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Camo 01-18-17 02:41 PM

Camo's Animated Show Reviews
I've noticed there's quite a few fans of The Simpsons, South Park, King of the Hill, Bob's Burgers, Looney Tunes, etc, here and i've posted a decent amount from the Hall of Fames i've started for them. Nowadays i find myself randomly putting an episode of one of those on since there's no continuity and i'm familiar with the characters so it is an easy watch. So i thought i'd compile the ones i've already posted in The Looney Tunes, Animated Short and Simpsons* Hall of Fames here and add to it whenever i watch something. I know there won't be loads of interest in this but hopefully a few of the fans will chip in.

* I went kind of crazy when The Simpsons HOF failed and deleted all of my posts, Yoda just kindly restored them all for me so thanks alot again :up:

Camo 01-18-17 02:41 PM

The Simpsons:

Cape Feare (Season 5, Episode 2)
Treehouse of Horror V (Season 6 Episode, 6)
Holidays of Future Passed (Season 23, Episode 9)
Mr Plow (Season 4, Episode 9)
The Simpsons Roasting On An Open Fire (Season 1, Episode 1)
Summer of 4Ft2 (Season 7, Episode 25

Sideshow Bob's Last Gleaming (Season 7, Episode 9)
Moe Baby Blues (Season 14, Episode 22)

Looney Tunes:

Duck Dodgers In The 24 1/2 Century
Rabbit Seasoning
Drip Along Daffy
The Scarlett Pumpernickel
Duck Amuck
Baseball Bugs
Long Haired Hare
One Froggy Evening
Operation: Rabbit
Rabbit of Seville
Pappy's Puppy
The Great Piggy Bank Robbery
Transylvania 6-5000
Captain Hareblower
A Tale of Two Kitties
Ballot Box Bunny
Hair-Raising Hare
Big House Bunny


Der Fuerehr's Face
Donald's Golf Game

King of the Hill:

A Beer Can Named Desire


The Cat Concerto
King-Size Canary
Little Rural Riding Hood


The Cobweb Hotel

Citizen Rules 01-18-17 02:45 PM

Re: Camo's Animated Show Reviews
The Simpsons, South Park, King of the might be surprised but I loved all of the shows. I use to watch Futurama too. I haven't seen any of them in years as I don't have TV service. But one of these days I will check them out on DVD.

Camo 01-18-17 02:46 PM

The Simpsons Season 5, Episode 2
Cape Feare

As i said earlier while i think Cape Feare is great i don't love it as much as everyone else. As a kid it was probably a top five episode but over time and multiple watches the jokes don't work for me as well and in some cases they don't work at all anymore. There isn't much else to this episode other than humour which isn't a bad thing but if you don't find it completely hilarious then it won't be a favourite. Saying that i still do love this episode and always have a good time watching it. When i was saying there isn't much more to this episode i was mostly talking about emotion or great satire, one extra thing it does have is great music, possibly the best in the show.

Now onto those jokes. Always loved the General Krull joke, it is just so absurd that a dictator would take the time to finish off a little girls letter to her penpal and whoever did the line reading (think it was maybe Hank as it sounds a bit like Moe) did a great job. Homer mistaking the letter as adressed to him is great, i love the idea that when he realizes it is for his ten year old kid it is fine, and the deliery is excellent he sounds all "oh how silly am i, here son take your death threat".Love Grampa randomly being there to deliver his Matlock joke, "it was probably the evil Gavin McLeod or Georrge Coover Lyndsay", one thing i've always found incredibly weird about that scene is how Grampa's face doesn't change at all even when he says "that's good eating" in a more excited happy tone; that always weirded me out even as a kid. Jesus, i haven't watched it in a while and i forgot about that radio joke ; love the song choice and the idea that a radio would just allow a death threat over the air and that the guy would read it so matter of factily. Two of the people going to kill Bart fakeouts work for me, Ned's one because he just sounds so friendly even when he says something like schools should force you to say prayers, and Mrs Krabappel's just cause i love the idea of 10 year olds putting on a school play of a horrific murder and Martins delivery of his line. I miss those Moe is a despicable scumbag jokes like the panda one here and the whale one in Springfield Files, now he is just a suicidal, unlucky, downer.

Kelsey Grammar runs Phil Hartman and Al Brooks close for me as the best recurring Simpsons Guest Star. Cape Feare is actually my second favourite Bob episode after Sideshow Bob Roberts but i have to say this is his best performance, such a greet voice. The parole hearing isn't a great scene for me, the only joke that works is Die Bart Die, just because i love the idea that he explained away a tattoo because it said the bart the and not die bart did. I mean ok that's certainly better but why do you have a 10 year old boys name tattoo'd on you? Not to mention all the problems you've had with him haha. The thing is there's a joke i really hate here, and always have: the "Noone German could be evil" one. I can't believe it is such a quoted joke as if it is a classic, it is really bad and stupid to be honest. Stupid jokes can be great but this is also really convienent and dumb in more than one way. Firstly, you have to accept that someone; someone on a parole board no less, can be completely unaware of something that most 8 year olds in the world know of the nazi's and that she'd have an absurd idea that a certain country can't produce bad people. I know i'm overreacting and overanalyzing it, if it was a throwaway joke that everybody has forgotten then i'd be fine but it seems to be well regarded and remembered. The best thing about the Bob being obnoxious at the cinema joke is the idea that none of them would notice someone with Bob's hair sitting a seat in front of him until he turned around haha. I know it is really weird, but that change from Bob's serious manly workout to him enthusiastically going along with the women's aerobics video used to be my favourite joke in this episode. My favourite(s) now are probably Homer's "BART DO YOU WANT A BROWNIE BEFORE YOU GO TO BED? and BART DO YOU WANT TO SEE MY NEW CHAINSAW AND HOCKEY MASK? :laugh:. Jesus, as i said some of these jokes don't work for me as much anymore but that one will never get old.

One of my main problems i have with the jokes are the ones that go on really long. I was reading somewhere that before The Simpsons these jokes hadn't really been seen, the ones that start off funny then become unfunny then become funny again because it just keeps going. Well i'm sure that they were innovative at the time but now they are just annoying, and i feel they get less funny everytime you see them; with the famous example being the Bob and the rakes jokes. One more gag i don't really like anymore is the last Grampa and Jasper one, it doesn't bother me like it does some others that it is absurd; i just don't find it particularly funny anymore.

Anyway without going into every last single line i'll say that i do still love this and always get enjoyment out of it, just not as much as i used to. Don't worry though JJ, it is a beloved episode wouldn't be surprised if i was the only one to be negative and i was still largely positive.

Camo 01-18-17 02:48 PM

Originally Posted by Citizen Rules (Post 1629481)
The Simpsons, South Park, King of the might be surprised but I loved all of the shows. I use to watch Futurama too. I haven't seen any of them in years as I don't have TV service. But one of these days I will check them out on DVD.
I've talked to you about The Simpsons and South Park before i'm sure, don't know about King of the Hill though. Hope you enjoy the thread then :)

Camo 01-18-17 02:54 PM

The Simpsons Season 6, Episode, 6
Treehouse of Horror V

Always loved the Treehouse of Horror episodes. Such a good idea. I remember before i had The Simpsons dvd's as a kid a friend of mine who would never loan anybody anything had a Treehouse of Horror video compilation that i wanted so bad. Treehouse of Horror IV is my personal favourite but i know i'm in the minority there and V would be my second favourite. Will do this in segments. Good intro. Loved Marge's little warnings in the early ones, and i love how Homer becomes distracted and fascinated by the fact that he can see his voice. Great stuff.

The Shinning:

Although not my favourite this episode, The Shinning is one of the very best segments IMO.In the favourite simpsons episodes thread i ranked this as the fifth best segment. I would have to rewatch all the first 9 THOH's to stick by that, needless to say anyway i love it. Such a fantastic parody and full of classic jokes. This was when the THOH's actually parodied horror films/episodes rather than stuff like Harry Potter and Peanuts, i mean wtf? The everybody is tired and angry that we've went back so many times so we aren't going back for Grampa joke is brilliant. neglect of Grampa. They casted the characters and set up the story well. The only thing i'd say holds it slightly back from the top four for me is that i don't think it starts getting really good until Homer starts going mad. Then we have all the classic jokes from the segment. Think my favourite is not any of the variations of "here's johnny" but rather Grampa's "Hi David i'm Grampa" haha. That line never fails to crack me up. A close second and IMO an under mentioned joke is: Marge: Hello police this is Marge Simpson. My husband is on a murderous rampage, over. Wiggum: Oh, thank god that's over i was scared there for a second. Another great thing is the faces Homer makes when he scares himself and falls down the stairs, i imagine the animators had fun with that. Actually his faces throughout are amazing.

The best of the episode in my opinion and either my second or third favourite. The only one i prefer is The Devil and Homer Simpson from Treehouse of Horror 4 and i like Nightmare on Evergreen Terrace from 6 about the same. It is weird that i love this so much because it is basically just eight minutes or whatever of Homer going nuts and running about screaming, it is so funny though and i lovve all of the different locations, the time travel sequences, peabody and sherman, etc. Homer getting his hand stuck in the toaster twice right after he said that he thinks he is lucky is so stupid but just so damn brilliant at the same time haha, great way to kick off the segment. A great joke that pops up in The Simpsons often is a character usually Homer having a weird specific and convenient experience in their past that fits this situation perfectly. I think my favourite in the whole show may be the one here; Grampa's advice on Homer's wedding day. It is us so great and believable that he'd give Homer that advice rather than something about family or whatever that any normal person would. The ever changing world is great, i love them all, especially the Flanders is the master of the world one. "The hell are you smiling at?" The raining donuts gag is great too, love how that is Homer's absolute dream reality yet he misses out on it by a split second. Also his overreaction to there being no donuts, which is clearly his strongest reaction in the whole episode even though he was chased by a t-rex, was confronted by giant versions of his kids, etc. Anyway, yeah amazing segment.

Personally i've always felt this segment drags the episode down a bit. Not that it isn't fantastic in its own right i've just always thought it was considerably weaker than the other two. Because of this for me the episode feels a bit more uneven than Treehouse of Horror 4, again though i know i'm in the minority here. Think it may partially be because it follows these two big loud, highly creative segments. Another thing is this may be the single darkest segment in the whole show, i remember as a kid the adults wanting to eat the kids made me uncomfortable, think it was how straight it is played. Those feelings may have carried over to me as an adult affecting my enjoyment a bit. Mostly though i just don't think it is as funny as the other two. My favourite joke of the segment is Marge's i can't fight all your battles for you one. I mean yeah Marge that is probably a good lesson to teach your kids but i'm not sure this was the rght moment to decide to do so :laugh:. Not sure if it even counts as part of this segment or just the episode's ending but i've always found the inside out bit weird and unfunny, also thought it was pretty disgusting as a kid.

Great episode.

Camo 01-18-17 03:03 PM

The Simpsons Season 23, Episode 9
Holidays of Future Passed

Wanted to get this out of the way because i knew i wouldn't have much to say about it anyway. This was the second time i watched it. I'm sorry Tugg but i don't like it, it just makes me depressed for the state of the show that this is considered the best episode in the last ten years by some. To be fair i seriously don't agree with that anyway, i think there's been at least 30 better ones in the last decade and i actually think the best episode i've seen from the HD era is The Book Job from the same season.

One thing constantly praised about this episode is emotion, i couldn't agree less though.Think the show has been so dire emotionally for so long that it seems amazing when they produce a slightly touching moment. Well that's my take on it anyway. I mean what is supposed to be so touching about this? Is it Lisa's recocilliation with her daughter? A half assed conflict starring someone who literally has no character, they didn't even try to develop her at all. Why should i care about their relationship when they couldn't even make that effort? Not convinced Lisa and Barts moment was anything special either, but it was at least better executed than that.

Anyway, don't want to continue being negative so a few things i did like. I really, really like Bart's situation and characterization here. Not that i like seeing him like that, i mean that it is very believable. It's what i imagine Homer's life would be like if he never found or ended up with Marge. As i said i didn't find it very funny. I did laugh or at least smile at a few things Homer and Grandpa said though. Homer's relationship with his grandsons is very sweet, glad that they made him a loving and interested grandfather. And i really love the picture montage thing at the start, very well done the best thing in the episode IMO.

So yeah, again sorry Tugg but i'm not a fan of this episode. Still i'm looking forward to your thoughts on it. Also i somehow managed to accidentally post this on The Sopranos thread at first :laugh:

Camo 01-18-17 03:08 PM

The Simpsons Season 4, Episode 9
Mr Plow

Believe it or not i actually despised this episode as a kid. I mean other than the clips shows this was the only episode i truly disliked and would skip. It was mostly the way Barney acted, weird because he isn't actually that bad and others act much worse in the first eight seasons, don't know though this just got right under my skin. While i still don't think it is one of the best of the whole show i do love it now, and would have it top ten of its season, season 4 is easily my favourite so that is high praise from me.

I think they did a really good job with the story in this episode. It is fairly simple but still manages to be engaging. I do still get annoyed at Barney this episode. I know it was Homer who encouraged him to get out there and do something but it still annoys me that he picked plowing. Obviously it doesn't genuinely annoy me now i'm older but i still think the plot and characterizations are done that well that i still care. Homer was feeling really proud of himself, and his best friend outright stealing his idea is a bit of a bitchslap. If Barney wasn't a d*ck though i don't think i would've ever of had a problem. I know it is a joke but as a kid him shooting Homers tires and driving off laughing angered me so much haha. I mean Homer isn't really a d*ck at first at all, Barney just straight up tries to destroy Homer, even while sitting next to him at Moes. What Homer eventually does wasn't great either obviously.

Man, that Homer crashes his car into his other car joke is great, the only person that could ever happen to is Homer. I mean it's not just what happened but he had to turn to hit it so he must've thought he was turning down a different street and of all places to make this mistake it happens at his house obviously :laugh: Homer's brain is one of my favourite characters haha. Adam West's cameo here is excellent, it of course predates his Family Guy character but it is pretty similar, really weird. Love how the camera spins and how he trails off to talk to himself. Homer and the kids horrified look is the best. Homers advert is so terrible that it is great, i'd probably hire him haha. Bart questioning him is the best, love that was all that they could afford so they couldn't edit out what he said.Anyway not to go through every last joke. I think it is a funny episode but not one of the most in the show, coupled with a pretty strong story it ends up a great episode though.

Camo 01-18-17 03:14 PM

The Simpsons Season 1, Episode 1
The Simpsons Roasting On An Open Fire

This is a solid start to the show. Not a favourite of mine but it is one of the better episodes of the first season for me. It is a bit different from the later episodes, the main criticism of the first season is the many out of character moments. Doesn't bother me that much personally because the show was just finding its feet. Don't think this episode suffers too much from that anyway, the only real difference is that Homer will become a lot more stupid as the show goes on. At this point he is still a bit slow but he isn't completely absentminded. I like the idea of introducing Santa's Little Helper it makes it an interesting and memorable start. It is also pretty sweet, that Homer sees it as a sign and in the end it does make everyone's christmas even though the plan to get the money back failed. Another one that i think could have worked is Homer's Oddysey since it shows us how Homer got his job as safety inspector. The first episode made for the show was Some Enchanted Evening which ended up the finale, don't think that would have worked as well.

One thing i do agree with the season one critics on is the general lack of humour compared to what comes later. This is not neccessarily a bad thing because it was clearly intentional. The show mixed drama in with comedy a lot more evenly during this season, the same carried into the second season which i personally think captured a better blend of the two before the show did silly episode more often from the third on. My absolute favourite part of the episode is Lisa's speech about her aunt speaking badly about her dad. I love how she comes up with such a thoughtful comment and Patty responds with a condescending "yeah, watch your cartoons" because she doesn't have an answer haha. A few other really great moments are what Lisa does in the talent show thing at the start as well as Homer's "he's not that bad Flanders" during that scene haha.

So yeah very good start to the show but not a personal favourite. Still i'm really glad a first season episode was nominated, feel there had to be as it feels so different from the rest.

Camo 01-18-17 03:24 PM

The Simpsons Season 7, Episode 25
Summer of 4FT2

One of my favourite and IMO one of the absolute best episodes of The Simpsons. There's three things that the show at its best was incredible at, humour, emotion and satire. While not heavy on satire i think this episode did such a stellar job with the other two that i personally consider it along with Bart Sells His Soul the best episode of the show. Neither are my favourite i just think those are the closest any episodes came to perfect personally.

I just love the story in this episode. I think Lisa's situation is something a lot of people can emphasize with here. Lisa is an incredibly intelligent young girl who is highly dedicated to her school work and just generally making the best of herself. Highly admirable from an adult perspective but this doesn't make her the most popular with her schoolmates. This will more than likely help lead to a great and productive life for Lisa when she grows up, she is mature enough to realize this but it doesn't make her loneliness any easier to take. Every time when she opens her yearbook to see that noone has signed it my heart breaks a little for her. So i love the idea of her deciding to reinvent herself for just this one summer, just this one short period of her childhood where she is cool and popular. The message that you need to reinvent yourself to be accepted would be a bad one but this isn't what this is, she only really initially changes superficial things to get other kids attention and in the end it does end up more of a be yourself message. As the kids initial disappointment was because she felt she had to do this and in the end they make it clear that she is a great person as she is. I also like how this ties in with Marge's advice when it was first brought up. Bart is really mean in this episode and for incredibly petty reasons. It is something that was needed though, it gave us a villain and it is totally believable that Bart wouldn't be happy with what was going on. Bart is usually the cool, popular one and i can easily understand him acting nasty when things change. His redemption in the end with giving the kids the yearbook to sign is one of the many beautiful Bart and Lisa moments, possibly my favourite relationship in the show.

Some of my very favourite episodes aren't the funniest, mostly because i feel that even great jokes sometimes aren't as funny after the 50th time you've heard them but great emotion, satire, etc, always sticks. This episode doesn't have that problem, it is pretty hilarious. Mostly coming from Homer. Actually another thing i love so much about this episode is that Homer is off having a great time himself and at no time does he become involved with the main plot. A subplot done well in my opinion. The most well known and iconic joke from this is obviously Homer's fireworks one. Great joke. Love that Homer is trying to discreetly buy fireworks, so genuis that he is he buys all the other unsavoury items the store sells. There's also Marge's follow up joke when she is unpacking everything "oh, i don't know what you've got planned for tonight Homer but count me out :laugh:. Shoutout to Milhouse's "up yours Krabappel", at the start as well that never fails to make me laugh. I know it is really mean but one of my favourite running jokes on the show is Homer's hate of Milhouse and some of the best come from this episode. It even has a great Homer and Flander moment, Homer somehow managing to be annoyed at Ned for offering him his beach house free of charge and Ned resorting to doing chores for Homer so he'll go haha. One other joke that i always laugh hard at and don't even know why really is when Lisa walks towards the kid and an eagle or whatever it is flys by making her retreat. It is just so random but well executed :laugh:

Anyway yeah perfect episode in my opinion.

Camo 01-18-17 03:25 PM

Re: Camo's Animated Show Reviews
Well that's all of my Simpsons ones. I still have about 25 Looney Tunes and other classic cartoons ones i want to post here haha. I'll do that later then just use this whenever i've watched an episode of an animated show and want to post about it.

Gideon58 01-18-17 03:56 PM

Not much of a Simpsons fan, but am looking forward to the rest of this thread.

Camo 01-18-17 04:04 PM

Do you like Looney Tunes, Tom & Jerry or Disney (Their Short Cartoons), Gideon? Those are the only ones i have to post until i review something new right now.

BTW, i know my opinions on these aren't that interesting but if anyone say JJ with King of the Hill or something since he knows that show alot more than me wanted to suggest an episode for me to do i'd be willing to. As i said i've found myself watching these alot even in the background when i've got free time and am feeling lazy so when i find the time to do one it would be great to see what the suggestor (new word coined by me) thought of it after my post.

tatmmw2 01-18-17 04:28 PM

Originally Posted by Camo (Post 1629488)
The Simpsons Season 23, Episode 9
Holidays of Future Passed

I really like the idea od the thread still I can't watch an episode and write a review about it, I'm not that into reviews, darn it, I didn't even finish the reviews from the Animated HOF!!

Still I saw this one a few days ago, I wanted to rewatch it, I love future versions of the main characters of a show. The thing I didn't understand about it was when Lisa ask why does her daughter behaves like her brother and then something about not using Milhouse DNI?! what the..?

The other one you review was quite funny too! The part of Homer DO YOU UNDERSTAND? and he says YES and the machine explodes :laugh: And that treehouse is the one I think I nominate on the Simpsons HOF (or it was someone else, the point is I remember it! Because I remember wanting to watch The Shining because of that ep)

One of the most clever/hilarious "jokes" (I'm not sure what they are) for me is:

Camo 01-18-17 04:45 PM

The thing I didn't understand about it was when Lisa ask why does her daughter behaves like her brother and then something about not using Milhouse DNI?! what the..?
I haven't seen it since i wrote that months ago and that was only my second time since i'm not a fan of it so sorry i can't help you here. What do you mean by "DN"?

The part of Homer DO YOU UNDERSTAND? and he says YES and the machine explodes
tat, you are blowing my mind here! Are you positive that isn't in a different episode "The Springfield Files" (which is one of my favourites), you honestly have me second guessing myself? I don't want to just go and check because it will be amazing if i've been attributing that joke to The Springfield Files for years when it was actually in Cape Feare. There's a similar joke in Cape Feare where the FBI guys have to get Homer used to his new name Homer Thompson but he just doesn't understand and they go through multiple different ways of attempting to get him to understand. In my mind the joke you mentioned is in the part in The Springfield Files where Mulder and Scully get Homer to do various tests like run on the treadmill and i thought that, if not then you've blown my mind mate i'm too scared to check.

That video you posted is from the Season 9 episode Realty Bites. Love Lionel Hutz that's his last appearance before Phil Hartmans death :(

Miss Vicky 01-18-17 05:09 PM

Re: Camo's Animated Show Reviews
This is not the review thread I wanted. :mad:

Also, how the hell do you have more to say about a single episode of a tv series than I ever seem to about an entire movie? (not a criticism of your reviews, more so of mine.)

Camo 01-18-17 06:50 PM

Originally Posted by Miss Vicky (Post 1629529)
This is not the review thread I wanted. :mad:

Also, how the hell do you have more to say about a single episode of a tv series than I ever seem to about an entire movie? (not a criticism of your reviews, more so of mine.)
Rate The Last Movie 4 Lyfe :coleman:

Did you read any of them? If not then some of them won't be that interesting unless you've watched the episode recently or you know it well; those are reposts from a (failed) hall of fame that i started so i wanted to tell each member what i thought of their noms in detail; just like i do in the other hall of fames, i know my reviews aren't very good but i like members to know exactly what i think of them especially the members that take the time to watch and post about my noms which turned out to be none of the members in that hall of fame :rotfl:

mark f 01-18-17 07:35 PM

Once we joined that HoF, my daughter asked me why we weren't watching more "The Simpsons" episodes and writing about some of them or at least rating them, I showed her all your in-depth reviews and asked "What's the point?" :) At least we watched and rated a few at the time. Sorry.

Camo 01-18-17 07:53 PM

Originally Posted by mark f (Post 1629599)
Once we joined that HoF, my daughter asked me why we weren't watching more "The Simpsons" episodes and writing about some of them or at least rating them, I showed her all your in-depth reviews and asked "What's the point?" :) At least we watched and rated a few at the time. Sorry.
Mine were "in-depth" to you? Seriously? That means so much, thanks :)!

I was so happy that i got you and Sarah to join that one but it definitely wasn't your or anyone elses fault, there was just too many members and only a few were actually regulars and/or Simpsons fans. I know if i tried to push it i'd have been able to get CiCi, Swan, JJ, Sean, Gatsby, Sarah and You to post more but none of you were feeling it or you would've done so yourselves and attempting to force participation would've just resulted in a "review dump" as i labelled the 11th Hall of Fame i hosted too at one point :laugh:.

I know you are a big Simpsons fan so i hope you continue to check this thread out, Mark. I'm not too kind to recent episodes but i also wouldn't want to post about those episodes because i don't watch them; the Holidays of Future Passed, one was a nomination in that thread. So hope to see your comments from time to time, what do you think of the six i've already posted about?

Miss Vicky 01-18-17 07:58 PM

Originally Posted by Camo (Post 1629576)
Rate The Last Movie 4 Lyfe :coleman:

Did you read any of them?
No. :laugh:

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