I Know Where I'm Going! 10/13/22
by mark f
I especially love the B&W photography, the castle with rhe curse in it, the falconer, the strangely-placed telephone, the C idh for a diamond wedding anniversary with all the singing and dancing, the three pipers, the Corryvreckan whirlpool, and how romantic the whole thing is. ...
Some Like It Hot 8/06/22
by mark f
If Billy Wilder were making movies today, he would tackle more topical subjects, but he was always attracted to sardonic satires, romantic comedies and frenetic farces. ...
Bringing Up Baby 7/29/22
by mark f
Susan is taking care of her brother's pet leopard Baby, and when David visits her home, Baby escapes and the family dog becomes interested in David's bone and proceeds to take and bury it somewhere. ...
Mulholland Drive 1/26/22
by mark f
If not, why isn't someone's interpretation of a film as "idiotic nonsense" make as much sense as the interpretation of it as "poetic beauty"? ...
The Dark Knight 1/20/22
by mark f
Many of the characters in the film are duplicitous, but the Joker seems to stay true to his beliefs. ...
Ratatouille 1/13/22
by mark f
Basically, I think the film's message is along the lines that you may find your better half (Remy is obviously Linguini's better half) in the strangest places. ...
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford 12/30/21
by mark f
As far as the actors and characters go, I'd say that over the course of three viewings, I've warmed to Affleck's performance, but his character still comes across as an underdeveloped cipher who I know little more about at the end of the film than I do when he first opened his mouth. ...
Cyrano de Bergerac 8/02/21
by mark f
First off, even if the film fibs in its depiction of the way the gigantic candelabras are all lit by hand and then pulled up by rope to light the theatre (and I don't know if it does), that's the way I would want to see the scene staged. ...
Platoon 3/21/21
by mark f
Platoon perhaps uses Barber's "Adaggio For Strings" as evocatively as any film has, and here's the roll call for the cast ("Sound off if you've got a pair"): Keith David, Johnny Depp, Forrest Whitaker, John C. ...