The Buffy Re-Watch Club


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
The Pack: I have never looked at the director of individual episodes but this episode just felt like it was going for a really different tone than the first few. I didn't mind that, however the acting and writing was not near good enough to pull off the cool that they were attempting. Still not horrendous but I am not hooked yet either.

Angel: As you guys know I was waiting for an Angel-centric episode and for the most part it was what I had hoped for. It certainly cemented that this will be the most intriguing relationship going forward. I am really unsure how to feel about this little kid hanging in the underground. Time will tell. Once again the action is weak sauce. Sorry fans.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I really hope you start liking Buffy in the second season, Seanc because I'd really like to remain your friend. (That's a joke of course.)

I can't wait to get into the second season. I think your mind will be changed. The relationship between Buffy and Angel is one of my favorite romances of all time and I'm pretty particular about romances.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
The relationship between Buffy and Angel is one of my favorite romances of all time and I'm pretty particular about romances.
My only concern is that it becomes Bella and sparkle boy, please tell me it is nothing like that.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
Because KS makes Joan vulnerable and sweet and intelligent (if befuddled), she stays fresh and relevant.

You mean JOYCE.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
haha TUS! Busted!! Yeah, Joyce.

This is so not Bella and SparkleBoy that I had a hard time even reading Twilight. Made it about 50 pages and wanted to kick Bella in the kneecap.
Review: Cabin in the Woods 8/10

Sorry for taking so long guys i've been busy. I'll do episode 5 and 6 tonight, and 7 tomorrow.

As i've already mentioned this was my first time watching Never Kill A Boy On The First Date, and i think my thoughts on it provide an explanation to why i didn't notice i missed an episode. I liked the return to The Master storyline after the short interlude of non vampire episodes. It was a good introduction for The Annointed One who i actually think had potential as a villian, for this early in the season his introduction is surprisingly dark and full on especially since he was a kid essentialy being ripped from his mothers arms. Other than that i can't say i really enjoyed this episode. The Owen storyline wasn't for me, and the guy they got to play him was cringeworthy . One thing they did right with Owen imo, was not to follow the previous two episodes formula of new character introduced is either the villain or connected to the villain, it mixes it up and helps make the early episodes a bit less predictable. One thing i found hilarious in this episode was how much that Andrew Borba guy looked like Sean Willliam Scott when he was a vampire, i had to double check to make sure it wasn't him . Overall it wasn't a terrible episode but not that good either, regardless it was good to find an episode i hadn't seen this early.

The Pack is my second or third favourite of the first season, i think the Xander episodes are usually the best at the beginning of his series because his personality is pretty much formed while the other characters take a bit longer to develop. The bullying (if you can call it that) by the pack before they changed at the start had me in stitches, it was like something out of The Karate Kid . This episode is no doubt quite cheesy and it takes getting used to Xanders personality change, but once you do it becomes a very intriguing episode imo. The death of the Principal was quite shocking especially this early on and by the manner it happened. While he was quite amusing at times, i'm happy that they decided to drop him because i always really liked Principal Snyder's character. The best thing about this episode was probably the advancement of Willow's character, up to this point she was only really Buffy's nerdy, adorable; sidekick. In this episode they did a really good job bringing her more into the series and delving a bit further into her feelings for Xander. Also i've got to really praise the way they somehow managed to make a dogeball scene quite chilling .

I think I only played it once or twice, in primary school and, of course, as I'm in England we kicked the ball. But I loved it.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Dodgeball was my favorite gym activity. I loved walking into the gym and seeing it setup. That and the ropes.

Never played dogeball at school, but me and my friends used to play it for fun sometimes. It wasn't the same as you see here though, it was more like tig or tag with a ball.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
It's Thursday so it's on to a new episode; I Robot, You Jane. Not one of the better episodes, I'm sorry to say.

I still haven't watched Angel so I'm going to do a double bill.

It's Thursday so it's on to a new episode; I Robot, You Jane. Not one of the better episodes, I'm sorry to say.

I still haven't watched Angel so I'm going to do a double bill.
Same here. I Robot, You Jane is my least favourite from the season, so i'll do both tomorrow.

I watched The Pack a couple of days ago. I meant to write it up but forgot. Now I can't remember what I was going to say about it.

I'll have to come back to this. I do love Xander's last line of the episode though. After Giles tells him he hasn't found any mention of memory loss in his research. He says something like "Don't worry, you're secret's safe with me." To which Xander replies "Shoot me. Stuff me. Mount me."

I also love the Willow/Xander stuff in this one. When Buffy and Willow are talking about him at The Bronze, will says "He makes my head go all tingly."

Standing in the Sunlight, Laughing
I Robot, You Jane - as has been stated, pretty sub-par. The intro of Jenny Calendar is rough. The plot is a bit swiss-cheesy.

What it has going for it are three things:
1. The robot is super cool looking. Great job by the art department there!
2. For a long time, this ep seemed dated in an awkward way, but it's so far out of our current tech reality now that it feels like a time capsule. I started meeting people from The Internetz back around the time this would have aired, and people really did freak out and look askance at how "dangerous" it was.
3. Shows grownups talking about things with an undercurrent of flirtation. Yay for grownups who aren't just there to drive the main characters places!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
All caught up with I Robot, You Jane. Not as bad as I thought it would be considering your guys comments. The tech stuff was pretty bad but I like the new teacher and it gives our librarian something to do. Really like the last scene by the fountain a lot. Which probably means I am starting to get into these characters. Good news.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
I'm always one episode behind. I guess I'm not setting a very good example. I vow to watch I Robot before Monday. Plus my two favorite episodes of the season; Nightmares and Out of Sight, Out of Mind are coming up, so I want to be able to jump right in and watch them.

Angel: We get a lot of story in this one that will play a big part in both future seasons of Buffy and Angel.

It's a good episode. we get a more mature version of Buffy. It feels more dangerous and Buffy doesn't feel as invincible.

I love Darla using guns. For some reason I've always really liked the idea of an ancient breed of half demons using modern weaponry.

I also liked Buffy and Willow sitting around moping about their boys. Willow because hers is firmly planet in the friend zone and Buffy because she doesn't want to have to kill hers.

Also the Cordy/ Xander banter is starting to pick up. One if the things I missed most about the earlier seasons. Love her or hate her; Cordelia gets the best lines.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Ha! I watched the episode on time. I Robot, You Jane wasn't as bad as I remembered but I'm glad it's over with. All the next episodes are good.

Young innocent Willow makes me so nostalgic. I know that the first season has a lot of room for improvement, but for people like myself and others in this club, I think there is something special about going back and seeing them at this stage.

My first go round with Buffy I hated Jenny Calendar. I'm not sure why. Now I'm glad that she was apart of the series. If nothing else she gives Giles something to do and we get to see more of him. The older I get the more I appreciate Giles as a character.

Not much to say about the episode itself. Pretty forgettable and not well written really. Next up is The Puppet Show which I think is pretty funny and creepy.