not sure any are Miss Vicky friendly. Perhaps Manchester, but I doubt it.

You would hate La La and Fences,

Maybe Arrival would be ok, but I doubt it.

Unfortunately, I think La La Land is gonna sweep. I just filled out the Oscar pool and most of the ones it was nominated for feel like are going to go to it, deserved or not.

I'm gonna have to disagree with you, rauldc14. I get what they were going for, but their resurgence/homage to the studio musical missed the mark and ended up being this bland regurgitation with an irritating color palette. With some of those scenes they "modernized" (i.e, the first number between Gosling & Stone in the styling of that of Fred & Ginger's from Top Hat) just felt like a copy and paste attempt into the 21st century. I will agree that it is technically sound though.

Out of the 1/2 of what I saw on that list, my vote either goes to Manchester or Hell or High Water.

One complaint I heard a lot on the internet is that many people feel La La Land was nominated simply because Hollywood loves themselves and a musical like that does just that. As I haven't seen the movie yet, can you explain if that's a fair complaint or not?

I could see Hidden Figures anyway but is it really worth it? HOLDEN?
Yup, I like it. Don't know if it is one of the very best nine films of the entire year, but it is good, well made, and worth seeing. Fascinating footnote of scientific and U.S. history.

One complaint I heard a lot on the internet is that many people feel La La Land was nominated simply because Hollywood loves themselves and a musical like that does just that. As I haven't seen the movie yet, can you explain if that's a fair complaint or not?
The complaint isn't really on the film itself from most people, I find La La Land to be great, personally. I guess you could find the argument that it's a good example of Oscar bait, but I don't see it. The complaints I think are mainly from the constant predictability of the voters; they love nostalgia pieces, and films focused on Hollywood, or any kind of production, which La La Land falls into in many ways. See The Artist, or Birdman, great films, and I would argue at least in Birdman's case was the "right" choice for best picture, but they probably both won for the wrong reasons.